Title I Delineation of Services



State Free Network Services / CESA 10 Title I Fee Services

Title 1 Grant Application Consult

Provide an overview of each section of the application, information needed to complete the application, and the technical logistics of managing the application. Provide phone support for technical questions. /

Title I Grant Application Service

Assist districts in developing a grant application based on Title I needs assessment.
  • Collect and compile targeting data
  • Facilitate the writing of the program plan summary
  • Facilitate the development of a Title I budget
  • Gather all information needed to complete the online application, enter data, and submit application

Title I Coordinators Meetings
  • Schedule a New Title I Coordinator Orientation/Consultation to provide a broad overview of all Title I requirements and a suggested timeline of district activities
  • Meeting 1: Title I Fall Kickoff & Showcase 9/13/12
  • Meeting 2: Title I Needs Assessment and Local Annual Review 3/7/2013
  • Meeting 3: ESEA Application Workshop Spring 2013
  • Coordinator Updates as Needed
  • Update for Homeless Liaisons 10/20/11

Title Coordinator Support

  • Assist with the coordination of other initiatives and grants, including Title IIA, IIIA, special education, after school programs, RtI, etc.
  • Assist with Title IC and ID
  • Facilitate Spring ESEA planning meeting
  • Facilitate spring consultation meetings between private and public school representatives to develop an ESEA Collaborative Agreement
  • Facilitate fall consultation meeting between private and public school representatives to review and finalize the spring ESEA Collaborative Agreement
  • Consult with schools to review and analyze needs assessment data and to ensure that coordination requirements are being met
  • Provide support for parent involvement
-assist with the development of district and school policy
-assist with the development and implementation of school compacts
-assist with meeting all parental notification and right to know requirements
  • Facilitate Schoolwide Planning (See SW Timeline)
  • Facilitate Schoolwide Team meetings via agenda preparation and/or onsite facilitation
  • Provide onsite program support: quarterly and as requested
  • Provide professional development onsite and regionally
  • Facilitate the local annual review via an evaluation checklist and report, parent and community participation and involvement rubric, extended day and program narrative
  • Coordinate and submit the End-of-Year Report
  • Manage fiscal claims and make budget and program plan revisions as needed
  • Assist with any needed monitoring preparations

Focus Schools

  • Provide technical assistance including an overview of requirements
  • Provide an initial consult upon identification
  • Provide support, as needed

Focus Schools

  • Facilitate the development a written school improvement plan

Professional Development

  • Assess the Title I Professional Development needs of districts across CESA 10
  • Provide six professional development offerings in 2012-13
  • Offering 1: Leveled Literacy Intervention (Red System) November 14 & 15
  • Offering 2: Understanding the ELA & Math Common Core Standards January 17
  • Offering 3: Good Habits, Great Readers First Semester
  • Offering 4: Good Questions for Math Teaching: Why Ask Them and What to Ask (Grades 5-8; Math Solutions)
  • Offering 5: Daily 5/Café Second Semester
  • Offering 6: Math Add+Vantage Course 1 June 2013

Professional Development

  • Assess all professional development needs and assist each district to develop an annual plan based on local data, needs, and plans
  • Collaborate with agency service areas to develop and promote professional development based on district data, needs and plans
  • Provide ongoing, systematic professional development that is collaborative, learner-focused and content-based
  • Provide onsite program support