December 3, 2008 N 1513-р


On approval of urgent actions to solve problems of social protection of the disabled and to ensure their rights

To approve the urgent actions plan to solve problems of social protection of the disabled and to ensure their rights, attached.

Ministries and other central government bodies shall ensure execution of the action plan within the expenditures limits, reserved for this purpose in the central budget for the proper year and from other sources.

Prime Minister of Ukraine J.TIMOSHENKO

# 26


by the Instruction of the Cabinet

of Ministers of Ukraine

December 3, 2008 N 1513-р

On urgent actions to solve problems

of social protection of the disabled

and to ensure their rights

1.To ensure the revision of the legislation to correspond the Provisions of the UN Convention on the rights of the disabled ( 995_g71 ). By the end to prepare conclusions and proposals regarding ratification of the Convention( 995_g71 ).

Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Ministry of Communal Services, Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health Care, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, State TV and Radio Committee, State Statistics Committee, State Consumer Standards Committee, State Court Administration with participation of the National Bank and also National Assembly of the Disabled of Ukraine, and other public organizations of the disabled.

By April 1, 2009.

2.To establish within the Ministry of Education the Department on education, training, rehabilitation of children and youth with special educational needs, and also within the structure of local government bodies (departments of education), proper divisions with reservation of necessary expenditures during the final revision of the draft Law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for the Year 2009”.

Ministry of Education.

First half of 2009.

3.To reserve during the final revision of the draft Law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for the Year 2009” a separate line-item in the expenditures on the Ministry of Education to fund the programs aimed to solve problems of children and youth with special educational needs.

Ministry of Finance,

Ministry of Education.

By December 15, 2008.

4.To develop, approve and ensure gradual implementation of the programs which enroll children with disabilities from early childhood to the educational process, specifically with the introduction of the forms of integration and special education and training.

Ministry of Education,

Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

By June 1, 2009.

5.To develop methodology for the development, education and training of the disabled children with different “nozological” disabilities and to ensure their publication and public distribution.

Ministry of Education,

Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

By September 1, 2009.

6.To consider the issue of the establishment of the “Day Centers” for the disabled children and submit the proposals.

Ministry of Youth and Sport,

Ministry of Labor, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Oblasts’ and Kyiv and Sevastopol cities Administrations.

By February 1, 2009.

7.To improve the procedure of staffing the special pre-school educational establishments in order to exclude extra limitation during the enrollment of children with disabilities.

Ministry of Education,

Ministry of Health Care

By April 1, 2009.

8.To improve the effectiveness of mechanism of the creation of the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled, staffing with specialists medical and social expert commissions and treatment and consulting commissions of the medical-prophylactic establishments.

Ministry of Health Care.

By May 1, 2009.

9.To accelerate the approval of the procedures regarding consideration of the disabled of the first group to A and B subgroups following the Law of Ukraine “On the Rehabilitation of the Disabled in Ukraine” ( 2961-15 ).

Ministry of Health Care.

By January 1, 2009.

10.To establish the early medical diagnostics system to monitor the development in order to prevent children’s disabilities.

Ministry of Health Care.

By January 1, 2010.

11.To submit the draft Resolution to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the approval of the procedures regarding medical supplies for the disabled. Special attention shall be paid on the proper quality of these supplies during the development of the draft resolution.

Ministry of Health Care,

Ministry of Finance.

By February 1, 2009.

12.To secure the unconditional provisioning of feeding and medical supplies in the boarding houses for the disabled and in the hospitals (departments, boxes) for the disabled after the war.

Ministry of Health Care, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Labor, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Oblasts’, Kyiv and Sevastopol cities Administrations.


13.To draft and submit the proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine regarding the changes to the Program on accessibility of public and living premises by people with limited physical abilities, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on June 4, 2003 N 863 ( 863-2003-п ).

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Industrial Policy, Ministry of Communal Services, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Justice, State Consumer Standards Committee.

By March 1, 2009.

14.To consider the issue regarding additional authority for the State Architecture and Construction Inspection:

-to monitor the construction of the new, refurnishing and reconstruction of the old street and traffic network objects and to approve the acceptance for utilization;

-to forbid utilization of the completed constructions without their accessibility by the people with limited physical abilities.

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, State Architecture and Construction Inspection

By April 1, 2009.

15.To consider the issue of accumulation within the Special State Budget Fund fees and penalties from non-accessible newly-constructed premises, and to use those funds to create accessible environment.

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction,

By April 1, 2009.

16.To draft and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft Laws:

on amendment of the Administrative Code of Ukraine ( 80731-10, 80732-10 ) regarding the changes of penalties in case of violation by the responsible employees of the enterprises, establishments and organizations despite of the type of ownership of the state standards, norms and procedures regarding the establishment of the accessible environment during the design stage, placing, preliminary construction and reconstruction activities, use of objects or constructions made with violation of the law;

on amendment of the Law of Ukraine “On the Responsibility of the Enterprises, Establishment and Organizations for the Violations during Bridge Constructions" ( 208/94-ВР ) with the changes on enforcement of punishment for the guilty during the design and construction of the normative requirements regarding accessibility.

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction

By April 1, 2009.

17.To secure the enhancement of the control over following the state construction norms related to the accessibility, introduce the effective mechanism of enforcement of punishment for the guilty.

Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, Oblasts’, Kyiv and Sevastopol cities Administrations.


18.To draft and submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the proposals on the adjustments of the Traffic rules ( 1306-2001-п ) and other legislation regarding the street and traffic signs network to consider the needs of the disabled.

Ministry of Internal Affairs,

Ministry of Labor.

By February 1, 2009.

19.To develop and approve the standards to secure the access of the disabled to the public transportation and places of the proper infrastructure.

Ministry of the Industrial Policy, Ministry of Transport and Communication, State Consumer Standards Committee.

By June 1, 2009.

20.To stipulate during the final revision of the draft Law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for the Year 2009” the expenses on art and cultural activities of the disabled.

Ministry of Culture,

Ministry of Finance.

By January 1, 2009.

21.To draft the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the changes to the Instruction of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the State Purchase of Goods and Services by the State Funds, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 17, 2008 N 921 ( 921-2008-п ), stipulating the renewal of the benefits for the enterprises founded by the public organizations of the disabled to purchase the goods and services of their own.

Ministry of Economy,

Ministry of Labor.

By January 1, 2009.

22.To increase during the final revision on the draft Law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for the Year 2009” the amount of the expenses on the development of physical culture and sport of the disabled, support par-Olympic and deflympic movements, actions on rehabilitation of the disabled through physical culture and sports based on the justified needs defined by the chief executives of the budget funds.

Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Finance with participation of the National Sport Committee of the Disabled of Ukraine.

By December 31, 2008.

23.To complete the work on the launch of the first part of the Western rehabilitation and sport center, with the provisions of the permanent land use and related budget funding in order to establish conditions to train National par-Olympic team for the X Winter 2010 par-Olympic games.

Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Finance, State Committee on Land, Lviv Oblast State Administration with participation of the National Sport Committee of the Disabled of Ukraine.

By December 31, 2008.

24.Taking into account the successful performance of the National team during the XIII Summer 2008 par-Olympic games, to increase the staff and secure the training for the participation in XXI Summer 2009 deflympic games.

Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Finance with participation of the National Sport Committee of the Disabled of Ukraine.

By December 31, 2008.

25.During the design and implementation of the projects which are related to the to the Europe 2012 Soccer Finals, to secure unconditional consideration of the needs of the disabled.

To attract enterprises and public organizations of the disabled for the implementation of such projects.

Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Youth and Sport, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Justice.

By February 1, 2009.

26. To stipulate during the final work on the draft Law “On the State Budget of Ukraine for the Year 2009” the separate line item for the expenses on targeted financial aid to secure functioning of the non-production enterprises and organizations of the Blind and Deft Societies and enterprises and associations of the above-mentioned societies, which direct such funds to support social and cultural divisions.

Ministry of Finance,

Ministry of Labor.

By January 1, 2009.

27.To make changes to the methodology of calculation and procedures of use of rent for the state property, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from June 4, 1995 N 786 ( 786-95-п ), changes regarding placing of the public organizations of the disabled, their establishments and organizations, setting the above rent as 1% from the leased amount.

State Property Fond, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Justice.

By March 1, 2009.

28.To promote activities of the public organizations of the disabled, their enterprises and organizations, prevent cases, when they are left without premises for their activities.

Central and local government bodies
