Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold,
Gloucestershire GL54 1DW
Caroline Doran - Town Clerk and RFO
t. 01451 832 585
Minutes Finance Committee Meeting
held on Monday 9 December 2014 at 7:15pm
Present Cllr. Simon Clarke (SC)
Cllr. Sue Green (SG) Chairman
Cllr. Alun White (AW)
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Robin Jones, Chris Turner & Mike Curtis
Declaration of interests AW – Youth Club
Minutes of Last Meeting
How the voting is recorded was questioned. 2 in favour should read 4 in favour etc.
The minutes of the Finance Meeting held on 10 November 2014 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman of Finance.Proposed – SG, Seconded – AW 3 in favour
14.31 Clerks Report
a) VIC update –The decision on whether to accept the Library or Debbie at Holidays Please will be made at the December Council meeting.b) Emergency tree work – An order has been placed with MDH Forestry for a investigative survey of the sycamore on the QE2 Field - £125+ VAT. JJ Dickler also provided a quote of £290 (no VAT)
c) Stow Times – Jenni has explained the historical background.
It was set up as a community paper about 10 years ago and STC at that time agreed to support the paper by paying for the equivalent of a page at charity rate. Jenni regards the STC page as hers to fill with STC news. There is no historic / financial agreement with Moreton and Bourton so they have their notes published for free.
It was agreed to bring the issue of payments to Stow Times to the next
Council meeting.
14.32 November Statement of Account
Resolved: to present the November accounts to Council.Proposed – SG, Seconded AW, all in favour
14.33 Spending Requests
a) VIC November payment - £833.33 It was agreed to present this request to Council.b) To spend up to £400 to clear the Abbotswood boundary and to hire a chipper to clear debris. It was decided that further clarification on the scope of the work was required.
c) To undertake a feasibility study on King Georges Field – no figures were provided and the Youth Club are applying for a grant to undertake this work.
14.34 Draft Financial Regulations / Committee Terms of Reference & Standing Orders & Policies
Resolved: Finance committee will review the draft documents at their January meeting. Propose SG, Seconded AW all in favour
14.35 Draft budget 2015-16
The following adjustments were made to the draft budget:
a) Admin & Office Equipment - £1000 was added to allow for the website to be updated
b) Mayors reception – reduced by £500 to £500
c) Christmas Lights - £5,050 requested was reduced by £1500 assuming a contribution will be made by the community
d) Working Party – reduced from £750 requested to £500
e) Youth Club – To be discussed at Council. SG to chair the discussion.
f) Interment Wall – To discuss at Council removal of this budget as interments are now taking place in the churchyard.
g) Wells Restoration – reduced from £1000 to £500
h) Allotments Maintenance – reduced from £1300 to £300 as hedges have been cut this year.
i) QE2 – reduced from £3500 to £2500, assuming working groups can help.
j) KGF - £1000 requested for skate park deferred, £500 for pavilion lease to be paid by central services legal budget
k) Square improvements – £3000 reduced to £1000 pending decision on the Stocks and the possibility of match funding.
l) Projects (Traffic & Parking) - £5000 for Spring Gardens and £4000 contingency for adverse weather returned to reserves
m) Planning – reduced from £3000 to £2000
n) Neighbourhood plan - £5000 allocated which will hopefully be topped up with grants.
o) Grants – to be increased from £2500 to £3000
Resolved: To present the updated draft budget to Council.
Proposed SG, Seconded AW, All in favour
AOB None
Meeting ended 8:20
Date of next meeting: Monday 5 January 2015 at 7.15pm
Signed …………………………………… Date ………………………………………
Councillor S. Green, Chair of Finance Committee
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