Career Readiness Indicator Review Panel

Purpose of the Panel:

The Career Readiness Indicator (CRI) Review Panel will review all current and proposed CRIs. The goal of the review is to determine if a CRI is rigorous and relevant to industry and therefore whether it should or should not be part of the list of eligible CRIs.


The panel will use a standard questionnaire to gather information about current and proposed CRIs. Once approved by the panel, the questionnaire can only be modified by vote of the panel or at direction from the State CTE Director. Once the information is compiled, the chair of the panel will submit the collected information and a summary recommendation to the State CTE Director. The Director will then approve the CRI, deny it, or send it back to the panel for further study.


The panel will meet as needed to provide recommendations to the Director in time for changes to the CRI list to be made in June and December. The June changes may include additions or deletions of CRIs. The December changes will only be additions. The panel will publish the cutoff dates for new requests prior to each list update.

Panel Members:

  • The panel will be chaired by an appointee of the Director charged with organizing and guiding the review process.
  • The chair will select three local Career Technical Directors to sit on the panel. The local directors will be chosen in a way to provide diversity of experiences. Consideration will be given to the size of programs, rural versus urban programs, and types of programs offered in the systems of directors chosen.
  • The panel will have a rotating member who will be the state specialist overseeing the cluster or program to which the CRI would apply.
  • The panel may enlist additional personnel to assist in research and background work on the CRIs being studied. These research personnel will not be voting members of the panel.

Panel Member Recusal:

In the instance that the LEA of one of the panel members is sponsoring a request for a new CRI, that member will be recused from participating in that CRI review and will be replaced by an alternate member of the chair’s choosing.


Meetings may be held face to face, via WebEx, or via conference call. Meetings will only be scheduled as needed and will attempt to be sensitive to the time commitments of the local CTE directors.

Process for Submitting a CRI for Consideration:

All requests for new CRIs submitted for consideration must come from a sponsoring LEA or group of LEAs. Applications must include letters of support from industry representatives indicating the need for the specific CRI being requested and a completed questionnaire. Additional supporting material may be submitted, but is not required.

Rev: 6/16/15