Turf Grass Power Point Rubric
Topic – 5 pts
/Title Page – 5 pts
/Location – 5pts
Topic Matches one of the questions suggested – 5 pts. / Presentation includes a title page with the question to be answered and the name, grade and date of the presentation author. 5 pts / A specific location is stated including city, state, and region of the country. An explanation of the climate and atmosphere are included. 5 pts.Topic closely resembles one of the questions, but does not match – 3 pts. / Presentation includes a title page with one or more of the above objects missing. 1-4 pts / The specific location is stated, but some regional or climatic characteristics are missing. – 3-4 pts.
Topic is dissimilar to any of the questions suggested, or not topic is covered at all. – 0 pts. / Presentation does not include a title page. 0 pts / A general location is given, but few or no characteristics for the area or given. – 0 – 2 pts.
Original Characteristics – 5 pts
/Soil Characteristics – 5 pts
/Seeds to plant – 5 pts
The characteristics of the lawn or land are specific using descriptive words that give a visual picture of what the existing lawn or area is like. Pictures are used to enhance the visual. This will also include the amount of land space. 5 pts / The characteristics of the soil are specific. The author uses most of the soil test results discussed earlier in the semester. These characteristics give a good representation of what the land will be able to support. The soil capabilities will also be in line with what is done with the land. 5 pts / Seed types are included. This should include the amount of seed required, brands, prices, and planting methods. 5 pts.Some characteristics are given, but the visual picture is unclear. Descriptive words are not used. No pictures are used. 3-4 pts. / Some soil characteristics are given, but some of the test results are not present or do not tie in with the rest of the presentation or what is accomplished with the land. 3-4 pts. / Seed types are given but 1 or more of the above requirements are missing. 3-4 pts
Few or no original characteristics are given. The reader cannot visualize the land. 0-2 pts / Few or no soil characteristics are given. 0-2 pts / Little or no seed information is given in the presentation. 0-2 pts.
Ground Preparation – 5 pts
/Maintenance – 5 pts.
/Fertilizer – 5 pts
Complete list of preparations that need to be done to the soil or existing turf before any improvements can be made. 5 pts / Complete list of maintenance requirements that need to be done after planting for the upcoming years. This should include annual tasks and tasks that need to be done less often. 5 pts / Complete list of fertilizer applications that need to be done before and/or after planting and for the upcoming years. This should include annual fertilizers and those that need to be done more or less often. 5 ptsSome obvious and some less than obvious preparations are missing from the presentation. 3-4 pts / Some obvious and some less than obvious maintenance requirements are missing from the presentation. 3-4 pts / Some obvious and some less than obvious fertilizer applications are missing from the presentation. Missing parts might include future applications. 3-4 pts
A number of obvious preparations are missing. 0-2 pts. / A number of obvious maintenance requirements are missing. 0-2 pts. / A number of obvious fertilizer applications are missing. 0-2 pts.
/ Conclusion – 5 pts.Complete list of possible irrigation methods or systems that need to be done or installed before or after planting and for the upcoming years. This should include the prices for installation, water usage, amount of water needed, etc. 5 pts / Conclusion includes a complete wrap-up of the entire presentation. All points are covered. 5 pts.
Some obvious and some less than obvious irrigation methods, systems, or prices are missing from the presentation. 3-4 pts / Conclusion is incomplete or does not tie in all the aspects of the presentation. 2-4 pts
A number of obvious irrigation methods are missing. 0-2 pts. / No conclusion is present or conclusion does not include much information from the presentation.
Pwr. Pt. Design – 7 pts
/ Bibliography – 10 pts. /Length – 3 pts
Design is pleasing using slide and bullet transitions and appropriate backgrounds. Presentation is professional in appearance. 7 pts / Presentation includes a bibliography in APA format that includes all the websites and other publications that were used. 7-10 pts. / Presentation includes at least 10 slides with appropriate amount of material on each slide. – 3 ptsPresentation is profession and uses slide and/or bullet transitions, but does not have an appropriate background. Presentation could be missing any one of these elements. – 4-5 pts / Presentation includes a bibliography, but it is not in the proper format. 5-7 pts. / Presentation includes less than 10 slides but more than 5 and/or some of the slides are 3 or fewer bullets long. – 2 pts.
Presentation does not have the appropriate spacing, or transitions and does not have a background. 0-3 pts. / Presentation does not include a bibliography or the page is not set up properly at all. 0-4 pts. / Presentation is less than 5 slides and/or each of the slides has less than 3 bullets. – 0 – 1 pt.
Total Points ______