Hill College

112 Lamar Drive

Hillsboro, TX 76645


Course Prefix and Number Course Title

PSYC 2306/SOCI 2306 Section: W01 Semester: Fall 2016 Human Sexuality


Contact: Phone: E-mail:

ACGM Description:

This course will provide an overview of the broad field of human sexuality. Topics will be covered from various perspectives – biological, sociological, anthropological, etc., but will focus primarily on the psychological perspective. The goal is for each student to learn factual, scientifically-based information that will provoke thought and contribute to his/her own decision-making on sexual issues outside of the classroom. (Cross-listed as SOCI 2306 or PSYC 2306)

Catalog Description:

This course will provide an overview of the broad field of human sexuality. Topics will be covered from various perspectives – biological, sociological, anthropological, etc., but will focus primarily on the psychological perspective. The goal is for each student to learn factual, scientifically-based information that will provoke thought and contribute to his/her own decision-making on sexual issues outside of the classroom.

Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 0 Semester Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisites: None

Introduction and Purpose:

This course will utilizethe tools of behavioral science to understandthe causes and consequences of sexual attitudes and behavior. Topics include gender identity and expectations, concepts of love, body image, relationship dynamics,family systems, sexual attitudes and decision making, and sexual orientation. Students will learntheories of sexual behavior and the implications of research on thistopic regarding socio-psychological wellbeing and public health. This is certainly not a “how-to” course. However, it is a great way to apply the principles of academic, scientific research to a fascinating topic relevant to many very important aspects of your physical, social, and emotional wellbeing.

Instructional Materials:

Textbooks: Revel for Human Sexuality, 4th Ed. By Hock.

REVEL is an online learning tool that includes ebook, audiobook, and interactive exercises. A REVEL option that includes a paper copy of the textbook is available. Check with your instructor.

Supplies & Materials:

Pens, paper, and other basic school supplies; computing technology with internet access and MS Office software (as per instructor); Scantrons; Hill College Email and Blackboard access; REVEL lab may be required by the instructor.

Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

1.  Identify common myths of human sexual functioning.

2.  Identify human sexual behaviors and sexual responses.

3.  Explain the relationship between sexuality and developmental changes throughout the lifespan.

4.  Describe the causes, symptoms, and treatments for sexually transmitted infections and the behaviors that increase and decrease the risk of contracting an STI.

5.  Describe the principles of effective communication and the specific barriers to effective communication about sex and sexuality. Use an academic sexual vocabulary.

6.  Discuss cultural differences in sexual attitudes and behaviors.

7.  Identify the occurrence and causes of sexual variations.

8.  Identify contraceptive methods and how these methods prevent conception.

Source: Texas Higher Ed Coordinating Board (Spring 2016). Academic Course Guide Manual

The students' success in completing these objectives will be measured using a set of examinations and assignments described, in detail under the section of this syllabus headed “Methods of Evaluation.”

An Annual Assessment Plan will be implemented each year to review course.

Methods of Instruction:

This course will be taught face-to-face and/or by various distance learning delivery methods. Audio-visual materials and computer-based technology will be used when appropriate.

Methods of Evaluation:

Grades in this course will be based on the following evaluative criteria:

Exam Total, Including the Final: 50%

All other Course Items (per instructor): 50%

These figures are approximate. See individual instructor’s syllabus for specific information.

Letter grades for the course will be based on the following percentages:

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

Below 60% F

Course Outline:

Class policies:

Regular attendance at all class meetings (in-person or online) is expected. Disruptions in class or inappropriate postings will not be tolerated.

Topic Outline:

Topics under study may include any or all of the following:

1: Studying Human Sexuality

2: Sexual Anatomy

3: The Physiology of Sexual Response

4: Intimate Relationships

5: Contraception: Planning and Preventing Pregnancy

6: Sexual Behaviors: Experiencing Sexual Pleasure

7: Sexual Problems and Solutions

8: Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases

9: Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth

10: Gender

11: Sexual Orientation

12: Sexual Development

13: Sexual Aggression and Violence

14: Paraphilic Disorders

15: The Sexual Marketplace: Prostitution and Pornography


Reports of discrimination based on disability may be directed to the ADA/Section 504 coordinator. The College District designates the following person to coordinate its efforts to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, which incorporates and expands the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended:

Name: Lizza Trenkle

Position: Vice President Student Services

Address: 112 Lamar Drive, Hillsboro, TX 76645

Telephone: (254) 659-7601

Students with qualified and documented disabilities may request accommodations which will enable them to participate in and benefit from educational programs and activities. Students should contact the Academic Advising and Student Success Center for more details at: 254 659 7650 for Hillsboro, 817 760 5650 for Cleburne, or 817 295-7392 for Burleson.

EEO Statement

Hill College is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. The college does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, genetic information, or veteran status in the administration of its educational programs, activities, or employment policies.

Instructor’s Class Content:

Instructor’s content begins on the following pages or in the accompanying file.