Second Annual General Meeting of the Lochluichart Community Trust – 25 July 2013


Directors: Jennifer Haslam (Chairperson), Jean Bailey (Treasurer), Hamish Leslie Melville, Gordon MacKenzie, Kenny MacLean, Guy Madgwick

Members:Jean Hollingdale, Hazel Keiro, Eliza Leslie Melville, MurdoMacKenzie, Ann MacRae, Chris MacRae, UisdeanMenzies, Susan Tarr

Guest:Zoisa Walton (Eneco)

Company Secretary:Peter Gormley

1.Guy Madgwick opened the meeting introducing Jennifer Haslam as Chairperson and Peter Gormley as Company Secretary.

2.Jennifer Haslam welcomed the members and introduced Jean Bailey as Treasurer.

3.The minutes of the previous AGM were approved – proposed by Kenny MacLean, seconded by Jean Bailey.

4.The ordinary resolution – to adopt the annual accounts for the Company – was carried by 7 votes to 1 on a show of hands by the members.

5.Jennifer Haslam delivered the Chairperson’s report:

10 Directors’ Meetings had been held since the last AGM.

The application for charitable status through the OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charities Register) was progressing. A number of changes had been made to the Articles of Association to meet the OSCR requirements – Guy Madgwick outlined the changes. Once the OSCR has approved the revised Articles, they will be forwarded to each member with a written resolution for their approval.

The Fund Distribution Guidelines were outlined by Jennifer Haslam, indicating the project investment bands and the goals of the fund.

The Trust marketing was highlighted by Jennifer Haslam, with detail given by Zoisa Walton (Eneco). The website will be launched towards the end of 2013 with input from logo and artwork competitions to be held in September involving under-18s in the area. The minutes of the LCT along with news on LCT progress will be available over the website.

The need to involve the younger generation in the activities of the Trust was reinforced by Jennifer Haslam. The benefits from 25 years of investment of the LCT funds should be maximised for the community – with the advent of other windfarm developments, this may increase further.

Jennifer Haslamalso briefed on the appointments of the secretary, auditors and solicitors, and the setting up of the LCT bank account.

It was clarified that applications for funds will be invited through local advertisements and the website. Funds will be available from May 2014, with fund applications commencing in February 2014.

Funds of £10,000 had been deposited by Eneco to enable LCT to cover its costs before the windfarm is commissioned.

6.Kenny MacLean explained that guidelines will be provided to applicants showing how applications will be assessed – these will also be made available over the LCT website.

Jean Bailey emphasised that members will need to apply for the funds, working together, and recognising the big picture of what the community needs over the longer term, with opportunities for small to large projects.

Guy Madgwick stated that Eneco passionately want the LCT to be successful, regenerating the local area, providing infrastructure and services, so that in 20 years’ time we can look back with pride. He proposed that a ‘business plan’ outlining the vision of the long term goal is needed to ensure success – big projects will make a major impact on the community.

7.Jennifer Haslam requested questions from the members:

Susan Tarr asked how applications would be processed. Applications would be received and checked by the secretary, followed by examination and scoring by the directors against pre-defined criteria. The scoring is critical and will require much effort. The selection process will be transparent. There will be two reviews of applications each year, with the timings being advertised fully.

UisdeanMenzies asked if applications would be open to government bodies, such as schools. It was clarified that funds would not be used for services or facilities already provided by government bodies. If, for example, a school PTA wanted help for a project then they should apply as a group. The organisation applying for funds would not need to be constituted as a charity, but the benefit arising must support the community.

It was clarified that organisations lying outside the G&DCC area may apply as long as the project would benefit the community within the G&DCC area.

Jean Hollingdale questioned the use of the website for distributing minutes. It was made clear that members without access to the web would continue to be communicated by post.

8.Jennifer Haslam closed the meeting, thanking the members, directors and Zoisa Walton for their contributions.