January 4, 2016
Ann Knisel / Cradle to CareerPeggy Molter / Cradle to Career
Jared Claar / Lenawee Health Network
Sue Lewis / Lenawee Health Network
John Haught / Lenawee Essential Needs
Nancy Bishop / Lenawee Essential Needs
Burt Fenby / Lenawee Financial Stability Coalition
Chris Miller / One Lenawee
Dave Maxwell / One Lenawee
Kathryn Szewczuk / Backbone Organization/Chair
Karen Rawlings / Backbone Organization/minutes
Olivia Ehret / Backbone Organization
Absent: Christie Cadmus; Martha Hall; Suann Hammersmith; Terry Clark Jones; Tim Kelly
1. Previous Minutes. MOTION BY S. LEWIS to approve previous minutes dated December 7, 2016. SUPPORTED BY S. LEWIS. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Chamber Breakfast - Feb 23rd. List of invitees was circulated. There were a couple more suggestions: John Eckert (Daily Telegram); Dr. Yaroch (ProMedica); Jim Van Doren/Tim Robinson/Gary Clementson (Lenawee Now); Randy Yagelia (Hillsdale Chamber of Commerce); LCMHA Board Members. Adrian Chamber will add information on this event to their February invitation. It was agreed that the agenda would be:
ü Intro (Kathryn Szewczuk) a brief overview of Collective Impact
ü Shared measurements/data collection (Stan Masters)
ü Ann Knisel – Cradle to Career
ü Jared Claar & Frank Nagle – Lenawee Health Network
ü Burt/Terry – Financial Stability
ü Dave/Chris – OneLenawee
ü Nancy – Lenawee Essential Needs
ü Recap of the 5 partnerships (Kathryn) and how we are moving from Collaboration to Collective Impact to make significant change.
ü Questions
It was agreed that this event will tie-in nicely following the Lenawee County strategic planning meetings being held at the end of January. Ann/Jared/Burt/Chris/Nancy – please submit your slides as soon as possible to Karen.
3. Other updates.
ü Ann Knisel reported that she is tasking an intern from Adrian College to capture what has been done in terms of Lenawee becoming a trauma informed community. She will be attending a few of the Core meetings. (Beth Deo – LCMHA and Cortney – DHHS) would also be good resources.
ü Childhood Trauma – needs to be kept at the forefront. Core members should be thinking about what they should be doing. A trauma coalition? Is there any community members doing additional training? If so all interested parties should be connected so that all working towards the same goal. Also “becoming a trauma informed community” should be included in all strategic plans. The Core group is responsible for communication with community.
ü Project Lazarus. A question on what is happening since this community event happened? Lenawee ROSC group is working on this. Some of the things suggested are already being done. Trainings for providers (prescribers) regarding safe prescribing practices will be one focus, along with creating leadership groups in the community. Another Addiction Summit is being planned for the spring. An SUD Prevention Plan for Lenawee is almost complete. Sue Lewis noted that trauma trained therapists are being added due to the work being done by the drug court.
ü Community Foundation & Lenawee Monroe United Way. There was discussion regarding ensuring all potential resources in Lenawee are included – open communication is very important. Conflict in the community should be confronted in an effort to seek balanced and reasonable solutions. Burt Fenby volunteered to seek counsel on being able to move forward – Ben Negron (Meijer Corp) has volunteered to act as an intermediary.
ü Project Connect – Wednesday January 25th at the Lenawee County Fairgrounds.
ü Lenawee County Strategic Planning Event – Thursday January 26th, 7:30am & 5:30pm at Siena Heights University, Dominican Hall (Chris to forward information on this to Karen)
ü City Commission approved a 90 day extension for the Spero project to continue to explore the Training School as a possible location.
ü Share the Warmth is looking for space in an effort to expand operations to year round. They are also looking for funding. Continuum of Care is supportive of this project, however resources for programming is a concern. Continuum of Care to discuss a plan for funding. Suggestion to share the use of a building with another entity - Engagement Center?
Send Karen Rawlings copies of all minutes for the LCMHA website and the Collective Impact Newsletter.
Next meeting – February 1st at 10:30am.
PLEASE NOTE. CIC Meetings are on the first Wednesday of the month at 10:30am.
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