Press Release

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For immediate release January 31st 2012


Dignity Action Day February 1st 2012

Dignity Action Day gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to upholding people's rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people receiving care. Dignity Action Day aims to ensure people are treated as individuals, are given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily lives it is not just for the day, but for the days, weeks and months to come. Dignity Action Day is not about raising money but about raising the awareness of the needs of vulnerable people in hospitals, care homes and in the community. There are countless ways to make a difference to someone whether it’s an individual helping a neighbour with shopping or a large group organising a big event in a hospital

Dignity Ambassador to the CouncilDame Joan Bakewell said ‘Dignity Action Day is the climax of our Dignity campaign; this is vital to making sure Dignity is at the heart of everything we do. Celebrate with us by spreading the word to those around you and to those who care so that together we can really make a difference where it matters most’

Jan Burns Chairman of the Council said ‘Dignity is everyone's business, whatever you do, wherever you do it - do it with dignity. The Council's vision is 'Dignity in the heart, mind and actions, so don't just feel you have to do something about dignity do it’

Jill Fraser Dignity Champion and member of the Council said ‘it’s about taking the time to listen, taking the time to talk, taking the time to understand someone else’s situation and to apply that simple principle: how would you feel if you were in their shoes.’

The National Dignity Council, through its Dignity in Care campaign, has recruited over 35,000 Dignity Champions across the country whose mission is to improve the way services are organised and delivered. We urge the media to report the countless examples of how their brilliant initiatives are transforming the care of the most vulnerable people in the community, so that others can learn from them.

Amanda Waring Dignity Champion and member of the Council said ‘Now is the time for restoring, maintaining and inspiring dignity in word and deed to allow our humanity to be re-inspired. "

Take action now. Please sign up to our campaign now by visiting


Notes to editors - For further information please contact:

Jan Burns - Independent Chair of The National Dignity Council -07800807151
Jill Fraser - Spokesperson and member of The National Dignity Council Tel 01789 488018
Amanda Waring - Spokesperson and member of The National Dignity Council
Tel 07970027744 or 01798865949

What is a Dignity Champion?

A Dignity Champion is someone who believes passionately that being treated with dignity is a basic human right, not an optional extra. They believe that all care must be compassionate, person centred, as well as efficient, and are willing to do something to achieve this.

About The National Dignity Council

The National Dignity Council was formerly known as The Dignity Partnership Board. It currently meets every two months to shape and influence the work of the Dignity in Care Network and to campaign and support Dignity Champions. The Council is made up of an enthusiastic group of representatives from various bodies including Health and Social Care organisations.

The Dignity in Care website is hosted and maintained by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)