Bananal, Frederic 11, 214
Bananal, November 15, 2003
" A special convergence of influences, on everything social, it disposed the Chinese Civilization to develop the fetishism, besides whatever it was elsewhere possible. Better systematized that in any other case, it prevailed on the theologism, and it preserved a third of our species, of the regimen of the breeds, in spite of the hereditariness of the professions. It overcame it all the heterogeneous contacts and it conserved your national ascendancy, in the middle of the mixtures, tolerated of what consecrated, of the external polytheism, without ever welcoming the monotheism. The cult there consists above all, in the adoration of the Earth and of the Sky... According to the concrete character of the Chinese sociability, whose results to main imperfection, of the lack of the abstract development, the “Space”, there gets confused with the group of the heavenly bodies, under the pulse astrolatic. Purged by the relativity, this institution will be subordinated the Humanity easily, in a people, where the social destination, always prevails. " (Auguste Comte - Subjective Synthesis or Sociology Treaty, Vol. I. Introduction, pages 22-23)
To the
Of the
Zhongua Renmin Gongheguo
Popular Republic of China
With base, in the
Positivist Doctrine and in the Oriental Fetishism,
To avoid
The Unemployment of Mass, in the Chinese Population.
At this time, in that am writing a Prototype of a Brazilian Republican Societocratic Federative Constitution; and knowing of the current impossibility, of suggesting economical plans, for my Homeland, that they come to alter substantially, the western economical system, of the Democratic Capitalist Imperialism, with this Liberalism Globalization, that nothing has of CONFRATERNIZATION, proposed by the American Imperialism, that he has need to promote, the HUMAN SELFISHNESS, the expansionism and the consumerism, mainly of the superfluous ones, before all they have the necessary to maintain yours existence; I decided to approach of this Oriental Millenarian Civilization, CHINA, that already reached a degree of cultural and social homogeneity, without parallel, thousands of years before the birth of the Western cultures; and that after greatness and decadences, repeated deaths and resurrections, it still exhibits today, the same physical and mental vitality, of your periods of larger creation; there is not in the world more vigorous people or more worker, with foundations altruistic, nor more adaptable the circumstances, nor so resistant to the disaster; therefore, he has everything to demonstrate the World and the Humanity, that it is not for the communism, for the fascism, for the nazism and much less for the capitalist democracy, that will be here happier in Mother Earth's kingdom; and yes for LABORIST SOCIOCRACY, Regimen this suggested, for the perception of a great French brain, the Master of the Masters, the Scientific Philosopher, Altruistic and high character, Auguste Comte; and that simultaneously it is accompanied of an Education that subordinates, the selfishness to the Altruism, the rights to the Duties, the analysis to Syntheses and the Progress (Proletarian) to the Order (Patronal); summarizing, subordinating the personality or individuality to the Sociability.
We don't have doubt, that China will produce very more wealth than USA them, and come to lead the world, not of the superfluous ones, but in the necessary ones.
Nor the capital of the weapons, nor the tyranny of the foreign financier capital, they can supply such a rich nation in recourses and vitality.
Between 30 to 50 years, if the Chinese Governors don't was corrupter, or if they be not deceived, once again, for the illusory proposals and demagogues from of the Westerners capitalist democracy, China, will civilize the foreigners to your way, and it will assimilate all the modern and contemporary technologies; communication means, highways and means of transportation, that will give it unit; a new economy-politics modality, will give it the Capital; and a Government of a Republican Pronounceature, with base in a Political Societocratic Federative Republic Constitution of CHINA, that will favor it and it will maintain, the Order and the Progress.
In this pacifist socialist regimen, where the disorder passes, and it is balanced with Republican Pronounceature; where the old obstacles are removed; and a lot of times the Revolution, as the death and the fashion, to be equivalent to a removal of residues and the suppression of superfluous things; it only befalls, when there is many ready things to die.
The China in your long past, already died a lot of times; and never left of to be born again, because your People, stays in a Religion or Doctrine, with base in the MILLENARIAN ASTROLATIC FETICHISM; and it never absorbed the Theology and the Metaphysics. It is at this time, it is absorbing the sciences and your respective technologies; from direct of Fetishist Intelligence's phase, for the Scientific or Positive Intelligence's phase, without passing for the phases of theological and metaphysical intelligence, that the great majority of the Western civilizations, they are still living; promoting great delay, in the Moral and Social plan of your civilizations; where it is always intended, with Wars and Plans high Economical competitiveness, to think in solving crises of Moral order.
Before start up, the subject with the reference theme, to be proposed TO THE PEOPLE AND THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT - A SUGGESTION OF THE ECONOMICAL POLITICS REFORM; with base, in the Positivist Doctrine and in the Oriental Fetishism, to avoid the Unemployment in Mass, of the Chinese Population, and same times, to maintain the culture and traditions of your people, always ahead, of the you influence evil of the western exterior; I found for well, to alert that the positivists, of at a long time, it is admiring, defending and honoring, this Millenarian Civilization, not only through Auguste Comte, in your works; as for Pierre Laffitte - your direct disciple, with the book, General Considerations on the Conjoined of the Chinese Civilization and about the Relationships of the Occident with China " - 1859/1860; and with Raimundo Teixeira Mendes, Apostle of the Humanity, with your " Cordial Appeal to the Chinese People - 1924 " where Tcheng-Tsai and Koung-Fou-Tzeu are mentioned (Confucius)
With the modern technologies of communication and transport, the most remote of Far East, no longer more distant, we found the people of a civilization, that deserves an incommensurable respect; that he grows in a constant and progressive way, whose contacts with the Occident increase day by day, from of the time of Marco Pole's narratives; however, it was with the Jesuits, that we owed, finally, a first more serious knowledge of the Greatness of China.
A general appreciation and systematic, of the Chinese civilization, it could only be accomplished after Auguste Comte discovered the Abstract Law of the Intellectual Evolution - General Theory of the Understanding and Universal Laws of the World Earthly; before that, it was impossible to put somebody, in a point of view truly relative, and to place, consequently in a complete mental independence in relation to the previous states of the human intelligence.
All people that said intelligent, that it has been undertaking the study of China, they were and they are, dominated, or for the Theology, or for the Metaphysics or for the Pure Science (Positive Science).
But with certainty, none of these three dispositions are convenient, for a definitive appreciation and it completes, of the Chinese civilization, because they conceive each phenomenon, as produced by the own will of Being, that represents it; this to Being also has passions, feelings, moral dispositions, that perfectly link it to the corresponding observer. Consequently, of course, that the image of each one of these Beings; they appear with an action, a clearness, an intensity, that cannot have among the observers, for which these bodies are completely inert, and any species of affective relationship, has with them. It is evident that this summons hate relationship, of benevolence, of cholera, and etc., among the Being observed and the observer, it should necessarily produce a clearer or nitid image and a more alive representation.
This form of ratiocinating by Fetishism, institutes the concrete observation, that is, the Beings observations, with a power that is him own, and it supplies like this the concrete images, that soon after they serve as base, to the abstract contemplation or observation of the phenomenon: observing as it happens the phenomenon, and not why happens it - See, in Cerebral Theory of Auguste Comte - in the book: The Theoretical Moral Science Positive, or Science of the Construction or Scientific Psychology, in the site
Like this, the Fetishism reunite the materials of all our speculations, any, and it represents this capital fact, so much in the individual's development, as in the one of the species Homo-sapiens; but with certainty not of the species, Homo-economicus and Homus-psicologus, that promote now, the destruction for the hunger, for the poverty, for the diseases, for the corruption’s and for the wars.
The Fetishism, reduced to the observation of the Beings, for this reason, it comport few divagations.
As the divagations of the human intelligence, according to the Auguste Comte Abstraction Theory, it depends, of the consideration of the phenomenon, independent of the bodies, that they manifest them; he results then with effect, the possibility to conceive the phenomenon, in an infinity of conditions, besides those, of the ones that has room in reality. Like this, it is studied the locomotion phenomenon, in himself, instead of not appreciating, or else, real Beings in movement; it is gotten then to imagine the locomotion, in an infinity of cases, that the concrete observation never makes to know; it is gotten to notice the locomotion on the water, in the sea, for all and any Being; it is gotten to conceive the abstraction done of the time, that is, with an infinite speed. In a word, the abstract study of the phenomenon allows an infinity of possible cases, in the minds of the theologists and metaphysicians; while the concrete observation, doesn't make to know except, the real cases in the minds of the Fetishist and of the Positivists or Scientists.
The institution of the Abstraction, due to the Polytheism, establishes for the intelligence an activates situation, however unstable and exposed constantly them summon divagations.
The Fetishism on the contrary, limited to the observation of the Beings, not taking in consideration except the real cases, and not the possible cases, that the abstraction allows to imagine; it offers a mental state, without a doubt, less active, but of a great consistence and of a perfect legitimacy.
The Fetishism is naturally synthetic, because it never considers separately the phenomena, but always in your mutual dependencies; but it is not systematic: the systematization always supposes the abstraction. The Fetishic state, doesn't hold the characteristic development, of the several essential aspects of our nature. It doesn't allow like the development of the great science, that is, of the abstract science, that has for purpose to discover the real laws of succession or of likeness, of the several phenomena.
Because, only in the phenomenon considered separately, it is that can hope to discover the natural laws that govern them. The real scientific development necessarily supposes the establishment of the abstraction. Here is one of the great aspects of our nature, whose development cannot be produced during the Fetishism State. The fetishism is like this a synthetic state, susceptible duration, of consistence, but that doesn't facilitate the culture of the several elements of the human nature, and that doesn't hold your true systematization.
The Fetishism has been spontaneously universal. It is the mental state for which has been inaugurating all the intelligences; it is the starting point of all the social states. And of more the plus, the reason or intelligence concrete or practical, stayed fetishist, even in the civilizations previous to the monotheic state.
Same those that admit an only God, governing all the things, they explain the ordinary life, of the several phenomena, for the corresponding will, more or less nitid, more or less clear, of the Beings that observe.
This concrete reason, that stayed fetishist, it is the reason general, universal, that dominates all the intelligences.
The part of the intelligence, known as abstract contemplation, that systematizes and it coordinates, didn’t have here or else, a modifier action. It can be said that the popular classes, in all the regimens, they have been conserving the Fetishism as base of your mental state. - Being still the Fetishism in all your social states, truly universal, because it is the base of the concrete contemplation, and of a capital importance, when establishing the character of stability, that is it own; and on the contrary, the character of inherent instability to the theologism, that institutes the abstraction, without regulating her, already a beginning of free will. Like this being, this essential proposition, will make us better to understand the relationship that should exist and it will necessarily exist, more and more, among the Fetishism, that is Spontaneously Universal and the Positivism, that is Systematically Universal.