Dear parents,
I am so excited that your daughter has expressed an interest in auditioning for the Lakeland Drill Team and/or Dance Team! Our drill team is a wonderful organization that requires a great deal of time and commitment, hard work and dedication. I feel that you should know what will be expected of the girls in reference to participation, the practice time involved, and the responsibility she is taking on should your daughter make the team this year.
This packet is full of important information that you will need to review in regard to tryout requirements, required summer practice dates, and expectations. A copy of the proposed handbook for the 2011-2012 team handbook is also attached. Please read and discuss this with your daughter. The document details the expectations for the teams and individual members of dance/drill teams.
Again, I am excited that your daughter is joining us for the audition process and hopefully the Drill Team or Dance Team for the coming school year. It is going to be a fabulous year!
Natalie Hayes
Audition Week
April 26-28, 4:00-5:00 and April 29 4:00-5:30 (Drill Team)
April 25-29, 4:00-5:30 (Dance Team)
Note: All candidates will be required to attend EVERY day of the clinic in order to audition before the judges on April 29th. Tryout clinic and auditions are closed to the public.
LCA gym
The clinic and auditions are closed. No parents or spectators will be allowed in the gym during this time. Parents are encouraged to be with their daughters when they receive their envelopes at the end of auditions letting them know if they have or have not been selected as a member of drill team or dance team.
What to Wear to audition clinic on Monday-Thursday:
Wear clothes that allow you to move freely (This may include t-shirts, loose fitting shorts, jazz pants, dance pants, leotards, etc.) and tennis shoes or jazz shoes. Do not wear jewelry, short shorts, or clothing that shows your tummy or bra straps. You may not chew gum during audition week.
What to Wear for your audition on Friday:
You need to be dressed in all black! A black t-shirt or leotard, long black pants, black socks and shoes are appropriate. Wear your hair in a ponytail, natural or no makeup, and your assigned audition number. You should not wear any jewelry, midriff tops, or nail polish. These are a distraction for the judges.
Notes about practice requirements once you make the team
There will be a required summer camp for your team. If you are unable to attend the camp dates, this must be arranged with Mrs. Hayes prior to your audition. After audition week has passed, excused absences from summer camp should include personal illness or accident, funeral or death in the family, and pre-approved school related activities.
Drill Team summer camp will be July 11-13 from 10:00-2:00.
Dance Team summer camp will be June 27-July 1 from 9:00 until 4:00.
Regular season practices will begin Thursday, August 18th. The first day of school will be Friday, August 26th. Beginning Monday, August 29th, regular practices will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 4:00-5:00.
Who judges the tryouts?
A panel of 2-3 judges will score each candidate. Scores will be tabulated in conjunction with daily scores from audition week (determined by the coach and assistant coach). Judges are qualified based on background in dance and drill team. They may be former high school or college drill team officers, college dance majors, drill team directors, studio owners or dance/cheer instructors. The drill team coach and assistant coach attend the auditions, but do not score the candidates in any way on Friday.
How is my score determined?
Audition scores will be based on judges’ scores (energy, projection/presentation, motions, memory, splits, kicks, appearance, technique and crowd appeal) in conjunction with daily audition scores (attitude, teamwork and work ethic).
Will I try out alone in front of the judges?
No, on Tuesday of audition week, group numbers will be drawn randomly from a hat. Your audition group will then be assigned audition numbers by height within your group. That will be your group and assigned audition number for the remainder of the week.
How many girls will make each team?
There is no set number. A natural break will be determined in the scores.
When will I find out if I made the team?
Once the audition process is complete, students will be dismissed to join their parents outside the building. When all scores have been tabulated and the team has been selected, all envelopes will be delivered to the building entrance by the LCA school office.
Can I see my scores after auditions?
After school on the Monday following audition week, you may have a copy of the judges’ comments regarding your audition. A number score will not be distributed, but you will certainly be allowed to see a copy of the strengths and areas of improvement that the judges shared during your audition process.
What should I do if I didn’t make the score I was hoping to make?
If you were selected for either team, you should participate as a team member and continue to improve in the necessary and suggested areas. Being a part of either spirit team is a privilege and you are an important part of the team. As you know, any team dynamic is a reflection of what you put in as a team member. A good attitude and hard work will help you to improve and score higher the following year.
Dance and Drill Team
Welcome to the LakelandChristianAcademy Dance/Drill Team! As a member, you are part of one of the school’s most respected teams. We want the LCA Spirit Teams to be known as a very dedicated and loyal group.
The success of our dance/drill teams will depend on the dedication, enthusiasm and cooperation of each member. As with any group, teamwork is a vital part of this organization. With a positive attitude, patience, and hard work, the LCA dance/drill team will attain the goals we set for ourselves. The following pages reflect hours of careful thought and planning. Please read the information carefully to ensure your best interest as a team member.
Natalie Hayes
Dance and drill team philosophy
Spirit programs are designed to promote school spirit and to provide students an opportunity to develop and increase leadership skills, high ethical standards, rhythm and coordination skills, team cooperation, individual self-esteem and self-confidence.
Drill Team Activities
- Perform stand routines at football, volleyball and basketball games.
- Perform cheers and chants at all assigned games.
- Encourage fan participation at all sporting events and games.
- Perform cheers and chants at school pep rallies.
- Lead student body in cheering for teams and encourage participation for the Spirit Stick competition at pep rallies.
- Make and hang spirit signs at school and at games.
- Make and hold run-through signs for football games.
- Other activities as assigned by the coach.
Dance Team Activities
- Perform dance routines at football, volleyball and basketball games and pep rallies as assigned by the coach.
- Perform stand routines and halftime dances on the field or court as determined by the coach.
- Participate in dance team competitions
- Dance at pep rallies and help lead student body in cheering for teams. Encourage participation of the student body in cheering on other school teams.
- Encourage fan participation at games.
A member is expected to exhibit a good attitude at all times. Members are courteous and friendly wherever they go. Any conversation and/or actions should reflect godly character. Members are pleasant and courteous to members of their own team. Members should never take part in or encourage complaining or gossiping. We should always exhibit good sportsmanlike behavior toward other teams.
Certain standards are necessary for the integrity and reputation of any leadership organization. Members of the dance/drill team should be leaders within the school and should set a good example at all times. Members of the team are expected to have and maintain a character above reproach.
Drill Team Selection and Responsibilities
Membership in the drill team is open to students in grades 4-12. Membership in the dance team is open to students in grades 6-12. Members of the teams will be selected by judges from outside of the school.
Selections will be made in the spring of the year preceding the school year in which the dance/drill team members will serve during the last six weeks of the school year. Information will be distributed prior to spring tryouts. All prospective team members must attend and participate in tryouts. The director and administration will handle on an individual basis circumstances preventing a prospective member from participating in audition week. In the event that a new student enrolls at Lakeland after auditions have been completed, she may be allowed an opportunity to schedule a private audition with the coach during the summer.
Students who have been through the tryout process for the previous two years will not be required to try out again but they must turn in a tryout form by the deadline posted by the coach.
Each candidate must have written parental approval to try out for the dance/drill team. Permission forms must be signed and returned to the office on or before the deadline set. In addition, candidates must be passing all classes for the current semester and school year. Each candidate must attend a clinic conducted by the school prior to auditions and must attend the clinic in its entirety.
-All candidates will perform a routine provided in advance by the coach.
-Candidates should wear dancewear as noted in the tryout information.
Parents/spectators will not be allowed at tryout clinic or tryouts.
Candidates will be judged only at the time announced and set by school officials. They will be judged on appearance, showmanship, projection, execution, precision, memory, rhythm, kicks, splits and overall attitude. The decision of the judges is final.
Members of the drill team are eligible for participation in other school activities and sports. The coach will work with the student and parents to accommodate any conflicting schedules of school activities and clubs.
Expectations for Drill Team and Dance Team Members
Every member of the dance/drill team should be able to carry out the following responsibilities:
- Desire and attitude
- You must want to be a member of the dance/drill team. You must portray the attitude of Christ in your participation.
- You must be a team player.
- You must have a good attitude towards yourself.
- You must respect the coach and other team members. You must honor the coach’s decisions and actions regarding what is best for the team.
- You must be able to accept criticism that will help you attain an excellent performance level.
- You must be able to offer constructive criticism to other team members when needed.
- You should have coordination, rhythm, and you must enjoy learning and performing dances and drills.
- You must have a desire to cooperate – to be one of the group – individual exhibitions are not for the line. Learning to perform in unison is imperative.
- Drill team members will follow the procedures as developed by the team coach and administration of the school.
- Attendance
- Attendance at practice is mandatory in order to perform at each week’s activity. If a practice is missed and not excused in advance, the member will miss the activity she is practicing for. School activities are considered excused absences.
- Each member must be at games and practices at the times designated. If a member arrives more than ten minutes late or must leave more than ten minutes early, she will not perform in the activity following the missed time.
- Members must attend all events including: camp, pep rallies, football/volleyball/basketball games as assigned, clinics, competitions and special appearances. If an event is missed and is not excused in advance, the member will not be allowed to participate in the following event or performance.
- The coach must be notified in writing in advance if an absence is expected. A separate note must be submitted for each absence unless it is for a regularly scheduled school activity; in this case, one written notice is sufficient.
- If a member misses any practice, she is responsible for any instruction missed. She will be held responsible for any announcements made or routines taught in her absence.
- Members must have good attendance records at school. Any student who is absent from school will not perform on the day of the absence unless excused by the coach in advance. Team members should be at home if they are ill on the day of a scheduled performance.
- Grades
- To participate in drill team and dance team activities, a member must be passing all classes. Just as in any sports or spirit team activity, the rule is “No Pass, No Play.”
- Uniforms
- Dance/drill team members must attend all activities in full uniform. If any part of the uniform is forgotten, the member may not perform. Uniform includes hair ties, poms, and props used for performances.
- Members will remain in uniform throughout a game or pep rally and must sit with the team unless excused in advance by the coach. Break times will be designated by the coach or assistant coach.
- Dance/Drill Team Skills
- Shows proficiency in dance, music, choreography, cheering skills as determined by the appropriate team.
- Each member must be prepared for each performance. Each routine will be evaluated one time by the coach and/or assistant coach to determine the performance group and placement for that routine. If a routine is repeated, the coach may reevaluate the routine for possible placement in the performance group. The decision will be up to the coach in determining whether a routine will be evaluated a second time.
Responsibilities of the Drill Team/Dance Team Coach
The coach will
- Be selected by the school administration
- Handle discipline matters according to the school procedures.
- Follow procedures for removing students from performances if grades are not at the level specified.
- Accompany the team whenever they perform as a school sponsored group.
- Determine uniforms for weekly performances and make decisions concerning the use of uniforms for all performances.
- Maintain a channel of communications with the dance/drill team parents concerning activities.
- Select and/or approve routines and music for all performances.
- Make final decisions regarding weekly performances.
Dance/Drill Team Transportation/Trips
Dance/Drill team will perform at home games. Team members are responsible for their own transportation to and from home games.
In the event that the team travels to an away game, competition or event as a team, the following guidelines will be followed.
Students who participate in school sponsored trips are required to follow school policy and rules regarding van/bus conduct.
In case of an emergency, the coach may approve other means of transportation. Each student must have completed a medical release form and school field trip form prior to traveling with the dance/drill team.
A note must be provided by the parent at least 24 hours prior to a trip or event if their child is to ride home with another family.
Dance and Drill Team
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Dance and Drill Team expectations and information in this packet’s entirety and agree to abide by and hold my team members to the standards in it.
I know that my dedication, commitment and cooperation are necessary to make the team successful and I want to be a part of the dance/drill team.
Team Member SignatureDate
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Dance and Drill Team information packet in its entirety and have discussed it with my daughter. I have had my questions about expectations and requirements answered, and I believe that it is a good decision for my daughter to be a part of the dance/drill team.
Parent SignatureDate