DACA Renewals Open Again after Judge Enjoins Recession

USCIS: Due to afederal court order, USCIS has resumed accepting requests to renew a grant of deferred action under DACA. Until further notice, and unless otherwise provided in this guidance, the DACA policy will be operated on the terms in place before it was rescinded on Sept. 5, 2017. (Here’s a good rundown on social media.)


El Salvador– The Secretary of Homeland Security announced her determination that termination of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for El Salvador was required pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act. To allow for an orderly transition, she has determined to delay the termination for 18 months. The designation will terminate on Sept. 9, 2019.

Haiti– Current TPS is valid through January 22, 2018 next week. On November 20, 2017, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke announced her decision to terminate the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Haiti with a delayed effective date of 18 months to allow for an orderly transition before the designation terminates on July 22, 2019. However, USCIS has not yet published additional information on re-registration or EAD renewal.

oREMINDER: termination of TPS is explicitly listed in regs as an exception to the one-year asylum filing deadline. 8 CFR 1208.4(a)(5)(iv)

Syria- TPS is set to expire for Syria on March 31, 2018. Find updates on advocacy effortshere.

SCOTUS Grants Cert on Stop-Time Rule Case

SCOTUSblog: Whether, to trigger the stop-time rule by serving a “notice to appear,” the government must “specify” the items listed in the definition of a “notice to appear,” including “[t]he time and place at which the proceedings will be held.”

New York Immigrant Activist [Ravi Ragbir] Detained by ICE [and held] in Miami Might Be Deported Today

Protest demands ICE release Ravi Ragbir

Activists and ICE Face Off Over Detained Immigrant Leader

Council Speaker Calls Police Response ‘Out of Control’

Justice Department Announces Court Order Revoking Naturalized Citizenship, Citing Fingerprint Issue

Rewire: Baljinder Singh, also known as Davinder Singh, is the first casualty of “Operation Janus,” a joint operation by the DOJ and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). It appears that because USCIS failed to use fingerprint records effectively, those who have been granted citizenship without proper fingerprint records, meaning before fingerprints were digitized, may now be subject to having their citizenship revoked.

Immigration Court Backlog Tops 650,000

ImmProf: According to the latest case-by-case court records, the backlog at the end of November 2017 had reached 658,728, up from 629,051 at the end of September 2017. California leads the country with the largest Immigration Court backlog of 123,217 cases. Texas is second with 103,384 pending cases as of the end of November 2017, followed by New York with 89,489 cases.

World Migration Report 2018

IOM: Current estimates are that there are 244 million international migrants globally (or 3.3% of the world’s population).

Every immigration proposal in one chart

ImmProf: This chart looks at what is and isn’t in various legislative proposals.

Trump is Quietly Swamping Visa Applicants in Extra Paperwork

Quartz: From last January to November, the office issued around 40% more RFEs than in all of 2016, and 65% more than in all of 2015, USCIS data shows.

Unpublished BIA Decisions

BIA Finds Aggravated Child Abuse Not Sexual Abuse of a Minor

BIA Finds Altering Vehicle Document Is Not a CIMT

BIA Upholds Bond for Respondent with Two DUI Convictions

BIA Holds Iowa Theft Not an Aggravated Felony

IJ finds Haitian not firmly resettled in Brazil on remand (attached)


oACTION ALERT:#SaveTPSfor Syria!

oTake Action: Protect TPS Holders


Health Care Guide For Undocumented New Yorkersby Access Health NYC (see attached)

Practice Advisory describes how some TPS recipients may apply for permanent residence.

The End of TPS and the Possibility of Seeking Asylum

Translation of New Salvadoran Law Pertaining to Deportation-to-Prison Pipeline(starts page 16)

$80,000 Scholarship for DREAMers closing soon

Flyer from DOJ Civil Rights Divisionwhich verifies that refugees and asylees have indefinite work authorization and do NOT have to present a current work permit/EAD to employers to work

DOS Telephone List of Key OfficersDOS Organizational Directory Telephone List

DHS Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

TRAC Report: Serious Criminal Immigration Convictions Still Infrequent Under Trump


1/17/18NYIC Days of Action with buses to D.C.

1/17/18Religious Land Use Disputes; Latest Caselaw Updates and Strategies for Avoiding and Defending Claims

1/17/18Overview of the Citizenship Navigator and text4refugee Projects

1/18/18NYIC Days of Action with buses to D.C.

1/18/18UNHCR Washington’s Annual New Year Meeting with NGOs9:00 AM – 11:00 AM SEIU Building (UNHCR office location) 1800 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Room 1026/28 Washington, D.C. 20036

1/20/18Women’s March

1/22-23/18New York Immigration Coalition Member Congress: Strengthening Immigrant NY

1/23/18FTC Webinar re: fighting fraud and identity theft in New York

1/23/18USCIS Invitation: Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative Teleconference

1/25/18Aggressive Removal Defense, Part 2: Motions Practice

1/26/18Before We Were Banned at ArtHelix

2/5/18NY AILA CLE Deep-Screening for Immigration Relief post-DACA and TPS

2/8/18Basic Immigration Law 2018

2/8/182 CREDIT CLE: Immigration Law-Hot Topics & Survey For The General Practitioners

2/9/18Asylum, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, Crime Victim, and Other Immigration Relief 2018

2/17/18Real People. Real Lives. Women Immigrants of New York at Queens Museum

2/23/182018 Immigration and Asylum Law Conference (Federal Bar Association and New York Law School)

4/30/18Working with Immigrants: The Intersection of Basic Immigration, Housing, and Domestic Violence Issues in California 2018 (Free)


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Inside the tense, profane White House meeting on immigration

Scandinavia takes plenty of people from Trump’s ‘s------countries’

Facebook Removes Post About ICE’s Conduct?

Immigrtaion Article of the Day: Terrorist Watchlists by Jeffrey Kahn

Monday, January 15, 2018

Haitian-American Artist Watson Mere Takes MLK Day By Storm

How Criminalizing Communities of Color Has Driven the Anti-Immigrant Narrative

Summary of the Ruling in Regents of the University of California v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Migrant Quilt Project: Expressing Compssion for Migrants from Mexico and Central America Who Have Died

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Norwegians to Trump: Thanks, but No Thanks!

In Light of President Trump's Comments, Evangelical Leaders Urge Solution for Dreamers

The Hill: Trump allies see 's---hole' controversy as overblown

USCIS: DACA Renewal Requests to be Accepted

Saturday, January 13, 2018

NYFA's Immigrant Artist Program

Back to the Future: Falling Down, The Movie (1993)

Every immigration proposal in one chart

The Top 3 Things You Need to Know About Black Immigrants in the United States in 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018


Russian Birth Tourism at Trump's Florida Properties

Supreme Court Grants Cert in Immigration Case

Some Thoughts on the District Court Ruling to Block DACA's Rescission

Conervative Group Buys DACA Fix TV Ad

Immigration Adjudication in an Era of Mass Deportation

A Sign of the Times -- News Headline: "Trump derides protections for immigrants from ‘s------’ countries

Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Conservative Immigration Reform Proposal

Fighting Death at the Border: These volunteers are saving migrant lives at the U.S.-Mexico border

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Trump Targets 7-Eleven Stores for Immigration Enforcement

Why is El Salvador so dangerous? 4 essential reads

Rescue and Tragedy on the Mediterranean Sea

Congressional Leaders Discuss Immigration Reform with President Trump

Immigration Article of the Day: Beyond DACA – Defying Employer Sanctions Through Civil Disobedience by Bill Ong Hing


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

That Awkward Moment When Your Twin Brother Is A U.S. Citizen At Birth, But You’re Not

Sheriff Joe Arpaio to run for U.S. Senate

DACA Fix or Government Shutdown on the Horizon?

From the Bookshelves: Questioning EU Citizenship: Judges and the Limits of Free Movement and Solidarity in the EU

Monday, January 8, 2018

GGU Students Partner With Al Otro Lado

Immigration Court Backlog Tops 650,000

Position Opening: Program Associate at Vera Institute of Justice (NY)

Trump Administration Terminates Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans


Daily Immigration News Clips – January 12, 2018

Aggregated local and national media coverage of major immigration law news stories being discussed throughout the U.S. on January 12, 2018


QuartzTrump is quietly swamping visa applicants in extra paperwork
By Ana Campoy

New York TimesThese Claims About 'Chain Migration' Are Not Accurate
By Linda Qiu

HuffPostU.S. Warns Tourists Against Mexico Travel While Feds Threaten To Send Immigrants Back
By Willa Frej

CBS NewsTrump says visa lottery rewards the "worst" immigrants. That's inaccurate
By Jacqueline Alemany

ReutersU.N. rights office decries Trump's reported remarks as 'racist'
By Stephanie Nebehay

ReutersTrump questions taking immigrants from 'shithole countries': sources

New York TimesFrom Norway to Haiti, Trump's Comments Stir Fresh Outrage
By Henrik Pryser Libell and Catherine Porter

New York TimesTrump Alarms Lawmakers With Disparaging Words for Haiti and Africa
By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, and Thomas Kaplan

The Washington PostTrump attacks protections for immigrants from 'shithole' countries in Oval Office meeting
By Josh Dawsey

The HillVicente Fox: Trump's 'mouth is the foulest s---hole in the world'
By John Bowden

The HillBlumenthal: Trump's 's---hole' comment is 'racism masquerading poorly as immigration policy'
By John Bowden

Roll CallWhite House Won't Deny Trump's Slur About Haiti, African Nations
By John T. Bennett

APCongress Is Looking For an Elusive Compromise on Immigration after President Trump's Meeting
By Andrew Taylor and Alan Fram

ReutersSix senators say they have reached immigration deal

ReutersBipartisan Senate immigration plan draws quick opposition

ReutersWhite House says immigration deal has not been reached

The Washington PostThe president gives another gift to lawyers challenging his immigration orders
By Derek Hawkins

The Washington PostTrump to fight federal injunction protecting 'dreamers' from deportation
By Maria Sacchetti, Patricia Sullivan, and Ed O'Keefe

The Washington PostImmigration talks flounder after White House rejects deal and Trump insults foreign countries
By Ed O'Keefe, Erica Werner, and Josh Dawsey

PoliticoTrump rebuffs Dreamers deal reached by senators
By Seung Min Kim

CNNTrump rejects bipartisan immigration proposal at White House meeting
By Tal Kopan and Lauren Fox

The HillPelosi, Dems accuse GOP of moving goal posts on DACA deal
By Mike Lillis

The HillWH: No deal yet on DACA
By Jordan Fabian

The HillTrump hits the brakes on Senate immigration deal
By Jordain Carney

NPR'Deport Them': Arpaio Departs From Trump On DACA Recipients
By Anita Kelly and Domenico Montanaro

ABC NewsThe Note: Trump and GOP fenced in by wall, immigration
By Rick Klein

KAZUWebsite Puts A Face On DACA's DREAMers
By Krista Alamanzan

APHonduras next in line for US decision on protected migrants

ReutersForcing Salvadorans out of U.S. carries twin risks: Red Cross
By Sophie Hares

VoxThousands of Salvadoran TPS workers clean federal offices. Now their livelihoods are on the line.
By Alexia Fernandez

APUS Resisting Feb. 2 Deadline For Bond Hearings For Iraqis

APImmigrant stripped of citizenship under federal initiative

APNews of activist's detention leads to NYC supporter arrests

Wall Street JournalImmigrants Connected to Sanctuary Movement Arrested
By Ian Lovett and Alicia A. Caldwell

Wall Street JournalImmigration Officials Swarm 7-Elevens, Issue Warning to U.S. Businesses
By Alicia A. Caldwell

The Washington PostAnother pregnant immigrant teen asks judge to allow access to abortion
By Ann E. Marimow

The InterceptPrivate Prison Continues to Send ICE Detainees to Solitary Confinement for Refusing Voluntary Labor
By Spencer Woodman

All AfricaSomalia: ICE Abused Somalis for 2 Days On a Plane and Now Wants to Send Them Into Harm's Way
By Amrit Cheng

ReutersMexico will never pay for Trump wall: Mexican economy minister

ReutersNew York charges 17 with numerous crimes, ties to Salvadoran drug gang
By Peter Szekely

New York Daily NewsDisgraced ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio shares anti-immigration stance: 'Deport them'
By Denis Slattery

The WeekTrevor Noah peeks behind the curtains of Trump's immigration show
By Peter Weber

MSNBCRachel Maddow Quoting Frank Sharry (Part 1)

MSNBCRachel Maddow Quoting Frank Sharry (Part 2)

BustleWhat The New DACA Ruling Means For Dreamers & Other Undocumented People
By Madhuri Sathish

Politico Magazine (Opinion)Buy Off Trump With the Wall
By Rich Lowry

New York Times (Op-Ed)John Kasich and Jeb Bush Jr.: A Bad Idea on Immigration
By Governors John Kasich and Jeb Bush Jr.

The Washington Post (Op-Ed)It's on Republicans to stop a shutdown
By Senator Bernie Sanders

The Hill (Op-Ed)We must take back DACA debate from political predators
By Derek Monson


Seattle TimesWashington state regularly gives drivers' info to immigration authorities; Inslee orders temporary halt
By Nina Shapiro

The National6,900 Syrians in US face risk of deportation if Trump ends protection
By Joyce Karam

Southampton PatchAdvocacy Groups Blast Proposed End Of Protection For Salvadorans
By Lisa Finn

Charlotte ObserverMan gets prison, then deportation for stealing data to make IDs for the undocumented
By Joe Marusak

Wall Street JournalN.Y. City Councilmen Arrested as Immigrant Rights Leader Is Detained
By Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Mara Gay

New York TimesCouncil Speaker Calls Police Response 'Out of Control'
By Wiliam Neuman and Liz Robbins

Cleveland.comImmigration forum to give context to national, regional sanctuary city discussions
By Emily Bamforth

Texas Tribune (Texas)Texas Lt. Gov. Patrick wants AG Paxton to look into San Antonio immigrant smuggling case
By Julian Aguilar

Longview News-Journal (Texas)Petitions urge Gohmert to back DREAM Act
By Glenn Evans

KING5 (Washington)DACA ruling 'shouldn't let Congress off hook,' WA Dreamer says
By Natalie Brand

Miami Herald (Editorial)Stop punishing TPS recipients

San Antonio Express-News (Editorial)Let these Salvadorans stay

Modesto Bee (Editorial)Denham can help Dreamers, if he wants to

Baltimore Sun (Op-Ed)It's not too late for Congress to pass a DREAM act
By Karen Gonzalez

Daily Immigration News Clips – January 11, 2018

Aggregated local and national media coverage of major immigration law news stories being discussed throughout the U.S. on January 11, 2018


New York TimesHead-Spinning Days for Young Immigrants as Lawmakers and Judges Debate Their Fate
By Vivian Lee, Caitlyn Dickerson, Sheryl Gay Stolberg

CNNDACA negotiations full steam ahead despite ruling, sources say
By Tal Kopan

The HillLeft fears Democrats will give too much on immigration
By Alexander Bolton and Mike Lillis

The AtlanticWhat Will the Dreamers Do Now?
By Priscilla Alvarez

The RepublicWhat to know about a federal judge's order blocking Trump's decision to end DACA
By Daniel Gonzalez

ReutersU.S. immigration operation targets 7-Eleven stores in 17 states
By Bernie Woodall

The Washington PostImmigration agents target 7-Eleven stores in nationwide sweep
By Nick Miroff

CNN MoneyICE immigration officers swoop in on 7-Elevens nationwide
By Julia Horowitz

The HillFeds raid 7-Eleven stores in immigration bust
By Brett Samuels

Fortune7-Eleven Stores Targeted In Nationwide Immigration Sweep
By Natasha Bash

APTrump criticizes federal judge blocking him on immigration
By Alan Fram and Ken Thomas

ReutersHow an obscure SCOTUS employment ruling put the brakes on DACA rollback
By Allison Frankel

ReutersTrump blasts DACA ruling, calls U.S. court system 'broken and unfair'
By Richard Cowan and Mica Rosenberg

New York TimesDonald Trump Is Optimistic a Deal Can Be Reached on 'Dreamers'
By Laura Meckler and Kristina Peterson

New York TimesHouse Republicans' Hard-Line Immigration Stand Clashes With Trump Overture
By Thomas Kaplan and Sheryl Gay Stolberg

Wall Street JournalTrump Attacks 'Broken' Court After Ruling Blocking End to 'Dreamers' Program
By Louise Radnofsky and Alicia A. Caldwell

Wall Street JournalTrump's DACA Overture Worries Immigration Hawks
By Laura Meckler

Wall Street JournalTop Senators Say Judge's Ruling Won't Stall Talks on 'Dreamers'
By Louise Radnofsky and Alicia A. Caldwell

The Washington PostDACA injunction: What a federal judge's ruling means for 'dreamers'
By Maria Sacchetti

PoliticoDACA reinstatement throws lawmakers for a loop
By Seung Min Kim

PoliticoDemocratic leaders face internal mutiny over Dreamers deal
By Heather Caygle and Seung Min Kim

CNNHere are the key players in Congress on immigration
By Ashley Killough and Tal Kopan

CNNShutdown/DACA state of play: a 'mess' with a major twist
By Phil Mattingly

CNNTrump, Republicans face immigration reckoning
By Stephen Collinson and Lauren Fox

CNNWhat kind of border wall does Trump want? It depends on who's asking.
By Gergory Kreig

The HillAnn Coulter torches Trump for immigration meeting
By Max Greenwood

The HillBipartisan Senate group 'close' on DACA deal
By Jordain Carney

The HillTrump says DACA ruling reflects 'broken' court system
By Jordan Fabian

The HillWarren: Glad we 'are moving forward on getting a clean DREAM Act'
By Julia Manchester

The HillHouse GOP presses harder-line Goodlatte immigration bill
By Scott Wong and Melanie Zanona

Roll CallSpending, Immigration Talks Entangled
By Lindsey McPherson

McClatchy DC BureauGOP negotiators say Trump aide Stephen Miller is standing in the way of an immigration deal
By Anita Kumar

Buzzfeed NewsThe Fate Of DACA Recipients May Come Down To Finding A Definition Of "Wall" That Both Parties Can Live With
By Paul McLeod

Fox News InsiderMalkin: There Will Be 'Hell to Pay' for Trump, GOP If They Cave on Amnesty

NPRTexas Rep. Henry Cuellar On Immigration Policy

CNBCMore than 100 CEOs pressure Congress to pass immigration bill by Jan. 19
By Ylan Mui

CNBCTrump DACA compromise would crush Trump's chances in 2020
By Jake Novak

Bloomberg PoliticsTrump's Willingness to Deal on Immigration Adds Urgency to Talks
By Laura Litvan