Did you know that the average child forgets so much over the summer that it can take up to 6 weeks of review in the Fall to catch up?

Work on skills with your child over the summer, to help them avoid that loss of knowledge using the attached activity calendar.

Have fun together as you help prepare them to return to school. :)

Please read with your child daily.

LOS ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY is offering Paws to Read- a Summer Reading Club - June 9 to August 2 for students Ages 0 to 11. Go to your nearest library to sign up for the Summer Reading club and get your game board and free lanyard. The local library is a great resource for FREE, fun, family activities, and most libraries offer extra programming during the summer months!

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL / Print the letters in your child's name. Ask him or her to name three words that begin with each letter of the name.
Days until school: 74 / Go outside with a bucket of water and a paint brush to "paint" your name, and to draw shapes and letters on the sidewalk with the water.
Days until school: 73
7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
Have a pretend phone conversation with your child, asking what your child did yesterday, is doing today, and wants to do tomorrow.
Days until school: 72 / Plan a "TV Blackout" night. Instead of watching TV, read aloud, play games, or play outside with your child.
Days until school: 71 / Help your child make a picture for someone special, showing what your child likes about this person.
Days until school: 70 / Play music and dance with your child. Let your child use pots, pans, and spoons to create music.
Days until school: 69 / Cut a magazine picture into several pieces. Put the puzzle back together again.
Days until school: 68 / Sing a simple song with your child. Count the words that rhyme. Make up a new song of your own using words that rhyme.
Days until school: 67 / Go for a reading picnic under the stars. Take a flashlight, a snack, and a few favorite books to read outside.
Days until school: 66
14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Do something special for someone else you love today.
Days until school: 65 / Take a "counting" walk. Pick something to count (cars, signs, flowers, birds, bikes) and keep track of the number seen.
Days until school: 64 / Play "Hide and Seek" with your child. Hide an object and give your child three easy-to-follow clues to find it.
Days until school: 63 / Let your child help with a household chore today, setting the table, emptying the trash, or putting away the toys.
Days until school: 62 / Read a book with your child. Have him/her draw a picture about something that happened in the story
Days until school: 61 / Say the alphabet together. See if your child can you name the letters in your name.
Days until school: 60 / Go somewhere you can play in the water today...a pool, a lake/river or in a sprinkler.
Days until school: 59
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
Play the game “I Spy” with shapes. (i.e. “I spy something round with numbers on it”)
Days until school: 58 / Practice your address and telephone number with your child.
Days until school: 57 / Put your hand above, behind, and under a chair. Say each word as you do it.
Days until school: 56 / What shape is your paper? Your table? An egg? The sun? Find 10 other objects and name their shapes.
Days until school: 55 / Have your child help
make dinner today.
Days until school: 54 / Have your child look in a mirror and name the features on his or her face. Ask your child what each part does.
Days until school: 53 / Do as many hops as you can on each foot.
Days until school: 52
28 / 29 / 30 /
Write or copy your first and last name.
Days until school: 51 / Count your steps as you walk from your bedroom to the kitchen.
Days until school: 50 / Take your child outside with a bucket of water and a paint brush to paint words on the sidewalk with water.
Days until school: 49
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Practice writing your numbers from 0 to 100 correctly. Erase and fix any numbers you wrote backwards.
Days until school: 48 / Draw a flag with your child. Attach a stick to one end, turn on some music, and let your child march while carrying the flag.
Days until school: 47 / Name two things smaller than you. Name two things bigger than you.
Days until school: 46 / Go for a walk with a grown up. Discuss what you saw, heard, smelled and felt.
Days until school: 45
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
Pick up a handful of coins, buttons or toothpicks. Try counting them one at a time.
Days until school: 44 / What numbers do you call in an emergency? Discuss what would be considered an emergency and what would not.
Days until school: 43 / Practice throwing or catching a ball with someone.
Days until school: 42 / Draw a picture using a circle, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, and a diamond..
Days until school: 41 / Using an old magazine or newspaper, circle all the Aa’s found in a section.
Days until school: 40 / If you want someone to do a favor for you, how do you ask? What do you say when someone helps you?
Days until school: 39 / Read a book with someone. Can you find the front of the book and the back of the book? Point to where the story begins.
Days until school: 38
12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Find something in your house the shape of a circle, triangle, square, diamond, rectangle and oval.
Days until school: 37 / Be a helper around the house today. Can you help pick up toys? Make your bed? Do some work outside?
Days until school: 36 / Practice using scissors correctly as you cut out different pictures from a magazine. Make a collage with the pictures.
Days until school: 35 / Tell your first name and last name. Copy the first names of everyone in your family.
Days until school: 34 / Name all the people that you live with. How many are there?
Days until school: 33 / Practice counting out loud. Can you count to at least 100? Try counting as high as you can.
Days until school: 32 / Draw and color a picture of your family. Use more than one color. Try your best to stay in the lines.
Days until school: 31
19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
What color clothing are you are wearing? What color is the sky? The grass? The sun?
Days until school: 30 / Look at all the pictures in a book before someone reads it to you. What do you think it will be about?
Days until school: 29 / What is the weather today? Is it hot or cold? Is it warmer or cooler than yesterday?
Days until school: 28 / Practice hopping on each foot. Count how many hops other people in your family can do.
Days until school: 27 / Fill a tray (or plate) with sand or rice. With your finger write some letters and numbers in the sand.
Days until school: 26 / How high can you count? Practice counting things around your house like buttons, blocks, or beans
Days until school: 25 / Ask someone to read you a book today. Talk about what happened in the story when you finish reading it.
Days until school: 24
26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31
Practice writing the numbers 1 to 100
Days until school: 23 / Read a book with someone you love today. What was it about, where it took place, and who was in it.
Days until school: 22 / Go for a walk. Then draw a picture of 5 things you remember seeing.
Days until school: 21 / Practice saying the alphabet. Can you name the letters in your name? How many letters are in your first and last names?
Days until school: 20 / Have someone write the capital letters out of order for you to name as quickly as you can.
Days until school: 19 / Visit the library to check out a book to read at home with someone special.
Days until school: 18
Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
/ 1
Draw a rainbow with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple stripes.
Days until school: 17
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Count your jumps aloud as you jump from your bed to the bathroom.
Days until school: 16 / Practice writing your first name and last name as neatly as you can.
Days until school: 15 / On a piece of paper draw about what you are doing this summer.
14 Days until the first day of school – start or continue 8:00 p.m.BEDTIME Routine / Guess how many spoons full of rice or sand it will take to fill a cup. Now try it.
Days until school: 13 / Write your phone number. Say the numbers as you write them.
Days until school: 12 / Set the table for dinner. Count how many forks you need.
Days until school: 11 / Give at least 10 hugs
Days until school: 10
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Find an old tissue box or toilet roll and reuse it to make something.
Days until school: 9 / Put your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your head.
Days until school: 8 / Look at all the pictures in a book before reading it. What do you think it will be about?
Days until school: 7 / Draw a picture of something you hope to learn when you go back to school.
Days until school: 6 / Cut a magazine picture into several pieces. Put the puzzle back together again.
Days until school: 5 / Read a book with someone you love today. Tell what is was about, where it took place and who was in it.
Days until school: 4 / Go for a walk and discuss what you saw, heard, smelled and felt.
School starts in just 3
days. HOORAY!!!
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
Draw a picture of something you hope to learn in school.
Days until school: 2 / Give at least 10 hugs today. School starts tomorrow.
Days until school: 1 / FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29
30 / 31

Ideas found on: Summer 2015 Calendar Attendance Improvement Program, Pupil Services