Commodore Classic I – Ode to the Confederate Memorial Hall

March 25, 2006

Round 6

Tossups by Chris Frankel with Chris Romero

1. A serine-to-asparagine change at amino acid 31 on a certain protein has been shown to confer adamantane resistance to this parasite, which takes its scientific name from its nucleocapsid. It is distinguished from an associated parasite by the fact that it binds to alpha 2-3 sialic acid receptors rather than 2-6 receptors, though concern exists that an antigenic shift may alter its current transmission mechanism. Currently its genotype-Z is responsible for an epizootic which recently reached Germany. Taking its name from characteristics associated with the antigens neuraminidase and hemagglutinin, --for 10 points--, name this current worldwide pandemic threat.

ANSWER: H5N1 or Avian Flu or Bird Flu [prompt on flu]

2. In this work’s penultimate section, which is prefaced by a quote from a letter addressed to d’Alembert, the narrator describes himself “as a weed / Flung from the rock, on Ocean’s foam to sail / Where’er the surge may sweep.”After that, the author includes a prose letter celebrating his travel to “the countries of chivalry, history, and fable” with the dedicatee of the poem, John Hobhouse.Similarly, the author includes a preface and a short poem, “To Ianthe,” that appear before the first of its four cantos, the final of which features the narrator bidding farewell to “Horace, whom [he] hated so” and “stand[ing] on the Bridge of Sighs” in Venice.Waterloo is another venue in, FTP, what autobiographical poem about the titular young man’s travels through Mediterranean Europe, a work by Lord Byron?

ANSWER: “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

3. This quantity is proportional to the difference of the curl of the magnetic field divided by the permeability of free space and the product of electrical conductivity and the electric field. The term was originally associated with the motion of dipole charges in the ether. It is now known that for a dielectric, a polarization term must be added to its more typical vacuum term, epsilon times dee-E, dee-T. Accounting for magnetic effects arising fromtime-varying electric fields --for 10 points-- name this term added by James Maxwell to Ampere's Law, which can also bedescribed as an effective charge traveling between the two plates of a capacitor.

ANSWER: displacement current

4. A rebuttal to this man in the Castigations of…His Last Animadversions marked the endof his debate over free will that began with his Letters on Liberty and Necessity and saw him face off with John Bramall.Obsessed with the problem of squaring the circle, he engaged in another heated debate, this time arguing the merits of geometry over algebra with John Wallis.The influence of Euclid’s Elements can be seen in his early Short Tract on First Principles, and he applied his science background to political philosophy in his trilogy De Cive, De Corpore, and De Homine, and argued for the need for an absolute ruler to control a chaotic state of nature in his magnum opus.FTP, name this philosopher who said that life was “nasty, brutish, and short” in his Leviathan.

ANSWER: Thomas Hobbes

5. As a response to it, nearly 40,000 militiamen were trained in Nova Scotia in the span of a week. Though its instigator received a gold medal from a House resolution, the U.S. found itself faced with a stern ultimatum sent by John Russell and delivered by Richard Lyons. It was ultimately resolved when the Rinaldo arrived in Provincetown to set sail towards St. Thomas. The men at the center of it had been traveling from Havana, but found themselves taken to FortWarren and held there for nearly two months. The diplomacy of William Seward helped resolve the mess that had began when Charles Wilkes used the guns of the San Jacinto to incite, FTP, what incident involving a namesake British ship, whose Confederate passengers James Mason and John Slidell were captured in 1861?

ANSWER: Trent Affair

6. The Pragmateia and the Book of Giants are two texts associated with this faith, whose members honored the day of its founder’s death in the festival of Bema.This faith’s antipathy towards marriage and eating meat lay in its condemnation of the sins of Adam and Eve, and a set of three seals, or signacula, strictly governed the daily life of its “Perfect” followers, who contrasted with the more common “Hearers.” It incorporated elements of Zoroastrianism, Babylonian folklore, Buddhist ethics, and even a little Christianity. A framework of life as a struggle between light and darkness characterized, FTP, what dualistic Persian based religion, which was also the initial religion of Saint Augustine?

ANSWER: Manichaeism

7. In this album, the band’s bassist sings about falling asleep “after 10 cups of coffee,” and the drummer sings about having a “rock and roll life” and a “rock and roll girlfriend” in the third and fourth sections of its penultimate song.The final song is a reminiscing piece named for a female love interest, who is first introduced in “She’s a Rebel.”The singer discusses his drug use in “Give me Novocain,” which occurs after his migration to The City and the establishment of his identity as St. Jimmy.The album follows a self-described “son of rage and love” who leaves his home of Jingletown and celebrates in “Holiday” before ending up on the “Boulevard of Broken Dreams.”The story of Jesus of Suburbia forms the plot of, FTP, what 2004 album and rock opera by Green Day?

ANSWER: American Idiot

8. In one version of this scene, a man in the lower left faces away from the viewer and blows into a horn, while the pale, faded tone of the flying cherubs and swirling clouds behind the main scene give the background a marked contrast from the foreground, where the title figure runs her hands through her long hair.In another rendition, the title character lies down horizontally with five puttos flying above her.Her eyes are closed in a quiet expression, creating an image of chastity to contrast her nude body and sweeping red hair resting on the waves.So describes the paintings by Adolphe-William Bouguereau and Alexandre Cabanel of, FTP, what event from Greek myth famously depicted with the title character covering her nudity as she stands on a clamshell in a Botticelli work?

ANSWER: The Birth of Venus

9. Minor characters that appear in this work include a woman nicknamed “The Plague,” whose spilling of sunflower oil leads to a man’s decapitation in the subway, and a title character’s neighbor, who is briefly transformed into a pig and flown to a dark ball by the maid Natasha.While the Variete Theater and the literary estate Griboyedov Houseare subjected to bizarre tricks at the hands of Azazello, Koroviev, the talking cat Behemoth, and their leader, the sinister Woland, the poet Ivan Homeless rests in a madhouse, meeting the author of a novel about Pontius Pilate and the other title character.FTP, the devil, Jesus, and the titular pair of lovers all appear in what masterpiece of Mikhail Bulgakov?

ANSWER: The Master and Margarita

10. Its continental coastline is contained entirely within its Litoral province, while the largest of its seven provinces has its capital at Evinayong.Discoveries of oil, particularly in its islands near CoriscoBay, have encouraged economic growth in this nation, populated by the Fang people, although its prosperity has been undermined by the corrupt regime of the PDGE and its dictator, Teodoro Obiang.Also notable is that this heavily Spanish-speaking nation’s capital is not located on the mainland, known as the Rio Muni, but offshore on the island of Bioko.FTP, identify this southwest African nation with its capital at Malabo, named for its proximity to the line of 0 degrees latitude.

ANSWER: Equatorial Guinea

11. ANSI C++ lacks garbage collection due to an intricacy of this datatype, which in Perl allows strings to be included in hashes and arrays. The process of optimizing code by converting data structure elements to them is referred to as swizzling.Though doing so may lead to segmentation faults, casting any datatype to or from them is allowed in C. Garbage collectors have trouble with intricacies such as XOR linked lists due to the inability to determine whether or not instances of this type are dangling. For 10 points -- name this computer science construct noted in C-family languages with an asterisk, a datatype designed to hold addresses.

ANSWER: Pointers

12. Although he exhibited kindness in consoling Thara after the death of her husband Vali, he was viewed as a troublemaker in his youth and placed under a curse that made him unable to use his powers until the bear king Jambavant reminded him of them. Sometimes depicted holding the mountain Dronagiri in his hand, he engaged in battle with Indrajit, but allowed himself to be defeated when Indrajit tried to subdue him with the Brahmastra. He went on a quest to find the sanjeevani herb to heal his patron’s brother, but not before laying waste to the island of Lanka by growing to an enormous size and waving around his tail, which had been set on fire by Ravana. FTP, name this being who comes to Rama’s aid, a Hindu monkey god.

ANSWER: Hanuman

13. This book’s author compares Manet and Wagner and cites them as the pinnacle of artistic achievement in the section “Pergamum and Bayreuth,”while Russia is characterized as a confused civilization.Revised with the publication of what would become its second section, “Perspectives of World History,” it argues that cultures exist as organic forms, and discusses such civilizations as Bablyon, China, and Greece, making distinctions between Apollonian, Magian, and Faustian civilizations.Describing the development of cultures in terms of a cycle of seasons, this is, FTP, what 1923 tome that claims that Western civilization is in its winter, a work by Oswald Spengler?

ANSWER: The Decline of the West or Der Untergang des Abendlandes

14. Its majority opinion quotes Great Northern Railway v. Clara City and People v. Lloyd.While the overall verdict was favorable to the two dissenters in its overturning of Prudential Insurance Co. v. Cheek, the dissent argued that laws should distinguish between merely expressing anti-establishment opinions and trying to induce an immediate overthrow of the government.The line “Every idea is an incitement” appeared in that dissent, and this case involved the prosecution of the publisher of “The Revolutionary Age” and “The Left Wing Manifesto” under a state law covering criminal anarchy.Centering on Fourteenth Amendment protections and taking place six years after Abrams and Schenk, this is, FTP, what 1925 case that applied the First Amendment to state governments?

ANSWER: Gitlow v. New York

15. His interpretation of twelve tone composition can be seen in his Piano Sonata in E Flat Minor and his Nocturne (Homage to John Field). He only wrote two symphonies, and since he was a capable baritone singer, he adapted many texts into song settings like the Pablo Neruda-inspired The Lovers, the James Agee-based Knoxville: Summer 1915, and the large scale Prayers of Kierkegaard. Composer of the opera Antony and Cleopatra, he produced an Agnus Dei by adding vocal parts to his most famous instrumental piece, which originated as the slow second movement of his String Quartet in B Minor. FTP, identify this American composer of the opera Vanessa and the Adagio for Strings.

ANSWER: Samuel Barber

16. In one work by this man, the title character is presented with engagement sashes by two rivals, one of whom is a thirteen year old girl, and gets caught up with the adulterous advances of the wife of the man who is to teach him how to serve tea.One of his historical works features a general killing his infant child and placing it in the belly of the dead and pregnant Empress to save the heir to the throne from the invading Tartars.The Courier from Hell, Gonza the Spearman, and The Battles of Coxinga are the plays described above, all written in the 18th Century by, FTP, what prolific Japanese bunraku dramatist who wrote The Love Suicides at Sonezaki?

ANSWER: Chikamatsu Monzaemon

17. After the death of its original leader, a council was held at Soissons to elect a new one.Robert of Clari and Nicetas Choniates chronicled it, and its defining event originated through Phillip of Swabia’s request to install the son of Isaac II to power.Taking over for Thibaud of Champagne, Boniface of Montferrat was its leader. In its first phase, its participants incurred massive debts buying transport ships, and had to repay the Doge of Veniceby attacking the city of Zara, despite the fact it was predominantly Catholic.The rise of the Latin Empire in the Byzantine state was the long-term result of, FTP, what 1202-1204 crusade called by Innocent III that culminated with the sack of Constantinople?

ANSWER: Fourth Crusade

18. A 500-meter section of gabbro examined in 1987 leant support to this 1963 hypothesis relating petrologic characteristics to the magnetization. In 1977, near the Galapagos Islands, hot acidic columns of oceanic water, called Black smokers, were found and linked to a "slow" occurrence originating at the nearby East Pacific Rise. Elucidated by Robert Dietz as a revision of continental drift theory, --for 10 points--, name this geological phenomenon responsible for the widening of the mid-Atlantic Ridge.

ANSWER: sea floor spreading

19. In this work’s second section, the author references “Ode: Intimations of Immortality” and “Ode on a Grecian Urn” in the repetitive “I am Waiting,” and alludes to an MTA ad campaign in “Meet Miss Subways.”This collection, which takes its title from a line in Henry Miller’s Into the Night Life, describes how a state of “suffering humanity” is being created by suburban spread and freeways full of “painted cars… that devoured America,” in its opening poem, which recounts “Goya’s greatest scenes.”The author’s first collection, Pictures of the Gone World, is reprinted as the third section of, FTP, what beat poetry collection by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, whose title creates the metaphor of an intellectual amusement park?

ANSWER: A Coney Island of the Mind

20. He followed his father into the National Congress but with a much more radical political agenda. He closely followed protests in Champaran and Bihar, soon joining the Home Rule campaign himself. Rising through the Congressional secretariat to the presidency by age 40, he is believed to have squeezed out the more popular Sardar Patel with the secret threat of a populist civil war. As one of the founders of the nonaligned movement, his response to the Hungarian uprising against the Soviet Union was questioned, as was his allowing troops to march into and reclaim the Portuguese colony of Goa.FTP name this liberal socialist, an ardent follower of Mohandas Gandhi who served as India’s first Prime Minister.

ANSWER: Jawaharlal Nehru

Boni by Chris Frankel with Chris Romero

1. Name these New Testament books from summaries, FTPE.

[10] In this three section epistle, Paul advises the title character on how to choose “blameless” bishops for his churches in Crete and sets forth the tenets of “sound doctrine.” Like Timothy, it is one of the “pastoral” epistles.


[10] This short epistle by Paul, who was writing from prison, primarily consists of a plea to the title character to take back his newly converted slave Onesimus and treat him like a Christian brother.

ANSWER: Philemon

[10] Addressed to Theophilus, this Gospel, like that of Matthew, contains a form of the beatitudes. This book also features the tale of the prodigal son and the Sermon on the Plain.


2. Identify some works from the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow collection Frankel got at ACF Regionals FTPE:

[10] At Regionals, Frankel pussed out and sat while someone else got the tossup on this work, much like the title character, who loses out on Priscilla Mullins by asking John Alden to woo her for him.

ANSWER: “The Courtship of Miles Standish

[10] The opening lines of The Divine Comedy inspired the Italian title for this depressing sonnet, where Longfellow mulls over a mid-life crisis by lamenting, “Half of my life is gone, and I have let / The years slip from me.”

ANSWER: “Mezzo Cammin”

[10] The Theologian’s story “Torquemada” and the Poet’s “The Birds of Killingworth,” which appear in the collection, are excerpts from this book of stories that also contains “Paul Revere’s Ride.”

ANSWER: Tales of a Wayside Inn

3. Answer the following about that crappy excuse for a war, the Aroostook War. FTPE:

[10] An 1832 attempt to resolve the Maine boundary crisis diplomatically saw Britain ask this Dutch king to mediate. He suggested the St. John River as a boundary, though the U.S. turned his idea down.