Hoby with Rotherby Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12th March 2018, 7.30pm at Hoby and District Village Hall.


Cllr. Mary Dunford (MD), Cllr. David Williams (Chair) (DW),

Cllr. Nicola Wheeler (NW), Cllr. Mike Tilling (MT) and the Clerk with

10 members of the public.


Cllr. Angus Walker (AW), Cllr. Joe Orson (JO) Leicestershire County Council (LCC) and Cllr. Ed Hutchison (EH) Melton Borough Council (MBC).

  1. Cllr. David Williams welcomed everyone to the Meeting of the Full Council
  1. Approval of the minutes. After their approval Cllr. David Williams signed the minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on the 22nd January 2018.
  1. Declarations of interest (personal and/or pecuniary). None.
  1. Open Questions:
  2. It was asked who was responsible for the maintenance of the Recreation Trust seats at Hoby and Rotherby. They needed attention. Clerk to find out. Action VA
  3. The hedge running along the path of Brookby Road, Hoby at its junction with Main Street was reported as being overgrown and needed cutting back. The owners to be spoken to.Action NW
  4. Dogs had been seen exercising on the Play Area, particularly the football pitch. New signage is awaited for the Play Area and one excluding dogs from the Play Area will be provided. Action VA
  5. It was reported that the first bridge over the stream on the Brooksby Road fromHoby needed signage as it is narrow. There was recently an incident where a car was scratched at this bridge. Clerk to speak to LCC. Action VA
  6. It was reported that the ‘dead end’ sign on Church Lane, Hoby was not clearly visible as there have been a number of cars of late coming down to the bottom of Church Lane. Clerk to speak to LCC. Action VA
  7. It was reported that the small grass verge on Church Lane, Hoby was being damaged as it was frequently parked on. Clerk to speak to LCC. Parking can be an issue on Church Lane and this will not be addressed easily by residents or LCC. Action VA
  1. Matters arising:
  2. Wild Flower Verge. The new lectern is now in place. Cllrs. thanked all those who had been involved in the project and in particular with the design of the information board.
  3. Outstanding calls with the Highways Dept.
  4. Blocked drain at Brooksby still awaiting attention.Action VA
  5. Replacement village sign on the A607 for Brooksby. Not in place yet. Action VA
  6. Road depression on Brooksby Road, Hoby. This is on the LCC to do list. Action VA
  7. Signage on approach to A46 along the Six Hills Lane is still outstanding with LCC. Action VA
  8. Pot holes at either end of Rotherby to be followed up with LCC, work to both is still outstanding. Action VA
  9. Pothole on Main Street, Hoby on the bend opposite the Church Yard extension gate. Action VA
  10. Permissive footpath from the Old Mill around fields on the Rotherby side of the river Wreake. John Hendy to complete the repairs. Action JH
  11. Superfast Broadband. No recent update from the Superfast Leicestershire Team.
  12. RoSPA inspection and works to the Play Area. The painting of the Goal Posts is in hand. Replacement signage still to be put in place. Action JH & VA
  13. Rotherby Pond. Update expected and an action plan from the team in the autumn. Action Rotherby Pond Team
  14. The replacement light fitting for Church Lane/Regent Road Hoby has still not been done. Clerk to chase this up with E-ON. Action VA
  15. The request for Night Time savings to the street lighting in the parish has now been cancelled with LCC.
  1. Neighbourhood Watch WhatsAppfor Hoby with Rotherby. This has now been set up and at the time of this meeting has 40 people in the Group, with many more expected. The Cllrs. agreed that Cllr. Nicola Wheeler and Mr. Ricky Leanders would be the administrators of the Group. Each individual who wishes to be included into the Group must contact one of the administrators giving their consent. A third party should not request this on behalf of someone else as this contravenes GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). A notice will go into the April Parish Magazine to encourage others to join the Group from our villages. Action VA
  1. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). The Parish Council is working to have the appropriate Policy and Privacy Notice in place by May 25th.Action VA
  1. Traffic survey. Cllr. Nicola Wheeler advised that she had been in touch with Edwards and Edwards to get quotations to start this project in the Parish after Easter and when the budget allocation becomes available in the new financial year. The survey will also compliment a survey carried out in Hoby in 2008.Action NW and VA
  1. Finance Matters:
  2. The Parish Council financial update to 5.3.2018showed that there was £19,782.45 in the Parish Council account and with the QuintasFund this amounted to £37,324.55 There was one more month to the end of the Financial Year.
  3. Invoices processed for payment since the last Parish Council Meeting. These were approved by Cllrs. There had been payments in support of the NDP, the Clerks salary, for hosting the Web site, for the Internet and our ‘phone line, and expenditure from the tree warden’s budget. Amounting in total to £2,054.13
  4. The Parish Council is in line with its budget with modest overspend on the Village Hall budget, Website budget, Payroll budget and Heritage and Tree warden budget.
  5. It was noted that the Parish Council had not received any applications for Grants from the Quintas Fund. Payments this year have amounted to £21,681.09 gross (£19,448.53 net) A letter had been received from Parishioners in Ragdale asking if the Parish Council would consider buying the paddock in front of the Parish Church from the two owners. The Parish Council noted the letter and stated that if the owners were prepared to sell to the Parish Council they would consider the request. Cllr. David Williams asked if we had had any feedback from those who receive grants from the Quintas Fund. The answer was yes and no. To ensure the Parish Council gets feedback from everyone in the future an additional paragraph will be added to the application form. Action VA
  6. Contract for the Clerk. This still needs to be addressed. Action Cllrs.
  7. It was noted that E-ON were putting up their prices from April 1st for their un-metered supply (UMS) to us. It is possible for

E-ON to change prices at any time as part of the Deemed Contract as the rates charged are variable. The cost will rise from 15.75p per Kwh to 17.90p per Kwh. This increase is significant and Cllrs. asked the Clerk to see if we could get any reduction. Action VA

9.7Electronic payment options still to be discussed by the Cllrs. Action All

10Planning applications from the last meeting were shared and discussed.

10.115/00246/OUT Brooksby Melton College, Spinney Campus. There had been no news since the last meeting. Cllrs agreed that they should seek a meeting with the proposed developers of the site as early as possible. Action VA

10.2Six Hills Garden Village. Cllrs. had had a helpful and productive meeting with Gladman and it had been agreed to hold further meetings in the future. Action VA

10.3TPO’s – It was agreed that the situation with regard to TPO’s and the slow response to numerous requests for clarification and advice was not satisfactory. The Chair and Clerk to send in a strongly worded letter requesting resolution to the questions and issues we have at MBC. Action NW and VA

10.4TPO listing. Clerk to provide this to Cllrs. Action VA

10.5The situation with the lost Chestnut Trees at The Grange, now with Archway Cottage to be included in the letter to MBC

10.6The failure to advise on the status of the trees on Church Lane Hoby to be included in the letter to MBC

10.7The request relating to the earlier TPO request to MBC for TPO’s at Brooksby Spinney Campus to be included in the letter to MBC

10.8The Southern Extension planning application from Tarmac at Brooksby Quarry was noted. The Clerk will be at the Quarry this Thursday for a meeting and will report back to Cllrs. with regard to the application after that meeting. Action VA

10.9There were no other comments relating to other planning applications received.

10.10Repairs to the board walk on the Hoby to Rotherby footpath had now been completed.

10.11A tree had fallen across the Hoby to Rotherby footpath from the Old Mill just before the level crossing. This will be reported. Action VA

  1. Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) and MBC Local Plan. Plans to produce a Character Assessment report for the Parish were in hand to take place during April. Further funding would be looked for in the new Financial Year.Action NDP Working Group. No further news about the Local Plan, still hoped that it will be concluded by September 2018.
  1. Strategic Plan for Leicestershire. This is out to consultation until April 5th. Significant changes to the road system of the A46 on the eastern side of the county are envisaged. Cllr. Mary Dunford and the Clerk had attended a CPRE meeting at Great Glen to get information. Cllr. Mary Dunford reported that exhibitions about the proposed road etc relating to the consultation were being held. It was now at Syston Town Council from today to April 5th from 9am to 4.30pm. Closed Easter Monday. After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would make a submission to this consultation. Cllr. Angus Walker before he went on holiday had indicated that he would be happy to compose such a letter for Cllrs. Agreed. Action AW
  1. Correspondence
  2. A letter had been received from the RCC about Rural Achievement Awards. Information about this had been sent for inclusion in the Parish Magazine.
  1. Date of next meeting: May 14th2018, 7.30pm in Hoby andDistrict Village Hall. This will also be the Annual Meeting of the Full Council.

Other 2018 dates were noted as follows:

2nd July

17th September

26th November

all at Hoby and District Village Hall at 7.30pm.

  1. With there being no other business Cllr. David Williams closed the

meeting at 8.40pm thanking everyone for their attendance.

Chair of meeting. …………………………………………………… Date. ……………………..