FAIE Annual Business Meeting Minutes

February 28, 2011

Meeting Called to Order
Chair, Marcia Taylor discussedher excitement at being in Pensacola for conference!! It is the farthest north and west for the state meeting ever. Why is that exciting?? FAIE is reaching out to Florida IE's in the north west making our organization more accessible to IE in Florida and partnering with a different institution.
The chair recognized and thanked all for making conference possible
  • Insurance for Students - thanks for last night!!!
  • David Ware - cookie/coffee break
  • Vendors Guests - government SEVP, SSN, DMV
  • Dawn Wooten - updates, program book, registration, online payments
  • Kirsten Eller Laufner - web updates
  • KatieDeGuzman - vendors
  • Kelly Reid - session proposals
  • Bliss Thompson- PPW
  • Lori Sunday and Jennifer Ruby - PPW trainers
  • Local arrangements team at UWF!!!!!!
  • Chair presented Rita Crider and Rachel Errington an award of appreciation.

Introduced Board Member
  • Treasurer – Dawn Harris Wooten, Florida Atlantic University
  • District Coordinators –
  • Jacksonville East – Tim Robinson, University of North Florida
  • Jacksonville West – Rita Crider, University of West Florida
  • Tampa – Kelly Reid, University of South Florida
  • Orlando – Bliss Thompson, Valencia Community College, West Campus
  • Miami, Anoush McNamee, Florida International University
  • Area Coordinators –
  • Admissions – Alice Walls, Gulf Coast Community College
  • ELP – Alexandra Cordero-Miles, Valencia Enterprises
  • Study Abroad – Katie DeGuzman, University of South Florida
  • Website – Kirsten Eller Laufer, University of Florida
  • Listserv – Evelyn Rodriguez, Florida International University
  • FILC Chair – (ex-official) – Jenifer Leon, Rollins College

Treasurers Report
  • FAIE assets totaled $7154 at the end of 2010.
January 2010 Beginning Balance: / $1274.00
Total Cash Receipts for 2010: / $31997.00
Total Expenses for 2010: / - $26117.00
December 2010 Ending Balance: / $7154.00
FILC Report FILC – Jenifer Rollins updated the membership on the successful 2011 FILC.
By-law VOTE
  • Chair discussed FAIE Board recommended by-law updates to add position of FILC Coordinator to the FAIE Board. This will officially add the FILC Coordinator as a member of the FAIE Executive Board.
  • Article IV Section 2Officers – add (p) – FILC Coordinator
  • Article IV Section 4 Duties – add “FILC Coordinator: The Florida International Leadership Conference Coordinator shall be appointed by the FAIE Chair and will serve as a member of the FAIE Executive Board. The FILC Coordinator will be responsible for managing the annual FILC conference”.
  • Article V – Terms of Office– add “The FILC Coordinator will not have any set term of office. The FAIE State Chair shall appoint a replacement upon vacancy”.
  • Description of Responsibilities FILC Coordinator - Add
  • All changes passed by unanimous vote of membership.

Election for Chair-Elect
  • Chair called for nominations from the floor for the position of Chair-Elect
  • Jenifer Ruby was nominated for the position of Chair-Elect.
  • By unanimous vote, Jenifer Ruby was elected to the position of Chair-Elect. She will assume the chair at the end of the 2011 Annual Conference.

Chair reminded everyone that FAIE is now using a Yahoo Group – FAIE. Members can sign up using a link on the FAIE website or by contacting the Listserv Coordinator, Evelyn Rodriguez. Problems with posting or sign up should be sent to the Listserv Coordinator.
Outgoing Board Members – not present to receive their award. Awards will be mailed.
  • Timothy Robinson – Jacksonville East District
  • Kirsten Eller Laufner– Website Coordinator

Open Positions now include:
  • Jacksonville East District
  • Website Coordinator

Dawn Wooten made the announcement of next year’s conference location.
  • 2011 Annual Conference will be hosted by Florida Atlantic University in Boca Rotan.
  • Conference dates will be in February and announced as soon as final confirmation is made.

Meeting was Adjourned.