2014 Annual Addiction and Mental Health Conference

Conference Summary

Wednesday, October 22nd 2014
Time / Activity / Speaker/Topic
8:00-9:00 / Registration
9:00-10:00 / Welcome/Opening remarks
10:00-10:30 / Break
10:30-12:00 / Opening Keynote / Dr. Pat Deegan: Principles of Recovery and Wellness Oriented Practice (EN)
12:00-13:30 / Lunch
Yoga Session
13:30-14:30 / Concurrent Workshops A / A – 1 … Dr. Pat Deegan: The Dignity of Risk and the Duty to Care (EN with ST)
A – 2 … Dr. Selene Etches & Doug Campbell: CHOICES: A Concurrent Disorder Program for Adolescents (EN)
A – 3 … Jennifer Kikkert: Process Improvement (EN)
14:30-15:00 / Break
15:00-16:30 / Concurrent Workshops B / B – 1 … Marc Guitard: Clients of the New Brunswick Review Board (FR)
B – 2 … Lise-Anne Renaud: Cognitive Processing Therapy in the treatment of PTSD (FR with ST)
B – 3 … Charlotte LeBlanc: Nutrition and Mental Health (EN)
18:30-20:30 / Meet and Greet social event for clients
Thursday, October 23rd 2014
Time / Activity / Speaker/Topic
8:30-10:00 / NB Recovery Model / Sharing from the Local Recovery Teams from around NB
10:00-10:30 / Break
10:30-12:00 / NB Recovery Model / Sharing from the Local Recovery Teams from around NB
12:00-13:30 / Lunch
Yoga session
13:30-14:30 / Concurrent Workshops C / C – 1 … Lyson Robichaud: Happiness… beyond mental illness! (FR with ST)
C – 2 … Dr. David Clark: Hoarding Disorder: Perplexing Questions and Treatment Challenges (EN)
C – 3 … Darcy Corey, Isabelle Chenard & Kathy Boucher: STEPPS: A Treatment Program for BPD (EN)
14:30-15:00 / Break
15:00-16:30 / Concurrent Workshops D / D – 1 … Nancy Hicks: It’s not about Will Power…… it’s about Brain Power (EN with ST)
D – 2 … Smiling Mask: Truths about Postpartum Depression and Parenthood (EN)
D – 3 … Lise Arseneault Carrier & Karine Provencher: Sleep and Mental Health (FR)
18:30-21:30 / «Talent , Recovery & Wellness» social event
Friday, October 24th 2014
Time / Activity / Speaker/Topic
8:30-10:00 / Concurrent Workshops E / E – 1 … Mark Griffiths: Technological trends, behavioral tracking, and implications for social responsibility tools in gambling (EN with ST)
E – 2 … Dr. Bill Cook: Intention, Attention, Awareness, & Attitude: Training for Mental Health and Resilience (EN)
E – 3 … Dr. Frank Lord: Anti-Alcohol Medications (FR)
10:00-10:30 / Break
10:30-11:30 / Closing Keynote / Mark Griffiths: Behavioural addictions – Past, present and future
11:30-12:00 / Closing remarks
Opening Conference Keynote
Principles of Recovery and Wellness Oriented Practice
Patricia E. Deegan PhD
In this keynote address, Patricia E. Deegan PhD will discuss the principles of recovery and wellness. Drawing on her own experience of recovery after being diagnosed with schizophrenia, she will describe practical tools that support recovery and wellness oriented practice.
Biography of the presenter
/ Patricia E. Deegan is a principal with Pat Deegan & Associates, LLC. She is a thought leader and disruptive innovator in the field behavioral health recovery. Pat is the creator of RECOVERYLibrary.com and the CommonGround web application to support person centered care and shared decision making in the psychiatric consultation. Pat is an activist in the disability rights movement and has lived her own journey of recovery after being diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teenager. She is an Adjunct Professor at Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine and at Boston University, Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Duquesne University.

A-1 The Dignity of Risk and the Duty to Care
Patricia E. Deegan PhD
Most people can get onboard with the values of recovery: choice, self-determination, hope, person centeredness, strengths-based, culturally relevant, etc. But translating recovery principles into practice is a challenge for most. In this workshop Patricia E. Deegan PhD will describe a practical and empowering method for working with folks who may be making self--‐defeating choices that steer their lives away from recovery and wellness.
Biography of the presenter
/ Patricia E. Deegan is a principal with Pat Deegan & Associates, LLC. She is a thought leader and disruptive innovator in the field behavioral health recovery. Pat is the creator of RECOVERYLibrary.com and the CommonGround web application to support person centered care and shared decision making in the psychiatric consultation. Pat is an activist in the disability rights movement and has lived her own journey of recovery after being diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teenager. She is an Adjunct Professor at Dartmouth College Geisel School of Medicine and at Boston University, Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Duquesne University.

A-2 CHOICES: A Concurrent Disorder Program for Adolescents
Dr. Selene Etches
Doug Campbell
This session, facilitated by the Choices' psychiatrist and clinical social worker, will provide attendees with a comprehensive description of the IWK CHOICES treatment Program located in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Through a detailed case study, participants will follow a typical adolescent through the assessment and treatment phases of this evidence-based, concurrent disorders program for adolescents. Individual, family, and group therapies for youth suffering with substance use disorders and mental health issues will be explored with additional focus on recreational and occupational therapeutic modalities.
Biography of the presenters
/ Dr. Selene Etches received her B.Sc. from University of British Columbia and her MD from the University of Toronto. She completed her Residency Training Program at Dalhousie University and a Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Concurrent Disorders at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. She is currently the staff psychiatrist and medical director for the IWK CHOICES Program (concurrent mental health and addictions) in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
/ Doug Campbell received his Masters of Social Work from Dalhousie University. He has been in the employ of the IWK Health Centre for the past 15 years in a variety of mental health and critical care medical health settings. Prior to this, Doug worked in front line social work capacities, leadership roles and program development initiatives within community based mental health agencies. Doug is currently a Clinical Team Leader at the IWK CHOICES Program (concurrent mental health and addictions) in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
A-3 Process Improvement
Jennifer Kikkert
This presentation will provide an overview of how Lean Six Sigma process improvement techniques can be applied to improve the services & programs for Mental Health & Addictions patients. It will highlight the process and steps involved in these improvement activities as well as examples of tools that can be applied by anyone working in this field and real-life examples of Lean Six Sigma Mental Health & Addictions and their results.
Biography of the presenter
/ Jennifer Kikkertis theRegional Lead of Process Improvement for Horizon Health Network. Her responsibilities includecreating, promoting, and sustaining a culture of continuous improvement;and leading the activity and associated processes to support operational leaders and staffin assessing current workflows, designing and implementing preferred workflow states and evaluating the effectiveness of the workflow changes. Jennifer also works in partnership with the Office of Strategy Management of the Government of New Brunswick, supporting the departments of Social Development, Justice & Attorney General and Health with the implementation of their formal management systems and process improvement processes.
Her educational background includes a Bachelors of Arts(Honors) degree from theUniversity of New Brunswick and Lean Six Sigma Black Beltcertification from the College of Extended Learning, University of New Brunswick. In March 2014, Jennifer completed her Master Black Belt certification in process improvement.
B-1 Clients of the Review Board of New Brunswick: Guidelines for Addictions and Mental Health Services
Marc Guitard
Explanation of the guidelines in relation to the management of individuals under the Review Board of NB in hospital and community settings.
Biography of the presenter
/ Marc Guitard, is a registered social worker since 2005. He has been employed since 2009 with the Forensic Psychiatry Program at the Restigouche Hospital, with the not criminally responsible population, under the mandate of the Review Board of New Brunswick.
B-2 Cognitive Processing Therapy in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Lise-Anne Renaud
This presentation will provide an introduction to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder from a Cognitive Theory perspective as a disorder of non-recovery. Assessment and description of PTSD Symptoms, Fight/Flight/Freeze response and “Just World Belief” will be presented. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), a manualized evidenced-based therapy for PTSD, will also be described.
Biography of the presenter
/ Lise-Anne Renaud graduated with a Master’s degree in Psychology from Laval University in 1996. Since then she has worked as a psychologist in New Brunswick in Community Mental Health Centers’, the NB Department of Education and as a Consultant with the Addiction, Mental Health and Primary Health Care Services at theDepartment of Health. Since 2009, she has been working as a Clinical Coordinator / Psychologist at the Operational Stress Injury Clinic (OSI Clinic) in Fredericton. The OSI Clinic Fredericton provides services to Veterans and active members of the Canadian Forces as well as members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in all four Atlantic Provinces. She is trained in Prolonged Exposure, EMDR and Cognitive Processing Therapy for which she is also a consultant. She has presented to several groups on different subjects relating to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder over the last 5 years.
B-3 Nutrition and Mental Health
Charlotte LeBlanc
This presentation will provide:
·  A different perspective in understanding psychosis
·  How complementary medicine can co-exist with traditional medications in helping to treat mental illness.
·  The importance of support, family, partners and psychiatric intervention with or without medication.
·  Guidance and direction in implementing a holistic approach as well as comfort in dealing with the ups and downs on the road to wellness.
·  Explore alternatives to traditional approaches to treating mental illness – nutrition and lifestyle
·  Gaps in the System
Biography of the presenter
/ Charlotte LeBlanc is retired. She holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in nutrition (BASc), is a naturopath, a registered nutritional consultant practitioner (RNCP), a certified Iridologist (C.Ir), and a registered holistic allergist (Rha) and author.
Her son was diagnosed with schizophrenia, which lead to extensive training in nutrition, iridology, and allergies. Charlotte and Daniel’s (her son) path to full health led her to share her son’s story in overcoming schizophrenia in a book called Sidetracked by Schizophrenia. He now leads a normal life without any heavy anti-psychotic medication. Their wish is to stop at least some of the unnecessary suffering in people diagnosed with schizophrenia and prevent some future suffering in youth.
Charlotte partakes in several mental health committees and other passions:
Partners for Mental Health, Addictions and Mental Health Community Advisory: Mental Health Services – Horizon Health Network, Moncton, DOTS N.B. Fredericton, Schizophrenia Society of N.B. Miramichi and still does conferences, teaches at Tantramar Senior’s College and writes.
Sharing from the Local Recovery Teams from around NB
Regional Recovery Teams
Addictions/Mental Health employees within NB are in the process of adopting the Recovery Model into their programs and services. The Recovery Model is a way of providing care that fosters hope for a life beyond the limitations of a person’s illness. This portion of the conference involves presentations from the Provincial Recovery Team, a group comprising of smaller Local Recovery Teams that represent each region. Each Local Recovery Team will share various recovery-orientated projects that they have been working on during the past year. These projects have been undertaken through the leadership of people with lived experience and passionate clinicians who have been working side-by-side on rewarding client-focused initiatives. Prepare to be inspired by people with lived experience and Addictions/Mental Health professionals who have the courage to ‘think outside of the box’ while improving services. We are excited to share this rewarding journey.
C-1 Happiness ... beyond mental illness!
Lyson Robichaud
A native of Caraquet now living in Dieppe, Lyson Robichaud shares her experience like someone telling a truth, without embarrassment and without scruples. Living with bipolar disorder, she opens the door to this world by discussing the ups and downs of this invisible hurt, which stills remains very real. Through her experiences, she realized that happiness is stronger than mental illness and that in order to dare to believe in recovery, we must make the necessary efforts and live with acceptance.
Biography of the presenter
/ Former radio host and now communications officer, Lyson Robichaud is immersed in the field of creative writing and has been passionate about writing since a young age. In 2012, she published her first book at the Éditions de la Francophonie: À ma façon, mon bonheur, revu et apprivoisé. The book is the testimony of a very ordinary woman who deliberately choses to tame mental illness and to make the main theme her quest to help others. She recently served as spokesperson for Un Phare dans la nuit, a pioneering artistic event to benefit mental health in south-eastern New Brunswick. A great speaker and advocate for the right to happiness and well-being, Lyson Robichaud has only one desire: to help and encourage those who suffer in silence.
C-2 Hoarding Disorder: Perplexing Questions and Treatment Challenges
David A. Clark, Ph.D.
Hoarding disorder (HD) was officially recognized as an addictive disorder in DSM-5. HD is characterized by pathological acquisition of and inability to discard possessions of questionable value, excessive clutter of living spaces, and significant impairment in daily functioning. It affects approximately 5% of Canadians and is more prevalent in older adults. The disorder can be especially difficult to treat. This address will discuss the diagnostic presentation of HD, its differentiation from other disorders like OCD and more normal behavioral states like collecting. Possible explanations for its chronic and treatment-refractory nature will be considered. A cognitive behavioral case formulation and treatment protocol for HD will be presented. The address will conclude with a brief review of the treatment outcome literature on HD.
Biography of the presenter
/ David A. Clark, Ph.D. received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, University of London in 1984 and is currently Professor of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, Canada. In 1987-88 he completed postdoctoral training in cognitive therapy at Beck’s Center for Cognitive Therapy in Philadelphia. As researcher, educator and practicing clinician, Dr. Clark has spent 30 years investigating cognitive behavior theory and treatment for depression and anxiety disorders. His funded research has appeared in numerous scientific journals and he has authored several books with the founder of cognitive therapy, Dr. Aaron T. Beck, including “Scientific Foundations of Cognitive Theory and Therapy of Depression” (Wiley, 1999), Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety Disorders (Guilford, 2010), and The Anxiety and Worry Workbook (Guilford, 2012). Dr. Clark has conducted numerous training workshops on cognitive behavior therapy for depression, OCD and other anxiety disorders worldwide. He is a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and recipient of the Aaron T. Beck Award for Significant and Enduring Contributions to Cognitive Therapy in 2008. His latest book, The Mood Repair Toolkit: Proven Strategies to Prevent the Blues from Turning into Depression is scheduled for publication with Guilford Press in August, 2014.