S. Peter’s Collegiate School, Church of England Academy
Job Description – School Chaplain
Hours: / 37 hours per week – 52 weeks per year
Person Specification: / The person appointed will:
  • be an ordained Anglican priest
  • be professional in all duties undertaken
  • have a commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, and comply with the School’s Safeguarding Policies at all times
  • have a commitment to supporting/promoting the diversity of the school population
  • have integrity
  • be punctual
  • have the ability to prioritise and meet deadlines
  • be organised
  • have the ability to relate to adolescents and enjoy their company
  • work as part of a team and accept direction
  • have excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • display sound judgement
  • maintain confidentiality
  • be self-critical and open to constructive criticism
  • participate in all aspects of school life
  • have commitment to ongoing training and learning
  • have an analytical mind and pro-active approach to problem solving
  • have a sense of humour
  • to work collaboratively with the appropriate Diocesan Officers

Introduction: / The work of the Chaplain should permeate all areas of school life and will involve him/her in a wide range of school activities. The post should serve to animate and promote the spiritual and liturgical life of the school, support pastoral care, enhance citizenship and actively sustain the distinctive Christian ethos and Mission Statement of S. Peter’s CollegiateSchool:
“The mission of our school, rooted in our common life as a worshipping Christian community, is to educate the whole person so that everyone may find the keys to become all that God has uniquely put it within them to be.”
The range of the role extends to families, parishes, diocese, local community and associated primary schools. It will have a special focus on students and families and make a significant contribution towards the implementation of the school’s social inclusion policy. In addition, the Chaplain will continue to develop the Christian vision of the school and actively promote Christian Citizenship amongst its students
The Heart of the Chaplaincy: /
  • to animate the spiritual and liturgical life of the School and promote and maintain its high profile
  • to help people to recognise God’s love for them and their need of God
  • to enable people to share their questions without being too hasty to provide the right answer
  • to appreciate and promote the happiness and inspiration people give
  • to acknowledge that each one is a person of worth
  • to be visible and approachable in classrooms, staff rooms, dining rooms, common rooms, playgrounds, staff meetings parental information evenings and parent evenings
  • to get to know people individually and use every opportunity for contact to the best advantage
  • to develop a collaborative style of ministry that encourages a team approach to chaplaincy and worship
  • to share the joys and sorrows of others

Leadership: / With the support of the designated SLTand other key staff you will be responsible for the implementation of the school’s mission. This will include working with the Senior Leadership Team and governors to ensure the continuation of the Christian ethos, within the Anglican tradition, and provide spiritual and personal support to students and staff.
The Chaplain will:
  • maintain, develop and lead (as appropriate) all aspects of collective worship, and class worship, within the life of the school community
  • develop and lead a Chaplaincy Team (consisting of pupils, staff and parents)
  • help develop the role and aims of the Spiritual Council
  • help re-establish the Christian Union
  • maintain and develop the charity work of the school linking it to active Christian Citizenship amongst its students
  • be responsible for the writing, and updating of, the worship section of the SIAMS self-evaluation toolkit and ensuring that this is implemented
  • contribute where appropriate to staff development training: particularly in understanding the Christian vision of the school
  • manage a delegated budget

Liturgical Celebration: / The Chaplain will:
  • create opportunities for prayer, celebration and reflection in the school community. This will include establishing student, staff and parental prayer groups and other prayer activities
  • coordinate and ensure a full and varied liturgical provision
  • coordinate with the Director of Music regarding liturgical celebrations and other religious activities
  • coordinate and liaise with key areas in order to plan, develop and celebrate activities/liturgies to mark major feasts and seasons of the Anglican Church and events in the life of the school
  • maintain and develop the provision of suitable resources for prayer life, worship and assemblies
  • arrange an annual Eucharist for staff at the beginning of each academic year
  • prepare and lead worship
  • empower others to lead worship
  • liaise with outside agencies to lead worship
  • coordinate with the Rector of The Parish of Central Wolverhampton regarding School Eucharists, events and activities in St. Peter's Collegiate Church or in St. John's in the Square

Pastoral Care: / The Chaplain will:
  • offer pastoral care, support and advice to all members of the community, students, their families and staff, particularly in times of greatest need
  • work with the inclusion team in identifying and supporting students with the greatest need and providing a safe haven for vulnerable students
  • work with those involved in mentoring and the training of student mentors
  • adopt the school’s policy on confidentiality
  • be an active member of the inclusion team, and take on delegated duties (as appropriate)
  • develop outreach work with the families of students (as appropriatein liaison with local clergy/religious leaders where relevant)

Parishes and the wider community: / The Chaplain will:
  • actively foster and initiate links with the local parishes especially the Parish of Central Wolverhampton
  • liaise with parish clergy/parish representatives
  • develop and prepare school information and newsletters for the parishes
  • contribute to the school’s newsletters and develop a Chaplaincy web page on the school’s website
  • deliver presentations at information evenings and parents evenings that explain the nature and purpose of a faith school and its expectations
  • encourage and facilitate links and visits to school from the local clergy and members from other faith traditions
  • develop active Christian Citizenship activities with students reaching out to the local community and within school – particularly charity events
  • maintain, contribute to and develop activities that currently take place that reach out from the school to the local community and within the school (Charity events, Fair Trade etc)
  • initiate confirmation classes amongst the school’s students
  • be prepared to participate in or officiate at baptisms, weddings and funerals as appropriate

Environment: / The Chaplain will:
  • maintain and develop the school’s chapel and Chaplaincy office
  • develop areas around the school that clearly promotes the school’s mission statement and Christian ethos

Sustainability: / The Chaplain will:
  • promote an acknowledged ethos of the stewardship of God’s creation, including service to the local and wider community
  • promote students learning to accept responsibility for the results of their own actions on the environment and on others around them
  • encourage students to make a personal commitment to a sustainable future
  • assist students to be outward looking and dedicated to helping their neighbouring communities (active Christian Citizenship)
  • promote a strong sense of justice, fairness and tolerance in dealing with others
  • promote a commitment to all Chaplaincy activities
  • promote a commitment to the environment, local and global Christian Citizenship

Wider responsibilities Curriculum Links: / The Chaplain will:
  • attend and participate in RE departmental meetings as appropriate
  • be involved in the RE curriculum as appropriate
  • contribute towards writing the Collective Worship Policy and the SIAMS Toolkit – particularly the section on Worship
  • be elected to Wolverhampton SACRE and report back to the Head of RE
  • attend any meetings, groups or committees (as appropriate) to represent the school, or RE department and report back to the Head of RE

Governors: / The Chaplain will advise on:
  • the Christian ethos of the school
  • the school’s distinctive nature
  • the spiritual development of students
  • appropriate liturgy and celebrations
  • ways of putting the school’s mission statement into practice

The School will: /
  • require no teaching
  • provide a Line Manager that will annually review the progress of the Chaplain in implementing their duties
  • recognise and affirm the support the Chaplain needs to be given
  • provide an adequate budget to run the Chaplaincy
  • provide an office and clerical support (as appropriate)
  • ensure that the Chaplaincy is always seen as an important and visible sign that is signified and valued in the life of the school
  • include a section on the work of the Chaplaincy in the report to governors

General: / All the above duties and responsibilities are to be carried out as designated by the Principal in line with the agreed policies and procedures of the school.
This job description is representative only. Other reasonable duties may be allocated from time to time commensurate with the general character of this post and its salary.