EA Mission Network (EAMN)


Please complete and return this form by email or mail.

Project Name: Today’s Date:

Mailing Address:

Org Website:Year Founded:

Contact Person/Title:

Telephone: Email:

Name of Country where you have your focus -- USA, Worldwide, or other:

If sensitive/restricted information, please give general area of continent:

Name of Sending Agency or Information for Sending Donations:

Name: Website (give on-line?):


Telephone: Account Number for donations:

Name of a Sponsoring EA Church:


Name of Pastor: Affiliation/Heritage:

Telephone: Email:

Optional Personal Information: (name, birthdate, & anniversary)eg. dob 5/4/14 or 5/2014

Head of Project:



Please include a brochure about the mission agency with which you are currently affiliated, and/or the mission project described in this application.

Give a short summary of the current work of the mission project, main emphasis (vision statement) and how long you’ve been involved. Use a separate page to include more information.

Additional Questions: Circle Yes or No

  1. Do you affirm and uphold the EA statement of Faith? (see attached) Yes or No
  2. Are any of your project leaders members of the Evangelical Association? Yes or No
  3. Is this project serving as a larger parent organization disbursing funds or

a smaller project raising its own support? Yes or No

  1. Would you like to be included in the EA’s Mission Network listing of

evangelical member missionaries and mission projects? Yes or No

  1. Would you like news of this mission project to appear in the EA newsletter? Yes or No
  2. Do you give the EA permission to post your project’s name on the EA

webpage as part of the MRN list of missionaries & projects? Yes or No

Please add EA Mission Network to your Prayer Letter and newsletter mailing lists using the address on the letterhead or send your updates by email. Please keep in touch! Write to us:

Check out the EA website: For a more personal connection to the Evangelical Association, please just ask! Phone calls and emails will help us get to know one another more quickly.

God bless you as you serve the Lord at home or abroad. We will pray for you.

Rev. Ed & Shirley Briggeman

Rev. Steve & Faith Darr

EAMN Coordinators

The EA Purpose and Statement of Faith

The Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Christian Churches is a nationwide voluntary association of churches, ministers, and believers networking together to further the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ. Recognition in this Association is fully compatible with the participation in other denominations and associations.

The purpose of this Association is:

  • To deepen and expand the fellowship of our clergy and churches.
  • To facilitate co-operation and counsel among our Association with regard to supporting clergy and churches.
  • To support and promote the Scriptural principles of the autonomy of the local church and encourage a steadfast Biblical witness by our churches, our clergy and laity - to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
  • To provide guidance for clergy and churches in regard to life insurance and retirement savings.
  • To assist churches in finding pastors.

We hold fast to the belief that:

  • Jesus Christ is the head of His body, the Church, and of the local church.
  • Christ exercises His authority in each local church by the Holy Spirit and through the Holy Scriptures.
  • Each local church is in itself a complete church, and is therefore autonomous and possesses all the rights and responsibilities of the church as bestowed upon it by the Holy Spirit and set forth in God's Word.
  • Along with our guiding principles and beliefs, the association abides by a Statement of Faith, which is the cornerstone of the organization.

Statement of Faith (Along with our guiding principles and beliefs, the association abides by a Statement of Faith, which is the cornerstone of the organization.)

We Affirm the Following:

  • The Trinitarian name of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • God has revealed Himself fully and decisively as attested in Holy Scripture. We believe the Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God. The Scriptures are the guide for faith and life.
  • There is only one way to Salvation - through Jesus Christ.
  • The sanctity of human life based on our creation in the image of God and our election by God for service in His Kingdom. This leads us to respectfully affirm sanctity at every stage of human life.
  • The Biblical guidelines for human sexuality: marriage as the union of one man and one woman, fidelity and holiness in marriage and chastity outside of marriage for the sake of the Kingdom.
  • That the mission of the Church is to spread the Good News of the Gospel of salvation in every word and deed. We are sent by Christ into all the world to proclaim the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and to bring every person into a life of faith, discipleship and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ