Minutes of a Meeting held on 9thJanuary 2017, 7pm in Mike Sheridan Room

James Anderson (WJ) – Chair
Jane Angus (JA)
Joanne Croll (JC)
Pat Downie (PD)
Iain Latta (IL)
Fiona Presslie (FP)
Anne Reid (AR)
Wendy Miller (WM)
Bill Cruickshank (BC)
Cllr Geva Blackett (CGB)
Cllr Peter Argyll (CPA)
John Bolton (JB)
Tony Cox (TC) / Also present:
Alan Harrison (AH) BRD
Eric Davidson (ED) Royal Mail
Susan Ramsay (SR) Royal Mail
Faye Swan (FS)
Phil Swan (PS)
  1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

2. Matters Arising from DecMeeting:

Glyn - Balmoral Ranger cannot attend meetings as the fire service also meet on a Monday.

Ross Davidson will mount the defibrillator at the hall.

PO counters. Co-op regional manager is aware of problems within the shop.

Minutes approved following the meeting.

3. Correspondence


4. Emergency services:

No representatives present.

5. Reports

Aberdeenshire Council(CGB)

Through BCCC the Resilience Group is covered unless machinery is used.

Can’t guarantee attendance as there is now only 1 councillor instead of 3 to attend meetings.

The Visit Deeside video had 80000 hits in its first week. More villages in Deeside are now onboard with this venture.

CNPA have launched a snow route which is inclusive of the Lecht Road including Gairnshiel bridge.

Talks over Gairnshiel bridge are ongoing. Marr and infrastructure (Aberdeenshire Council) to discuss financial and community interest.

Ongoing issues with regards to dog waste bins. New initiative for the school, slow getting off the ground, new bins still to be placed.

The winter services report is unacceptable, was brought to attention at managerial level at meeting in morning. A website can be accessed to show areas to be gritted within region.


Walking week is to be well attended this year, forms already sent out.


15 applications have been made for static sites. 10-12 sites available this year. BRD will be able to cover some of the additional costs for the flotation units. Work to commence March onwards.

Royal Mail(ED/SR)

Good feedback - facilities good, positive feedback to Royal Mail. Vehicles are arriving in Ballater at the same time as before with the mail being sorted in Aberdeen prior. PD has spoken to postmen who are not happy. They are to approach Susan Ramsay – email and other contactdetails available from AR. JA to get an example of unfranked mail to SR. WM has asked that the sorted mail differentiates between Ballater and Braemar as there are duplicate named roads in both villages.

Ballater Resilience Plan(Report sent from JB)

FIO - Webcam is a success and already has proved useful –

January meeting still TBA. Mike Forbes now has a list of volunteers so he can arrange a training session.

Has asked that a page be set up on the community website, awaiting response.

Radio equipment still to be ordered, to be discussed at next meeting, a protocol will be prepared on the operation and use of this equipment.

Sand bags have been made up recently by council workers and were overfilled. Guidelines available from EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

7. Planning Matters

Strathdee cottages have had normal windows installed with no planning permission required. Patterson cottages had to apply for planning permission for windows. PD to send CGB plans and application.

Policy has been broken with regards to flood doors within a conservation area through councillor intervention (2 locations within Ballater)

9. Finance

Balance sheet to be sent to Alford for acceptance


WJ requested access for FB page from FS

AR to be tutored on FB posting

FD reported there is no barrier/fence at end of Dee Street (riverside) CGB Action

JC reported congestion issues wrt disabled parking bays and bus stop outside Co-op. Request visit from Ralph Singleton. CGB Action

IL queried date for work to station reinstatement. AH reported work to start Mon 23rd January. CGB to investigate

IL reported Old School has been bought by Grampian Housing Association. Planning application to be submitted before end May.

JC reported Brownies have funds and would like to donate a bench. Brownies too decide location. AR to email CGB to see if planning permission is required.

FP reported Polhollick bridge totally closed now, residents unhappy with situation. Is it to be fixed. No council funding currently.

BC to deal directly with Ian Cameron’s ongoing flooding problem at the foot of Balgairn, on the pass of Ballater.

JA has written to CNPA with regards to Geo Park as there is potential at this side of the park for tourists. Still awaiting a response from CNPA.

PS queried the asbestos issue at Old school. Awaiting the planning application for end May.

The Victoria and Albert Halls AGM is to be held on 17th January 2017.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.

The next meeting will be on 13thFebruary 2016,Mike Sheridan Room, Victoria & Albert Halls 7-9pm.