CONTACT DETAILSName: / Position Title:
Planning year(eg 2011): / 2011
3 year planning cycle(eg 2011-2014): / 2011 – 2014
PART A – Analysis of Current Operations
* Data can be accessed via People and Culture.
- Key Performance Indicators
a)What are the KPIs relevant to your department? (linked to the CQUniversity Strategic Plan and Departmental Operational Plan)
- Staffing
a)What is the current structure for your department?
- Position profile data (FTE, Position status (ie continuing, fixed term and casual), Classifications)*
- Organisational chart
b)What is the current workforce profile for your department?
- Staff profile data (FTE, Headcount, Employment status (ie continuing, fixed term and casual), gender, age profile)*
c)What are the current specialist skill requirements within your department?
Specialist and/or complex skills (Identify Critical roles)Limited skills in the marketplace that impact on recruitment opportunities
Academic/teaching qualifications
d)What are the plans to ensure Critical Roles identified above are covered?
Critical Roles / Why / Contingency Plane)Are there succession plans for the department? (Complete Succession Plan)
- Environmental
a)What environmental factors impact on your department?
* Indicate N/A for not applicable
What are the department’s legislative/regulatory obligations?What are the department’s governance, reporting and auditing requirements?
Is the department responsible for supporting corporate technology/systems?
What is the current student demand for academic programs?
What is the current research capability?
Are the current policies and processes effectively supporting the achievement of strategic goals and KPIs? If no, why?
Are there any cultural factors that are impeding your ability to meet strategic goals and KPIs?
- Budget
a)What is the current approved budget allocation for the department?
b)What departmental plans are currently in place to increase income?
- Risks and Gap Analysis
a)What are the greatest threats/risks for the department – now and in the future? Consider in the context of matching the future labour market to the future business needs.
Identify the Threat/Risk / Actions to address the Threat/Riskb)What are the current gaps within the department that need to be addressed? What are the potential future gaps? (skills, qualifications, long term vacancies)
Current Gaps / Actions to address the gapsPotential Future Gaps / Actions to address the gaps
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PART B – Scenario Planning and Forecasting
6.Business considerations
a)Business considerations
When completing this section please identify whether the business consideration will have a high, medium,low or no impact and whether it is highly likely, likely or unlikely to occur in the future. You will need to refer to the key performance indicators relevant to your Department and the future requirements of your workforce to meet strategic objectives and KPIs. Refer to planning factors outlined in the table(s) in the Workforce Planning Framework for guidance.
Over the next 12 months / Over the next 3 yearsIdentify business considerations relevant to your business planning / Impact/ Probability / Details / Potential impact on staff and/or positions / Impact/ Probability / Details / Potential impact on staff and/or positions
Expansion of support services
Discontinuation of support services
New academic programs
(based on student/market demand, anticipated changing demands for domestic and international programs)
Discontinuation of academic programs
(based on current and projected student loads, student trends)
Expansion of research capability
Academic qualification profile
(i.e. increasing number of staff doctoral qualifications)
Market variables
(e.g. labour market trends, recruitment and retention difficulties)
Changes to technologies or applications
(e.g. Planned changes to processes/operations/IT or control systems )
Continuous improvement processes
(e.g. Impacts on policy, processes and systems)
Changes in administrative, information or quality control systems
Staffing profile (e.g. age profile and impact of ageing workforce, potential retirements, staff turnover)
Changes to skill requirements
(e.g. anticipated skill surplus and deficiencies, training and development requirements, job design considerations)
Changes in management or structure
(e.g. stable, restructure likely)
Changes to budget
(e.g. increase or decrease to budget forecast)
Changes to industrial agreements/legislation
(e.g. impacts of future changes to legislation, regulation and standards; policy, processes and systems)
Critical jobs
(i.e. roles that are difficult to fill, retain or develop)
b)Forecasting and gap analysis of workforce
When completing this section please refer to the business considerations and the potential impacts on workforce numbers over the next twelve months and three years.
Current / 12 months / 3 yearsAnticipated retirements / Anticipated staff turnover / Projected requirements / Gap / Anticipated retirements / Anticipated staff turnover / Projected requirements / Gap
Example / 30 / 2 / 2 / 0 / 4 / 4 / 2 / 0 / 6
Staff numbers
PART C – Strategy and Planning
Please provide a summary of the strategies to be implemented as part of the workforce planning process. Please note all approved strategies should have an implementation and communication plan.
Strategy / Link to University Strategic Plan / Link to Departmental Operational/Management Plan / Priority / Resourcing requirements (financial and human) / Timeframe / Anticipated outcomes and measurements of successPART D – Communication and Implementation Plan
COMMUNICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLANStrategy / Action / Timeframe / Responsibility / Outcomes / Status
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