CWP Leadership Council minutes

Agenda 9-11-14, 5-7 PM, Stern Lounge, Austin Bldg.

In attendance: Jason Courtmanche, Sara Austin, Ethan Warner, Marcy Rudge, Lynn Hoffman, Jane Cook, Dara Bowling, Eileen McIntyre, Danielle Pierrati, and Elizabeth Simison

*Jason conducted introductions of the new members and of the new grad asst Sara Austin.

1. Program updates/planning.

*Ethan and Marcy have retained their positions as Youth Programs Leaders. They urged teachers to submit to the magazine and to submit early, well before the January deadline. Ethan pointed out that we need more secondary submissions.

*We discussed the possibility of reviving last year’s plan to partner with CSA to offer a summer writing camp for students. There has been much change in leadership and structure at CSA, but Jason plans to follow up with Eva Davies to explore the possibility.

*Jane has taken on a new role as Grants Program Leader and will be meeting with Jason soon to explore some additional grant opportunities, possibly thru the Foundation but also thru the SDE and other public, educational agencies.

*Technology and PD are being handled internally by the CWP office.

2. High Need School and Teacher Leader grant updates.

*The High Need grant to work in New Haven is off to a good start, and both Jason and Kelly Cecchini will be working in New Haven tomorrow. The mini-grants will be presented to the teachers at Metro.

*Elizabeth offered to have any new ECE teacher come observe her class at Bacon.

3. New writing programs leader needed.

*We need someone to replace Michelle Vigue. Danielle volunteered.

4. PD update.

*PD in Manchester with Doug Kaufman is going well, and Columbia School may hire the CWP to do writing workshop. Jason has contacted Kelly Andrews-Babcock about being a presenter. Eileen McIntyre also expressed interest.

5. Fall conference planning: NERA, NEATE, NCTE/NWP.

*NERA was cancelled. No one plans to attend NEATE this year. Jason is going to NWP/NCTE with Doug Kaufman and Amanda Lister, where they will lead a roundtable discussion regarding PD in high need schools.

*Elizabeth may attend as well.

6. New GA and interns

*New interns Karelyn Kuczenski and Claire Morris will be contacting teachers with info for the fall newsletter and the updated website.

7. New website.

*After much work, the new site has been launched. We will continue to add functions and features.

8. Writing Center Conference

*Conference is Oct 10. Reg deadline is soon. Sept 16. Please register ASAP if you plan to attend.

9. other

*Contact Suzy Staubach about recommendations for keynote speakers for the Recognition Night

*Follow up with Bryan Crandall from Fairfield about promoting a fourth WP site in the New Haven or New London area.

*Promote the CSW thru the ECE listserv. Follow up with Sarah Moon.

*Try to get more YAL, Children’s Lit, Creative Writing and Comp courses offered in evenings for the MA for Teachers. Promote this more, even promote courses for TCs to take non-degree.

*TC Writing Contest deadline approaching.

*The November LC meeting has to be moved to the 6th.