Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 28, 2008 7PM – Alfred Street Fire Station
Present Members Dennis Rioux, John Condon, Susan Amons, Wendy Robinson, Associate member Matt Hight, Saco Valley Land Trust Chairman, Richard Rhames and William Durkin from the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge.
William Durkin made a presentation to the Commission regarding the Refuge’s efforts to bring the 110 acre Timber Point and Timber Island (located at the end of Biddeford’s Fortune Rocks neighborhood) under the protection of the Refuge. The Commission voted to send letters of support to Senators Collins and Snowe and Representative Allen.
The Commission voted in favor of joining the recently “regenerated” Maine Association of Conservation Commissions.
Dennis and John reported on a meeting that they had on February 26 with Marcel Polak and Kieth Fletcher (The Nature Conservancy). Marcel will be working for the Maine Association of Conservation Commissions to assist six Maine towns place land into conservation. Both Marcel and Kieth are very interested in our Commission’s efforts to protect the Large Block of Undeveloped Habitat between South Street and Andrews Road. In order to enlist Marcel’s help Dennis and / or John will set up a meeting between Mayor Twomey and selected city officials to get their input regarding the Commission’s efforts to preserve this large tract of important wildlife habitat.
Relating to the above, Jim Gooch (Trust for Public Land) met on January 18 with the attorney that is representing the James E. Clair, Sr. Trust. The trust owns over 700 acres within the Undeveloped Block off of South Street. John handed out copies of Jim’s email regarding the results of the meeting, which essentially was that the trust would be once again placing the land on the market and at that time would entertain an offer from anyone.
The Build-Out Scenario was discussed and Dennis will provide information concerning areas that would generally be unsuitable for development to obtain a less than 100% build out map.
The Commission voted to have ecologist Mark Ward do a vernal pool study on City owned land adjacent to the airport in the spring.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 27 at the Alfred Street Fire Station.
Respectfully Submitted,
John Condon
Conservation Commission Secretary