Saint Joseph’Primary SchoolTopic planning
Term: / 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Year ) / Year: / R 1 2 3 4 5 6Topic title: /
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
/ Teacher: /Miss Wood
Outline of topic:
In term 3 and 4 the children will be learning all about their environment and where they live. We will look at the differences between life in the town/city and life in the countryside. As well as this we will compare cities in other parts of the world (link to Geography) and countries to visit. The children will learn all about important events in History, in particular The ‘Great Fire of London’ our famous city and compare events in other parts of the world.
Linking this to other subjects within the curriculum will be exciting as in Maths we will investigate currencies used in other parts of the world as we look at money. In English our main Fiction texts will be ‘The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse’ . In term 4 we will look at Dick Whittington, to link to London. As well as Fiction the class will start to become familiar with the genre persuasive writing when they research where best to live, the city or the country.
The children will be able to use programmes on the laptops to record work and print and use the internet safely to research facts linking to the topic. In Art we will be using our creative skills to show ‘The great fire of London’ using different types of chalks and paints and create and explore textures. We will design little houses to show the fire and how the fire spread so quickly.
In PSHE our theme is Me and my Helathy lifestyle, this will be a great starting point for our topic to establish the benfits when living in the country or the city. In science in Term 4 we will be looking at plants and the surrounding countryside habitats where plants and flowers grow, looking at the changes in our seasons will be part of our science learning too.
Saint Joseph’s catholic Cross Curricular Links Topic Planning Yr 1 Town/Country
Language and Literacy(To include English and Literacy)
Using the text The town mouse and the country mouse will be the starting point for our English as we study and learn the pros and cons of both of these surroundings. Through speaking and listening the children will debate what they prefer and the benefits of both. In their wrtiing they will start to show story wrtiing, Non chron and persuasive forms of writing. We will incorporate poetry into the term when we look at The great fire of London.
In term 4 Barnaby Bear will travel the world and our writing will be based on his adventures. / Mathematics
(To include Numeracy)
In Maths we will be looking at two new concepts over ths term. Time and money. Through our topic we will investigate different time zones and weather patterns as well the currency used in these different countries.
In our Maths we will incorporate where possible adding and subtracting using links to the books and topic.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
(To include Science, Geography and History)
This will not only be a focus on important events but important people in History too will link in as not fully covered in Term 1 and 2. There will be a link to the countries and lifestyle as well as looking at the seasons, plants that grow in our country and other places around the world. / Physical Development
(To include Physical Education)
Through our PE we will link games where possible to the characters from the books and team games will be labelled with names of cities around the world. / Creative Development
(To include Art and Design, Music, Design and Technology and Dance)
In Art and DT we will look at the season of Winter, as well as the houses from the City of London. In Music we will look at composers and pieces of music from around the world.
Personal and Social Development
(To include PSHE)
To begin with our focus will be on living a healthy lifestyle, this will link nicely with the city or the countryside.
Later in the unit we will look at medicines and link this to how other countries cope with living healthy and their access to medication and care. / Information and Communication Technology
Each term we look at how to stay safe on the internet. This will continue as we research the town and the countryside. We will use programs and the children will design pictures and retell facts and stories on how to create a story and Textease Paint. / Religious Education
Through Revelation we will look at parts of the world where these important parables take place and discuss our thoughts and feelings on what we learn.