Mr. Ross BrownEarth Science

Brooklyn High School for Law & TechnologyFall 2017

Name ______Period ______Date ______

Science in the News

As our academic careers advance, it is important for us to be able to consume scientific information intelligently. It is not enough to read articles but we must be able to interpret the information and then discuss the article and the related story. The discussion allows us to bring our own individual, unique voice to the understanding. Our goals and objectives will be to

Highlight methods and procedures

Summarize technical discussions

Bring our own voices to the story

Include the important names and credentials of people mentioned

Include pictures or diagrams, if possible pictures we create instead of copy from the internet


Grade / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Article Selection / Not about science
Doesn’t credit source
Fewer than 200 words / Includes science content
Source credited
Doesn’t indicate key people and organizations
About 200 words / Includes science content
Source credited
Indicates key people
200 words or more / Includes science content
Source credited
Indicates key people
More than 200 words
Understanding of Article / Misses key points
Not summarized / Correctly indicates key ideas
Doesn’t summarize or draw conclusion / Summary shows understanding and includes key points / Highlights scientific methods and results
Summary shows understanding and includes key points
Completion / Incomplete compared to worksheet, sections missing / Attempted all sections of worksheet
Some responses incomplete / Attempted all sections of worksheet
Response complete & answer all sections / Attempted all sections of worksheet
Response complete & answer all sections
Quality / Shows limited understanding
Doesn’t use complete sentences
Sloppy, hurried responses, spelling errors or typos / Responses show partial understanding
Several incomplete sentences or spelling errors / Responses show good understanding
Some incomplete sentences or spelling errors / Responses show complete understanding
All complete sentences
Responses are organized, thoughtful, and show attention to detail
  • This must be aNEWSarticle, something from the last 60 days. Do not tell me about types of rocks or types of clouds, etc. unless a new type of rock or cloud has been discovered in the last 60 days.
  • This must be an EARTH SCIENCE article. Do not write about why people are ticklish or research on polar bears, no matter how cute polar bears are. (They're like really, really cute. But they will eat your face clean off.)
  • You must include a picture produced by you that relates to the article.
  • You must include a question you would ask the scientist about the topic. Whatis an area where you think we might want to know more information? If you can't come up with a question, you've picked a bad article and you need to find one that is more interesting to you.
  • Youmay notuse or or sciencepop.comother web sites directed at younger students. You are in high school, beginning to consider college. Pick a source that is appropriate. For example, ifno scientist is quoted, then it's the wrong article.

If you need help finding acceptable sources for your news articlestry googling websites for Scientific American, Discover magazine, the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, the American Museum of Natural History, NASA, JPL, USGS, NOAA, or any others you find. When you get to those websites, look for a link toNEWS. You might also look at the website for the Weather Channel ( or and look at their link toNEWS. They provide lots of good news and information.As an alternative, pick any topic from the earth sciences and google that term followed by the word "news." For example, google "astronomy news" or "geology news" or "meteorology news" or "oceanography news" or be more specific like "hurricane news" or "solar system news" or "undersea exploration news." You get the idea.
This should be one neatly-written side of a page. Yes, feel free to type this and then draw your picture.Neatness does most definitely count.
Impress me! And have a swell weekend.

Mr. Ross BrownEarth Science

Brooklyn High School for Law & TechnologyFall 2017

Science in the News Worksheet

Name ______Period ______Date ______

SITN Article Number _#2______Due Date __16 October 2017______


1)Find an article about scientific research or observations published in the last 60 days. This has to be news, not an encyclopedia entry. Use newspapers, magazines, or websites from our approved list or see me. Article must be at least 200 words long.

2)Read the article and make note of what the scientists tried to find out or what they tried to do. What questions were the answering?

3)Underline a) the methods the scientists used and the data they collected and b) what they learned and what the results and conclusions were.

4)Answer the questions below.

5)Staple/ glue/ tape the article to the back of this page.

6)Turn in before the due date.


1)A) Title of article ______

B) Topic of article ______

C) Author(s) ______

D) Source of article (name of magazine/ newspaper, URL and name of website)


2)A) Full name and title of person quoted in article (article must quote at least one person)


B) Why was this person quoted? What is his or her expertise?


3)How did scientists collect the information on which this article is based? What were their procedures? What tools were used? What data did they collect?



4)One the back of this sheets, write a summary of the article in your own words. It must be at least five (5) complete sentences. Be sure to check spelling. Write as neatly as you can!

5)Draw an illustration or diagram of important information contained in the article. Label it!

6)Think about the article. What else would you want to know about this subject? What is one question you would ask the author or the scientist?

