Date: Tuesday 23rd July2013
Time : 10.00am
Place : Youth Room, Livesey Children’s Centre
Name / OrganisationPete Soothill (PS) / BwD – Head of Social Work and Social Care
Rosemary Molyneux (RM) / BwD
Denise Gaffing (DG) / Community Nurse LCFT
Julie Clift (JC) / Community Nurse LCFT
David Entwistle (DE) / Service User
Angie Allen (AA) / Service User
Nigel Braithwaite (NB) / Parent/Carer
Marion Fisher (MF) / Parent/Carer
Pamela Price (PP) / BwD Children Services
Ann Marie Pickering (AP) / BwD Children Services
Laura Hyland (LH) / Creative Support
Susan Kelly (SK) / BwD
Gemma McMullan (GM) / BwD
Naila Solkar (NS) / BwD - Directorate Support (Minute Taker)
Peter Dillon (PD) / BwD – Head of ServiceCllr Solkar (SS) / BwD Councillor
Stephen Power (SP) / Service User
Dorothy Braithwaite (DB) / Parent
Collect Charnock (CC) / Service User
Mandy Crabtree (MC) / Service User
Lori Homayon-Jones (LHJ) / Parent/carer
Maggie Eckroyd (ME) / BwD Workforce Development
Kathy Warman (KW) / Parent/Carer
Yasmin Khalil (YK) / BwD Carers Service
Ibrahim Mayat (IM) / BwD
Cathy Welsh (CW / Creative Support
Geraldine Condon (GC) / Creative Support
Carol Hartley (CH) / Parent/Carer
Zena Selim (ZS) / Carer
Item No. / Item / Action By
1 / Welcome All
PS opened the meeting and welcomes everyone. PS noted all apologises. Introductions were made.
The ‘traffic light’ card system was explained.
2 / Minutes from last meeting
PS went through the minutes from the last meeting.
All attendees confirmed they were happy with the minutes.
Peer Support
Peer Support What does this mean?
PSasked what the group thought this meant to them?
RM had written a number of questions down on paper and asked people if they would discuss them and write their answers down to share with everyone.
The members worked in groups and said the following:
- Peer Support is:-
- People in a similar situation e.g Learning Disability
- People of the same age
- With similar interests
- People who can relate to similar issues/ shared experience
- Coming together
- People putting pressure on other people
- Friends
- Football Supporters
- Offer support and suggestions if you are in similar situations
- Talk about the same thing
- Support a shelf prop share experiences, advice, help each other, pass opinion
PS suggested by the next board meeting a definition will need to be agreed for the Hate Crime Group.
- Who do I tell/ communicate what I like and what is good for me?
- Carers
- Community Nurse
- Friends
- Family
- People you live with
- People who have time
- People at the LD board
- Neighbours
Complaints department letters, phone, support group advocate.
Behavioural issues due to lack of understanding.
People donot always listen, do not have patience, do not recognise that they are upset, some people donot show respect, they are felt that should not complain and if they did they will take the service from them.
- What groups do we have already?
- Hate Crime Group
- Health watch
- Speak up group in day services
- Union
- Parents 4 parents
- Carers Centre
- Youth Zone
- Where do I go to get Information or support for my health?
- District Nurses
- Hospital Passport
- Dentist
- Drop in clinics
- Watch TV programmes
- Walk in Centres
- 111
Suggestion was that send easy read versions out to the ones who will need them, leaflets are available in all formats
- Hate Crime
- All about us
PS will contribute to a sponge throwing event, if it would raise money.
- Gala dinner
Action: NS to circulate information on how to book your place, £20 per ticket.
- Big Health Day
Dates of next meetings:
Tuesday 24th September 2013 – Health/Hate Crime