Active 2005 SPLOST Accounts:
Recreation (Separate Account- Planters):AccountBalance $ 330,913.43
Development Authority of Ben Hill County (Separate Account - Planters):Balance $ 56,435.44
Flood (Separate Account- Planters): Balance $87,634.07
2011 SPLOST Account:
Recreation (Separate Account - Community):Account Balance $ 432,294.36
The 2000 SPLOST budgetincluded 13 Recreational/Cultural Plan Projects. However, these projects were not specifically identified in the referendum that was approved by the voters.
- Paulk Park $640,000
- North County Landing $250,000
- Lions Park $135,000
- Monitor Complex $125,000
- Legion Park $110,000
- Ceramics Studio $ 80,000
- Wheeler Park $ 59,000
- Blue/Gray Park $ 35,000
- Palm Street Tennis $ 22,000
- Boggus Park $ 12,000
- East County Landing $ 11,000
- Hunter School Park $ 11,000
- Compton Park $ 10,000
We believe there were funds left over and they were moved into the 2005 SPLOST Recreation account.We do not have a reliable summary of which 2000 SPLOSTprojects were completed, what funds were left over, and where the funds were intended to be used within the 2005 SPLOST Recreation projects. There is no indication that any of these funds were misused.
The 2005 SPLOST referendum did not identify specific expenditures for the various projects either. There has been a great deal of confusion about the 2005 SPLOST projects and using excess funds. Some of the projects most frequently discussed include the concession stand and bathrooms at Lions Park, work on the Monitor Center, the Blue & Gray Park, and an AG-arena. DLS has indicated several times that it wants to apply all the funds in the 2005 SPLOST Recreation Account towards the multi-use recreational facility that was approved in the 2011 SPLOST Referendum.
The 2011 SPLOST specifically identified what each project includes and the cost of each. Recreation Account collections have averaged $ 19,489 per month; and projected collections thru the end of the 2011 SPLOST would be approximately $ 701,610.
On April 23, 2010, the City of Fitzgerald provided a $287,000 cost estimate for an Arena to be constructed at Paulk Park. On June 3, 2013, the architect provided a cost estimate of $225,000.
On May 4, 2010, the Ben Hill County Commission voted to build a multi-purpose recreational facility; which would include offices, gymnasium, pool and an Ag-arena.
On June 8, 2010, the Ben Hill County Commission amended the May 4th minutes to reflect that the 2005 SPLOST funds would go towards an Ag-arena and the rest of the money would be for DLS’s use. The Commission further specified that the 2011 SPLOST would include the offices, pool and gymnasium.
On July 20, 2010, the SPLOST Referendum for 2011 was passed; including a multi-use recreational facility, offices, gymnasium and/or swimming pool for recreational use. There was no mention in the Resolution or Referendum of an Ag-Arena.
On May 11, 2012, the Fitzgerald-Ben Hill Department of Leisure Services Board met with Ben Hill County Commissioners and the Mayor of Fitzgerald. During that meeting, DLS indicated that all the 2005 SPLOST projects had been completed except the County Landing; which had $250,000 earmarked for it. The DLS Board wanted to move the excess 2005 SPLOST funds into the 2011 SPLOST account. Legal opinion was that a resolution should be passed to re-designate the use of 2005 SPLOST Excess funds; but they could not be co-mingled with the 2011 SPLOST funds. Additionally, legal opinion recommended the City vote on the resolution since the Excess Funds were joint money.
On June 5, 2012, the Ben Hill County Commission approved a resolution to proceed with architectural design and cost estimation for construction of a multi-purpose recreation facility, offices, gymnasium, and/or a swimming pool for recreational use. The resolution was amended by adding an Outdoor arena to the architectural design.
Preliminary plans for the multi-use recreational facility at Paulk Park have been finalized by J. Glenn Gregory Architects. Phase 1 includes offices and a gymnasium; with an estimated cost of $1,750,000. Thiswill exceed the 2011 SPLOST projected collections of $ 701,610; plus the 2005 SPLOST Excess funds of $ 330,913.43; which total $ 1,032,523.40. The plans include a Phase 2; which involves a swimming pool, at an estimated cost of $265,000; and a Phase 3; which involves an Outdoor AG-arena, at an estimated cost of $225,000. Plans for Phase 1 will be presented to the Commission at its Regular Meeting on June 4th.
Glenn Gregory has also developed an initial cost estimate for demolishing and reconstructing the existing 30’ x 30’ concession stand and bathroom building at Lions Park. The new facility would be 40’ x 40’ and is estimated to cost $200,000.
The Commission has a great deal of latitude on how the remaining 2005 SPLOST Recreational funds can be used. However, they can not be co-mingled with 2011 SPLOST accounts and the City should concur in how they are used. The best way to do this is with a Joint Resolution that declares the funds excess and reallocates them for specific purposes.
All, or portions, of these excess funds could be used to complete recreational projects that have been approved by SPLOST referendum. They could be put back into the general funds of the City and County to reduce taxes. They could be used to renovate/upgrade existing recreational facilities, or tobuild a new public recreational facility.
Possible Uses:
- Demolition & replacement of concession stand and bathrooms at Lions Park(Est. $ 200,000)
- Addition of 2-3 shelters and dry pool at Blue & Gray Park(Est. $ 175,000)
- Plan for renovation and adaptive reuseof the Monitor School Building as a Cultural and Recreational Center (Est. $30,000)
- Recreational walking trail and Bridge connecting Blue & Gray Park with Lions Park, Fitzgerald West Lake, Health Department, Pheobe-Dorminy Medical Center(Est. $ 25,000)
- Repairs and upgrades to Monitor Centerand other recreational facilities (Est. $ 25,000)
- Ag-arena at Paulk Park(Est. $ 225,000)
- Pool at Paulk Park (Est. $265,000)
- Renovation/upgrade of existing pool (Cost TBD)
The Commission should discuss and prioritize use of the remaining 2005 SPLOST funds; reach agreement with the City; then approve a joint resolution.