Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
July 2014 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Independence Day / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19
20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
2014 / / 1 / 2
L6-8RST1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9L6-8WHST1a,b,c,e, 2a,b,d,f, 8,9 / 4 / 5-1st Day of 1st 9 Wks/Planning 1st 9 wks–7th, 6th, 8th
Connection 1st 9 wks 1st Rotation: 7th, 6th, 8th
E.Q. How can I be successful in 7th grade?
SEPUP letters to
Lab Safety contract / 6Pretest –teacher developed (Act. #1, 2,)
E.Q. How can I work safely in the science lab?
Set Up groups
Lab Safety
Cooperative Group rules and procedures / 7Begin Unit A
Studying People Scientifically
Set Up journals
E.Q. How can you solve a problem?
Activity #1 Save Fred
L6-8RST3, 6, & 7 / 8Activity #2
The Pellagra story
EQ- How is the scientific method used to solve problems? S7CS1,2,3,4,5
L6-8RST1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9L6-8WHST1a,b,c,e, 2a,b,d,f, 8,9 / 9
S7L2 a, b, c
L6-8RST1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7,9 / 11Activity #2
The Pellagra story
EQ – How did scientists solve the Pellagra problem?
L6-8RST1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7,9 / 12 Characteristics of Living Things , Holt 2.1
E.Q. How are all living organisms similar?
S7L2 a / 13 Organization of Life,
Holt 3.1
E.Q.How is life organized from a single cell to an ecosystem?
S7L2 c / 14 Discovery of Cells; Holt 3.2
E.Q. How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells different?
S7L2 a / 15 Eukaryotic Cells vs. Prokaryotic Cells
E.Q. How does each part of the eukaryotic cell function?
Holt 3.3
S7L2 a, b / 16
S7L2 a ,b, c
L6-8RST3, 4, 5, 6, 7& 9 / 18 Unit C Pre Test
Activity 35
A License to learn
EQ – How do you correctly use a microscope? S7L2 c / 19Activity 35 con’t.
A License to learn
EQ – How do you correctly use a microscope?
L6-8RST3, 4, 5, 6, & 7
S7L2 c / 20Activity 36 – Micro-Life
EQ – How can you identify microbes?
S7L2 c / 21Activity 36 – Micro-Life
EQ – How many different microbes can I identify?
S7L2 c
L6-8RST3, 4, 6, 7, & 9 / 22 Activity 37- Germ Theory of Disease
How was the Germ Theory of Disease developed?
S7L2a, b
L6-8RST3, 4, 6, & 7 / 23
S7L2 c
L6-8RST1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 / 25 Activity 38 – Microbes, Plants, and You EQ – How are cell structures similar and different?
S7L2 c
L6-8RST3, 4, 6, 7, & 9 / 26Activity 38 – con’t.
Microbes, Plants, and You
EQ – How can different cells uses the same structures?
S7L2 c
L6-8RST3, 4, 6, 7, & 9 / 27A Closer Look
EQ – How do the cell parts function?
S7L2 c
L6-8RST1, 2, 4, 5, & 7 / 28Activity 42 – con’t.
A Closer Look
EQ – How do the cell parts function?
S7L2 c / 29 Activity 45- World of Microbes
E.Q. How do microbes fit into the classification of organisms?
S7L2c / 30
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
September 2014
S7L2 a, b, c / 1
Labor Day Holiday / 2Supplemental
Review prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cell
Plant vs. Animal cells
S7L2 a,b / 3Supplemental
Review organelles of the cell in a flip book.
S7L2 a,b / 4Cell Quiz
Cell Processes
EQ-How do things go into and out of the cells?
Holt Book –Chapter 4 Sect. 1 S7L2 a,b, c.d / 5Cell Processes osmosis, diffusion, active & passive transport, endocytosis, exocytosis,
S7L2 a,b, c,d / 6
S7L2 a,b,c,d / 8 Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
EQ - Howdoes a cell obtain energy?
Holt 4.2
S7L2 a,b,c,d / 9 Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
Holt Book Chapter 4 section 2
S7L2 a,b, c,d / 10 Mitosis vs. Meiosis
EQ - How do cells reproduce?
S7L2 a / 11 Mitosis vs. MeiosisPaper plate lab
S7L2 a / 12Review
Cell processes
Qiuz S7L 2 a / 13
S7L2 a,b, c, ,d
LS6-8WHST / 15 Cell Performance Tasks
S7L2 a,b,c,d
LS6-8WHST / 16 Cell Performance Tasks
S7L2 a,b,c,d
LS6-8WHST / 17 Activity 53 Modern Outbreaks EQ – How is Maracondo Fever Spread? What can you do to stop it? S7L2 a,b / 18 Activity 53 con’t.
Modern Outbreaks
EQ – How is Maracondo Fever Spread? What can you do to stop it? S7L2 a,b / 19
Review for Unit C Pretest / 20
S7L2 a,b,c,d, e
L6-8RST3, 4, & 7 L6-8WHST1a,b,c,2a,b,d,4 / 22
Review for Unit C Pretest / 23
Unit C Post Test / 24 Unit B Pretest
Set up learning logs for unit B.
S7L2 a,b,c / 25Activity #12
What’s Happening?
EQ- How does the human body function? S7L2 c, e
L6-8RST3, 4, & 7
Assign Perform. task / 26Activity #12 con’t.
What’s Happening?
EQ- why are the organs the shape they are?
S7L2 c, eL6-8RST3, 4, & 7 L6-8WHST1a,b,c,2a,b,d,4 / 27
S7L2 c, e
L6-8RST1, 2, 4, 5, & 10 / 29Activity #13
Living With Your Liver
EQ- How does your liver help you r body stay in balance? S7L2 c, e
L6-8RST1, 2, 4, 5, & 10 / 30Act.14 part A as intro…Act. #15 Digestion: An Absorbing Tale EQ- How does your digestive system work?
S7L2 c, e L6-8RST1, 2
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
October 2014
S7L2 c, e
L6-8RST3, 4 / 1Activity #18
The Circulation Game
EQ - How can I model the circulatory system?
S7L2 c, e
L6-8RST3, 4 / 2
Review for Benchmark / 3
Review for Benchmark / 4
S7L2 c,e / 6BMT
Muscular System
EQ - How do different types of muscles benefit your body?
S7L2 c, e / 7BMT
Skeletal System; Holt
EQ – Why do bones have different functions?
S7L2 c, e / 8 Last Day of 1st 9 Wks
Coach book
Lesson 7 – Major Organ Systems
EQ – How do organ systems work together? / 9 Prof. Learning/
Student Holiday / 10 Fall Break / 11
S7L2 c,e / 13
Columbus Day/Fall Break / 14 1st Day of 2nd9 Wks
Lesson 5 Hierarchy of organisms
EQ – How do cells work together to form organisms?
S7L2 c, e / 15 Review for Unit B Post Test
S7L2 e / 16Review for Unit B Post test
Study guide and matching cards
S7L2 c, e / 17 Performance Tasks due
S7L2e / 18
S7L2 c, e
S7L3 a,b,c
LS6-8WHST 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e,2f,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 / 20 Performance Tasks due
S7L2 e / 21Unit B Post test
Assign performance task for unit D genetics
LS6-8WHST 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e,2f,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 / 22 Unit D Pretest
Activity 54 – Investigating Human traits
E.Q. How much variation is shown by the students in your / 23Supplemental Activity – genetic engineering
CQ- How do scientists “create” new/better plants and animals?
L6-8WHST1a,e,2d,f / 24Supplemental Activity – Selective Breeding
EQ- How has selective breeding been used to improve or change an organism? / 25
S7L3 a,b
L6-8RST1, 2, 4, & 6
L6-8RST 3 & 7 / 27 Coachbook
Lesson 10 Selective Breeding
EQ – How can humans affect the traits of organisms?
S7L3 a,b / 28Supplemental Activity Types of selective breeding vs. natural selection S7L3 a,b / 29
Supplemental Activity How does natural selection occur?
S7L3 a,b / 30 Activity 57 Copycat CQ- How is asexual reproduction different from sexual reproduction?
S7L3 a, b / 31Halloween
Activity 58 Creature Features
CQ-How are simple inherited traits passed from parents to offspring and next generation?
S7L3 a,b
Sunday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
November 2014 / 1
S7L3 a,b
L6-8RST1, 2, 4, & 6
L6-8RST 3 & 7 / 3Activity 58 Creature Features con’t.
CQ-How are traits passed from parents to offspring?
SL3 a, b / 4Activity 60
Mendel, First geneticist
CQ-How did Gregor Mendel discover the basis of heredity by breeding pea plants? S7L3 a,b / 5 Activity 61 Gene Squares CQ – How do Punnett square determine probable inherited traits in offspring?
S7L3 a,b / 6 Genetics Review and Activities
S7L3 a,b / 7 Quiz and catch up day
S7L3 a,b / 8
S7L3 a,b
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f L6-8RST 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, &10 / 10 Activity 63 - Show me the genes
EQ – How do chromosomes play a role in the inheritance of genes? S7L3 a,b
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f L6-8RST 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, &10 / 11 Veterans Day
Activity 63 - Show me the genes con’t. EQ –Why is cancer
considered a DNA mutation?
S7L3 a,b
L6-8RST 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, &10 / 12Activity 65
Breeding Critters-more traits (performance task
EQ- How do patterns of inheritance differ?
S7L3 a,b
L6-8RST 3, 4, 7,& 9
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f / 13Activity 65
Breeding Critters-more traits (performance task
EQ- How can I use genotype to determine phenotype? S7L3 a,b
L6-8RST 3, 4, 7,& 9
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f / 14Pedigree and review key vocabulary for genetics S7L3 a,b
Activity 66 – Patterns in Pedigrees
E.Q.- How can you use pedigrees to study human traits? L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f
L6-8RST1, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 10 / 15
S7L3 a,b
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f L6-8RST 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, &10 / 17Punnet Square Review (Codominance, incomplete dominance, selective breeding, natural selection) / 18Punnet Square/ Pedigree Review
Performance Task / 19Check Your Genes Review Day
Performance Task / 20 Genetics Review
Performance Task
Organize/update learning logs / 21Unit D Post-test / 22
23 / 24 Thanksgiving Holidays / 25 Thanksgiving Holidays / 26Thanksgiving Holidays / 27 Thanksgiving Day / 28Thanksgiving Holidays / 29
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
December 2014 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Mid-year review – body systems / 6
S7L2 and S7L3
Review / 8Mid-year review- microscope & cells and cell processes / 9Mid-year review-
genetics / 10Mid-year review - genetics / 11Mid-year review –“potpourri”
All GPS covered so far / 12 Review for
benchmark / 13
S7L2 and S7L3
Review / 15 Review for benchmark
Holiday related activities
Create a baby elf / 16BMT
Review for benchmark
Holiday related activities
Create a baby elf / 17BMT
Holiday related activities
Genetics of Rudolph / 18 Cut Score Meeting 8:00
Holiday related activities Genetics of Santa Claus
Review games
Organize learning logs / 19 Last Day Before Christmas/Last Day of 2nd 9 Wks
Evolution pretest / 20
21 / 22 HOLIDAY / 23 HOLIDAY / 24HOLIDAY / 25 Christmas Day / 26HOLIDAY / 27
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
January 2015 / 1HOLIDAY / 2HOLIDAY / 3
4S7L5 a,b,c
L6-8RST 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f / 5Professional Learning/
Student Holidays / 6Professional Learning/
Student Holidays / 7 Students Return to School/1stDay of 3rd 9 Wks
UNIT F: Evolution PRE-TEST
S7L5 a,b,c Activity 93 Reading the Rocks
E Q:- How can you determine which fossils are older, which are younger and which are likely to be from extinct species? S7L5 a,b,c / 8 The Fossil Record Coachbook 19
EQ- How can scientists use fossils to show evolutionary change? S7L5 a,b,c / 9 Activity 94 Lamark and Darwin Play
EQ- How does evolutionhappen? S7L5 a,b,c
L6-8RST 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f / 10
11S7L5 a,b,c
L6-8RST 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f / 12Activity 96 Battling Beaks
EQ- : What role does variation play in the process of natural selection?
S7L5 a,b,c
L6-8RST 3, 6, 7, & 9
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f / 13 Supplement Environmental Adaptations(peppered moth) Coachbook 17Change over time
EQ- How do physical characteristics of organisms change over successive generations? S7L5 a,b,c / 14Activity 97 Origin of Species
EQ: What role do mutations play in natural selection?
S7L5 a,b,c
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f / 15 Coachbook 18 Natural Selection
EQ- How do species evolve due to natural selection?
Review forBenchmark S7L5 a,b,c / 16 Supplement cladograms
EQ- How do cladograms show ancestral relationships?
Review for Benchmark S7L5 / 17
18 S7L5 a,b,c
L6-8RST 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6
LS6-8WHST 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e,2f,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 / 19 M.L. King Holiday / 20 EVOLUTION Performance Task
S7L5 a,b,c
LS6-8WHST 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e / 21 EVOLUTION Performance Task
S7L5 a,b,c
LS6-8WHST 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e,2f,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 / 22 Review for Unit F: Evolution Post Test
S7L5 a,b,c / 23 Unit F: Evolution Post Test
March Madness- form groups, go over directions, procedures,expectations
S7L5 a,b,c / 24
S7L1 a, b
L6-8RST 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, & 10 L6-8WHST 1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 26Unit E: Pretest Ecology
Activity 72 The Miracle Fish S7L1 a, b
EQ- How is an environment affected by introducing a new species?
L6-8RST 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, & 10 L6-8WHST 1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 27 Dichotomous Key
EQ- How can a dichotomous key help to classify/identify an organism? Coachbook 1
S7L1 a, b / 28 Coachbook 2
Classifying Organisms (focus on kingdom chart & add how organism reproduce)
EQ- How are the 6 kingdoms divided?
S7L1 a, b / 29 Levels of classification –kingdom to species
EQ- How are organisms named from Kingdom down to species?
S7L1 a, b / 30 Eubacteria
EQ- How are bacteria broken down into two unique kingdoms? Supplement bacteria information.
Holt book S7L1 a, b / 31
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
February 2015
1S7L1 a, b
LS6-8WHST 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,2a,2b,2c,2d,2e / 2 Eubacteria
EQ- How are bacteria broken down into two unique kingdoms? Supplement bacteria information.
Holt book S7L1 a, b / 3Supplement Protista information.
Kingdom Protista
EQ - Why is Protista a unique kingdom?
S7L1 a,b / 4 Supplement Fungi information.
Kingdom Fungi
EQ- Why is fungi a unique kingdom?
Present Performance Task
S7L1 a,b LS6-8WHST 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,2a,2b,2c,2d,2 / 5 Supplement plant information
.Kingdom Plantae
EQ-Why are plants a unique kingdom?
S7L1 a,b / 6Supplement plant information with focus on how they are divided.
EQ-How are plants divided within their kingdom?
S7L1 a,b / 7
8S7L1 a,b
L6-8RST 3, 8, & 9
L6-8RST ALL / 9 Supplement animal kingdom characteristics.(Animals will be broken down more in SEPUP activities.)
EQ-Why are animals a unique kingdom? S7L1 a,b / 10 Compare all 6 kingdoms
EQ- How is each of the six kingdoms unique?
S7L1 a,b / 11 Activity 75 Classifying Animals
CQ: How are different classes of animal unique?
L6-8RST 3, 8, & 9
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 12Activity 76 People, Birds, and Bats
CQ: How can evidence be used to classify vertebrates?
Quiz over 6 kingdom
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 13Professional Learning/Student Holiday / 14
15S7L1 a,b
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 16Winter Break Holiday / 17Activity 77 Ups and Downs
CQ: How do scientists study the size of a population and predict future changes?
L6-8RST 3, 7, & 8
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 18Activity 79 Eating for Energy EQ: How are the energy relationships among organisms in an ecosystem affected by theintroduction of a new species? L6-8RST ALL
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 19Activity 85 Is there room for one more?
EQ: How do environmental pressures affect carrying capacity?
L6-8RST 1, 4, 7, & 8
L6-8WHST1a,1d,2d12f,10 / 20Coachbook 11focus on vocabulary used to create a food web) 11Why is the sun the original source of energy? (-Ecology (performance task assigned)
S7L1 a,b / 21
22S7L1 a,b
S7L4.e / 23 Coachbook 11 (focus on cycles)
EQ- How do nutrients cycle back into the environment?
S7L1 a,b / 24 Quiz and catch up day / 25 Coachbook 12 (focus on energy pyramid and vocabulary used)
EQ- Why are there fewer animals than plants?
S7L4.e / 26Supplement symbiotic relationships within biomes.
How do organisms “fit” together in an ecosystem? S7L4.a.b.c.d
S7L4.e / 27Supplement symbiotic relationships within
EQ- Why are there different types of relationships in an ecosystem? S7L4.a.b.c.d / 28
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
March 2015
1S7L4.a.b.c.d,e / 2Supplement competition for resources within biomes.
EQ- How do organisms compete for resources within their ecosystem?S7L4.a.b.c.d / 3Supplement BIOMES Coachbook 15
EQ- How is each ecosystem (biome) unique?
S7L4.a.b.c.d / 4 Supplement BIOMES EQ- How is each ecosystem (biome) similar?S7L4.a.b.c.d / 5Supplement BIOMES
EQ- How is our ecosystem (biome) unique? / 6Supplement Aquatic Biomes
EQ- How are aquatic biomes similar to land biomes?S7L4.a.b.c.d / 7
S7L5 a,b,c / 9 Review for benchmark
S7L5 a,b,c / 10BMT
Review for benchmark
S7L5 a,b,c / 11BMT
Review for Unit E Post-test
S7L4.a.b.c.d,e / 12 Cut Score Meeting 8:00
Review for Unit E Post-test
S7L4.a.b.c.d,e / 13 Last Day of 3rd 9 Wks
Unit E Post test
Introduction to March Madness (setup teams, information) / 14
Week One of March Madness Review
All GPS / 16 1stDay of 4th 9 Wks
March Madness Begins!!
CRCT Review: Explain March Madness
Cells: Coach book
Pg, 47 ,53, 57
All Science GPS / 17 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
respiration Prokaryote/eukaryote
characteristics of living things; hierarchy of organisms; All Science GPS / 18 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Genetics: Coach pg. 83, 87, 91
Punnett square practice
All Science GPS / 19 March Madness!!
Female Gamete Gathering
All Science GPS / 20 CRCT Review March Madness!!
Classification: Dichotomous keys, Coach p. 35, chart p. 33 kingdoms
All Science GPS / 21
Week Two of March Madness Review
All GPS / 23 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Vertebrate classes chart SALI p. E-30;
Vascular vs. non-vascular plants; angiosperm vs gymnosperm All Science / 24 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Classless Classification Shuffle Game
All Science GPS / 25 CRCT Review March Madness!!
Body Systems: Coach pg.69; Body systemschart; Body systems questions
All Science GPS / 26 CRCT Review March Madness!!
Matching Mayhem Relay Race (classification andbody systems)
All Science GPS / 27 CRCT Review March Madness!!
Game Board review
All Science GPS / 28
29 / 30Spring Break / 31 Spring Break
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
April 2015 / 1 Spring Break / 2 Spring Break / 3 Spring Break / 4
5 Week Three of March Madness Review
ALL GPS / 6 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Ecology: Create pictures and labels on Foodchains and Food Webs
All Science GPS
S7L4.a.b.c.d / 7 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Ecology: Vocabulary Review; Energy Pyramids
All Science GPS
S7L4.e / 8 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Ecology: symbiosis; Biomes
All Science GPS
S7L4.e / 9 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Evolution: Coach pg. 153,157,163
All Science GPS
S7L5 a,b,c, / 10 CRCT Review
March Madness!!
Grand Finale!
Review GAME (TBA)
Cumulative questions from OAS, coach, etc.
All Science GPS / 11
All GPS / 13CRCT Review
Various teacher-made games,Coach books, OAS questions, Jeopardy
All Science GPS / 14CRCT Review
Various teacher-made games, Coach books, OAS questions, Jeopardy
All Science GPS / 15CRCT Review
Various teacher-made games,Coach books, OAS questions, Jeopardy
All Science GPS / 16 Various review activities TBA
All Science GPS
Tentative CRCT / 17 Tentative CRCT
Various review activities TBA
All Science GPS / 18
S7L4.e / 20 Various review activities TBA
All Science GPS / 21 Tentative CRCT
Various review activities TBA
All Science GPS / 22 Tentative CRCT
Various review activities TBA
All Science GPS / 23 Tentative CRCT
Various review activities TBA
All Science GPS / 24 Pre-test Vertebrates vs. Invertebrates
BrainPop Invert
Begin work on invertebrate chart / 25
26 S7L4.a.b.c.d / 27 Invertebrates
Useful words
Ch. 15.3 & 15.4
Comparison chart Vocab. review / 28 Invertebrates
Invertebrate Poster activity S7L4.a.b.c.d / 29 virtual worm dissection/ worm dissection
S7L4.a.b.c.d / 30 Vertebrates
Useful words
16.1 & 16.2 comparison chart
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
May 2015 / 1 Video
Vocabulary Review “Fishing”
S7L4.e / 2
Notes: Physical Science preview may vary from teacher to teacher and school to school based on materials agreedon by the 7th and 8th grade science teachers. / 4 Vertebrate Mystery stories
Comparison chart17.1 / 5 vertebrate/invertebrate review / 6 Invertebrate/
vertebrate test / 7 Physical Sci Intro / 8 Physical Sci Intro / 9
10 Notes: Physical Science preview may vary from teacher to teacher and school to school based on materials agreedon by the 7th and 8th grade science teachers. / 11 Physical Sci Intro / 12 Physical Sci Intro / 13 Physical Sci Intro / 14 Physical Sci Intro / 15 Physical Sci Intro / 16
17 Notes: Physical Science preview may vary from teacher to teacher and school to school based on materials agreedon by the 7th and 8th grade science teachers. / 18 Physical Sci Project / 19 Physical Sci Project / 20 Physical Sci Review / 21 Physical Sci Test / 22 Last Day of 4th 9 Wks/Last Day of School
Final Exam all subjects / 23
24 / 25Memorial Day Holiday / 26 Post-Planning Days / 27 Post-Planning Days / 28 Post-Planning Days / 29 / 30
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
June 2015
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
28 / 29 / 30

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