What is your story?
Healthwatch Cambridgeshire wants to connect you with organisations that should know about your experiences and your opinions about health and social care in Cambridgeshire.
We are starting a Consultation Network, to help service providers talk to people about what they need.
This sheet will give you more information about how the Consultation Network will work.
How will it work?
Groups that make decisions about health and social care services need to talk to people about their needs and opinions before they spend public money. We will keep a list of people who want to share their thoughts and experiences. We will contact you if a group is looking for input on a topic you care about.
Who can sign up?
Anyone who is interested in health and social care services.
How will you know what topics I want to talk about?
When you sign up for the Consultation Network, we will ask you for your areas of interest. We will use this information to make sure we send you requests for those topics.
Is this how I sign up to volunteer with Healthwatch Cambridgeshire?
No, this is just a way to help connect you with organisations that should hear your story and your opinions.
Will my personal information be safe?
We will never pass on your details without asking you first.
How do I sign up?
Fill in this form and give it to a Healthwatch Coordinator. You can also ring us on 01480 420628 or email us at
You can also post this form to us at:
Healthwatch Cambridgeshire, The Maple Centre
6 Oak Drive, Huntingdon, PE29 7HN
Consultation NetworkName:
Can we contact you by:
(Check all that apply) / q Phone: ______
q Email: ______
q Post:______
About you. Please answer the questions you are happy to answer. The answers will be used to let you know about the opportunities most relevant to you.
What is your gender?
What is your ethnicity?
What is your post code?
How old are you?
Areas of Interest. Check as many as you like. Please write in any topics that are important to you that we have not listed here.
q Older People
q Carers
q Disabilities
q Children/Young People / q Mental Health
q Men’s Health
q Women’s Health
q Occupational Therapy/ Community Services / q Addenbrookes
q Papworth
q Hinchingbrooke
q Primary Care (GPs)