Invitation to Tender
Construction Vessel(s) Safety Guideline
Following the publication of the Vessel Safety Guideline in April2012, which addressed vessels and equipment utilized during the Development Phase, there has been a positive feedback from the Development Partners and request for a similar document to address the Construction Phase.
The schedule of developments would indicate that this document should be available to Industry by early 2014, ideally within the 1st Quarter.
The study is tendered by and will be contracted by The Crown Estate as the client on behalf of our Development Partners and working in conjunction with the Energy Institute and the G . 9 Group.
The Crown Estate
The Crown Estate (TCE) owns and manages approximately 50% of the foreshore and beds of tidal rivers, together with almost all the seabed out to the 12 nautical mile limit and rights to renewable energy development out to 200 nautical miles. TCE has a responsibility to ensure an efficient and sustainable use of seabed in relation to all marine activities involving the installation of permanent infrastructure and fixtures. As landowner of the seabed, TCE has a key role in the delivery of offshore wind, wave and tidal generation projects through the granting of site options and leases.
2.Objectives of the Guideline
2.1.1.Contractors are invited to tender to deliver a guideline that focuses on the wide range of vessels and equipment that will be utilized during the construction phase of Round 3 and further offshore projects that will typically be in deeper water (35 – 45 metres) and in a potentially more hostile marine environment.
2.1.2.The Guideline is to enable Developers, at an early stage, during the design and project risk assessment to consider vessels, equipment and installation strategies available.
2.1.3.The supply chain will also be informed as to the potential expectations of the Industry and Developers as projects move further offshore.
2.1.4.To enable Developers to understand the issues and ‘questions to be asked’ in considering vessels and equipment as ‘Fit for Purpose’
2.1.5.For Developers to be able to provide comprehensive instructions to both their procurement team and also any Third Party, Marine Warranty Surveyors engaged to audit and assess vessels and equipment.
3.Works Specification
3.1.Scope of Study
3.1.1.The study will encompass (but not be limited to) the following work packages:
Package A – Desk Study
3.1.2.Reference to existing industry and government guidelines, and national & international law.
3.1.3.Desk and consultative study that will review the extensive data accumulated during the consultation period and preparation of the initial Vessel Safety Guideline
Package B – Identification of gaps with existing documentation
3.1.4.Identification of essential gaps with existing documentation and also workstreams that are ongoing.
3.1.5.Consultation, in particular with G 9 / Energy Institute and IMCA
Package C – Consultation workshops
3.1.6.Consultation workshop with major stakeholders in Industry initial workshops, London and Edinburgh with a further workshop in London to review the final draft. into scope of work after consultations
3.2.Scope and Content for Guideline
3.2.1.The final scope and content for the Guideline would be informed by the consultation process, however a typical Table of Contents would include but not be limited to: of the Guidance Vessel Selection and Operation Selection – Regulatory Requirements for Purpose audit and Competencies of major equipment of process and Glossary
3.2.2.The Guideline will also address Cable Lay Vessels and related equipment
3.2.3.The different type of vessel operations will be considered, including, but not limited to: barges Up Barges vessels submersibles barges barges
3.3.1.The proposed deliverables will reflect the different work packages and an agreed schedule of works top study – summary report analysis – report and schedule workshop – MOMs and summary report
3.3.2.Schedule for delivery of Guideline – dates to be agreed at Kick Off Meeting Table of Contents A – delivered after the consultation workshops B – to reflect comments by TCE and major stakeholders C – to be presented at final workshop Revision
4.Project Management
4.1.Consultant’s Project Management
4.1.1.The consultant’s project manager will report directly to the client’s project manager and will, as required, liaise with the other major stakeholders
4.2.Client’s Project Management
4.2.1.The client’s daily project manager will be Alexis George from The Crown Estate who will liaise with the consultant’s project manager.
5.Meetings and Reporting
5.1.Kick-off Meeting
5.1.1.The consultant must allow for a project kick-off meeting following contract award, which will include key personnel from the consultant’s team and project management. The purpose of the meeting will be to ensure agreement on the process and scope of works. To discuss the topics to be assessed, and confirm the arrangements for reporting and meetings.
5.1.2.It should be assumed that the venue for the meeting will be the offices of The Crown Estate at 16 New Burlington Place, London W1S 2HX.
5.2.Interim Review Meeting
5.2.1.A draft interim report should be produced describing the results of the desk study and the gap analysis (Work Packages A and B).
5.3.Final Meeting/Workshop
5.3.1.Following the final workshop a draft final of the guideline should be produced and once agreed will then go to publication.
5.4.Ad-hoc Support
5.4.1.The client may require additional ad-hoc support during the duration of the study period. A schedule of rates for ad-hoc support should be included in the consultant’s proposal.
6.Consultant’s Proposal
6.1.1.The consultant is required to provide details of the proposal to fulfill the scope of work outlined in Section 3 – Works Specification, and Section 5 - Meeting and Reporting. The tender should include the information stated below as a minimum.
6.2.Methodology and Approach
6.2.1.The tender should include a description of the methodology and approach to the works specification including details of any software that will be used. The consultant may propose a different approach to that outlined in section 3 as long as the tender demonstrates that the methodology will deliver the required outcomes.
6.3.Key Personnel
6.3.1.The consultant should provide details of the personnel that are proposed to be directly involved in the delivery of the scope of work and the time input to this project anticipated in relation to each. This must include a description of relevant previous experience.
6.3.2.Tenderers are free to propose the use of sub-contractors as they deem having the relevant experience and capabilities. The consultant shall be responsible for securing the services of any sub-contractor they propose to carry out the works and ensuring their compliance with all relevant client requirements.
6.3.3.The tender should clearly state arrangements with regard to the use of any sub-contractors, including details of the sub-contractors remit, capabilities and experience in respect of the work they will be undertaking. In addition the tender should demonstrate the status of the relevant contractual arrangements.
6.4.1.The consultant should provide a schedule of how they plan to deliver the work, including key milestones. It should be noted that the client requires a timely delivery of the work and anticipate that the works will be completed no later than end February 2014.
6.5.Pricing and Commercial Terms
6.5.1.The consultant should provide a fixed fee for undertaking the studies outlined in this invitation to tender. A detailed breakdown of the proposed fixed fee should be provided including the total hours and grades of staff for each activity for:
- Kick-off meeting
- Package A
- Package B
- Interim meeting
- Package C
- Preparation of Guideline
- Final meeting / workshop
- Project management.
6.5.2.A schedule of rates should also be included for ad-hoc support.
6.5.3.The consultant will be contracted under a Crown Estate Master Services Agreement which is attached to this invitation to tender.
Potential Conflict of Interest
6.5.4.The tenderer should set out in their tender any potential conflicts of interest (including sub-contractors).
6.6.Bribery Act
6.6.1.The Crown Estate has a zero-tolerance policy to bribery. The Crown Estate prides itself on carrying out its business fairly, openly and honestly and bribery has no part to play in the operation of our business.
6.6.2.The giving of a bribe by any person or entity acting on The Crown Estate’s behalf such as its consultants will have serious consequences for The Crown Estate (both reputationally and financially) because it could result in The Crown Estate committing an offence under the Bribery Act 2010.
6.6.3.Given the seriousness with which The Crown Estate treats a breach of the Bribery Act, any third party contracted to act on behalf of The Crown Estate who engages in bribery in doing so may have their contract terminated.
6.6.4.As part of the tender response, the tenderer should provide a copy of their anti-bribery policy or with information regarding the steps taken by the tenderer’s organisation in order to ensure that they comply with the Bribery Act 2010.
7.Tender submission
7.1.Time table
7.1.1.The tendering process will comply with the following schedule
ITT Issued / Week startingClosing date for Tender submission / Wednesday
Award of Contract / Week starting
Completion of Study / February 2014.
7.2.Clarification of Requirement
7.2.1.The Consultants may submit queries regarding this invitation to tender by 9am
7.2.2.The client may potentially allow clarification via teleconferences or meetings, depending on the queries raised. The responses to all queries will be issued to all tenderers.
7.2.3.Queries should be addressed to:
The Crown Estate
16 New Burlington Place
London W1S 2HX
Attention:Matthew Clear
7.3.Tender Submission and Assessment
7.3.1.Tenders shall be submitted to the address above no later than midday on
7.3.2.The Tender must comprise two paper copies and two CD-ROM or pdf copies of the proposal. The Tenderer should then be prepared, if required, to present their proposal to representatives of the steering group at the Crown Estate offices in London.
7.3.3.Tenders will be assessed on a range of criteria that will include the following (note that these are not listed in order of importance):
- technical competence
- proposed methodology
- key personnel
- previous relevant experience
- price
- programme
End of document
Construction Vessel Guideline Rev A.docxPage 1 of 5Printed on 16/12/2018