/ Action Item: February 28, 2005


It is recommended that the minutes from the following meeting of the Santa Monica College Academic Senate Executive Committee be approved as distributed:

Minutes of the February 14, 2006, Academic Senate Executive Committee

Present: Marilyn Adler, Garen Baghdasarian, Teri Bernstein, Suzanne Borghei, Alan D. Buckley, Patricia Burson, Guido Davis Del Piccolo, Judith Douglas, David Finkel, Dennis Frisch, Ethan Gallogly, Peter Geltner, Martin Goldstein, Nancy Grass Hammert, Nancy Hanson, Lesley Kawaguchi, Amber Katherine, Peter Morse, Eric Oifer, Christine Schultz, Lantz Simpson, Linda Sinclair, Eleanor Singleton, Heather Smith, Howard Stahl, James Stramel, Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein, Esau Tovar, Ventris Woods, David Zehr.



Guests: Lisa Burns.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Chair Tahvildaran-Jesswein declared a quorum at 11:18 a.m.
  3. Action Items
  4. Approval of Minutes for December 6, 2005. Accepted without objection.
  5. Information Items
  6. President's Report, Richard Tahvildaran-Jesswein
  7. Chair Tahvildaran-Jesswein introduced Lisa Burns, the new Senate secretary, to the Executive Committee.
  8. The Academic Senate Joint New Faculty Position Ranking Committee recommended the following new positions at its February 3, 2006, meeting:
  9. Cosmetology.
  10. English--Basic Skills Writing
  11. Art--Ceramics
  12. Cosmetology (a second position)
  13. Mathematics--Developmental
    The Committee also endorsed the hiring of a Learning Disabilities Specialist, provided that the District can confirm sufficient categorical funding to support the position.The District Budget Planning Committee has recommended to DPAC that at least as many new faculty should be hired as there are faculty who are retiring. Interim Superintendent/President Donner expects six faculty to retire this year.
  14. The statewide Senate Plenary Session will be held in San Francisco on April 27-29. Please contact Richard or Lisa Burns if you're interested in attending. The "60% law" and plus/minus grading will be among the topics of breakout sessions at the Plenary.
  15. Statewide Senate Report, Lesley Kawaguchi.
  16. Senate Budget Report, Judith Douglas.
  17. M/S (Stramel/Zehr) to approve the Academic Senate budget. Approved unanimously.
  18. Old Business--Discussion
  19. Vocational Education Environmental Scan, Marilyn Adler, Occupational. The vocational faculty has approved a comprehensive scan of community vocational needs.
  20. Committee Scope and Functions, Ethan Gallogly,Elections and Rules. The Committee Scope and Functions are ready to be submitted to the full Senate as an appendix to the Senate Bylaws.
  21. New Business--Discussion
  22. March 7, 2006, Flex Day and Unity Reception, Nancy Grass Hemmert. bell hooks [sic] has cancelled her appearance at Flex Day. The Professional Development Committee is seeking suggestions for alternative programming.
  23. 2006 Senate Elections. Senate elections will be completed before Spring Break. Dr. Tahvildaran-Jesswein will be a candidate for reelection as Senate president.
  24. Sabbatical Eligibility, Eric Oifer, Sabbaticals and Fellowships. A resolution concerning restrictions on the eligibility for sabbaticals will be presented to the full Academic Senate. The Professional Ethics and Responsibilities Committee will consider development of a general conflict of interest policy for the faculty.
  25. Environmental Audit, Garen Baghdasarian, Environmental Affairs. A resolution concerning an environmental audit will be presented to the full Academic Senate.
  26. Interdisciplinary Studies Ad Hoc Committee Report, Guido Davis Del Piccolo. A report is ready for the full Academic Senate.
  27. Adjournment
  28. M/S/approved (Bolivar-Owen/Powers) adjourning at 12:03 p.m.