Vinton County High School
Mrs. Nancy Harris
Room 104

(740) 596-5258 ext. 256

Course Name: Computer Applications I

Current Licenses Held That Qualifies Teacher to Teach This Course:
Bachelor of Science in Integrated Business Education
Certificate in Information Technology
Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning: Technology Integration

Required Course for Graduation: _____Elective: _X___
Year Course: _____Semester: _X___

Course Description:

This course continues to build upon touch typing and includes hands-on application of word processing (Microsoft Word) spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel) slide presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint), Internet use, language skills, computer security and privacy, computer ethics, intellectual property rights, and more.

Prerequisites: Keyboarding

Fee: $5.00

Course Objectives: What will students know and be able to do as a result of taking this course?

The students will be able to . . .

-acknowledge and properly use language skills, computer security and privacy, and computer ethics.

-manipulate and use Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint.

-relate classroom learning to real-world situations.

Text and Resources:
Century 21 Computer Applications and Keyboarding, 2010, Ninth Edition

Grading:As per handbook

Class Policies: Students are expected to be on time, positive, no horseplay, use their own log in, respect themselves and everyone in the classroom, hands on their own computer, take responsibility and accept consequences for their own actions, be open-minded and willing to learn every day. NO CELL PHONES!

Students will need:Internet User Agreements signed and on file

Pacing Chart: Academic Content Standards for Technology Grades 9-12

First half of semester:

Computer security and privacy
Business letter (block style/open punctuation)
Proofreader’s marks
Unbound report
Bound report
Business letter (modified block style/closed punctuation)
Intellectual property rights
Computer ethics

Second half of semester:
Slide show presentation
Language skills review
Spreadsheets (formulas, charts etc.)
Mail merge
News release
Minutes of a meeting
Purchase Order
Cover Letter