FARO Logistics Solutions

Control of Documents BP-10 Page 1 of 2

Revision Date: 3/24/2017

I. Business Process Description/Objective

This procedure defines the process for document control, including preparation, review, approval, and issuance of new or changes to existing quality management system documents.

II. Process Owner(s)

Management Representative

III. Business Process

Responsibility / Action
FARO Employee / 1. / Identifies the need for a document or a change to an existing document.
2A. / If a new document is needed, forwards a draft to the Management Representative/ General Manager/Approval Authority. Provides distribution to the best extent possible for the new document.
- OR-
2B. / If a current document needs revised, forwards a marked up/revised copy of the most current version to the appropriate Approval Authority/Management Representative for further action. Provides any available background information for review.
- OR-
2C. / If an externally provided document, forwards document and distribution listing, if appropriate, to the Management Representative/ General Manager/Approval Authority.
Management Representative/ General Manager/ Approval Authority / 3. / Upon receipt of new/revised document, performs review for adequacy/compliance. If appropriate, coordinates document changes with other affected documents.
Management Representative/ Approval Authority / 4. / If document is approved, forwards document and provides evidence of approval (e.g., sign/date, email, etc.) to the Document Controller.
a.  If issues, reviews with Originator.
Document Controller / 5. / Ensures evidence of approval has been obtained. Finalizes document (ensures unique document identification, revision date, and page control, if multiple pages).
Management Representative / 6. / Updates the Document Masterlist. Files master copy, if appropriate.
a.  If revised document to be maintained, files electronically in an identified obsolete folder.
b.  If revised Process, records revision on the Document Revision Log (ADM-003).
Document Controller/Manager / 7. / Ensures document is distributed and reviewed with affected employees, as needed. Ensures old revisions of the document are destroyed or, if maintained, identified in such a way as marking ‘Void”, “Obsolete” or filing in an identified archived file.

IV. Definitions

V. Related ISO 9001 Elements


VI. Associated Materials/Documents

Document Masterlist

Document Revision Log (ADM-003)