ASQ HCD Member Leader Bio-Sketch Template
Demographic Information:
· Name/Degrees: Anthony P. Weiss, MD, MBA
· City/State of Residence: Boston, Massachusetts
· email address:
Current Role(s) in ASQ: Co-chair Newsletter Committee
SUMMARY BIO (1-2 paragraphs):
Highlight professional focus --role in health care; number of years experience; key activities/skills, industry segments (hospitals, primary care, public health, lab, etc); professional certifications, awards.
Dr. Weiss is the Director of Quality Management within the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry and the Associate Director of Health Services Research at Partners Psychiatry and Mental Health. In addition, he maintains an active psychiatric practice and serves on a number of key healthcare quality and safety-related committees at the departmental, hospital, and system-wide levels.
Dr. Weiss received his BS (Pharmacology & Toxicology) and Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Wisconsin. He also holds a Master of Science degree from Harvard Medical School and a Master of Business Administration degree from Babson College in Wellesley Massachusetts.
Professional Organizations MEMBERSHIPS/Committees