GAB” (Gals & Books) Tuesday,October 21@ Alene Mejeur’shouse @ 6:30 pm. We are reading “Breakfast at Sally’s: One Homeless Man’s Inspirational Journey” by Michael Gordon & Richard LeMieux.
Narcotics Anonymous-Meetings held every Monday and Friday in the Family Life Center from 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Middle School Youth Group- Meetings are on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Scott Dare with questions.
Join us on the last Wednesday of every month to be part of an important and exciting prayer group. The next prayer meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 29! The prayer group will begin at 12 noon and end by 1:00 p.m.
Everyone is encouraged and welcome to join!
The Sunseekers of First Reformed Church Portage have invited anyone interested in attending an October Color Tour through the Coopersville Marne Railway. The tour will leave on Wednesday October 15, 2014 at 9am from the parking lot at First Reformed. The cost is $30 per person. Please let Carol Nord know by October 5 if you are interested.
The Gathering has resumed!
Sept. 24, Oct. 1 and Oct. 8, 2014
Join us on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. Enjoy a time of music, Scripture,discussion,and fellowship.
Pastor Jody is available anytime! Just call the office or e-mail him at:
September28October 5, 2014
GreeterBonnie PrenticeDon Brinks
Sound Tom EidenJim Ludens
Video Tom EidenJim Ludens
Coffee Vicki ThompsonVicki Thompson
Nursery Vicki ThompsonVicki Thompson
Helping people become fully devoted followers of
Jesus Christ
“Stepping Out in Faith”
Pastor Clayton Smith
September 28, 2014
Trinity Reformed Church – 326 West Cork Street
Kalamazoo, MI 49001 269/344-4120
Sunday September 28, 2014 - 11:00 a.m.
Gathering Music Marlene Bierenga
“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”
“Just a Closer Walk with Thee”
*Welcome & Greeting
Preparation for Worship
*Songs of Praise
“Jesus, All for Jesus”
“Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus”
“O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee”
Children’s Message
(Children through 5th grade are excused for Hearts for Jesus)
Prayers of God’s People
The Offering
“When We Walk with the Lord”
Scripture Pastor Clayton Smith
Joshua 3: 5-17
“Stepping Out in Faith”
*The Blessing
*Song of Praise
“We’ll Walk by Faith”
*Parting Music Marlene Bierenga
“God Is in Control”
*Those who are able, please stand.
Thank youto all who participated in our worship service this morning.
We greet each of you who have come to worship with us in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
VISITORS – We are glad to have you as guests today and hope you enjoy Trinity’s friendliness and hospitality as we worship our Lord together.
SIGN IN – While the offering is being taken, everyone, please sign our friendship registers.
NURSERY – is available during the Worship Service near the North Entrance for infants up to 3 yrs old.
CHILDREN’S BULLETINS – Tote bags for children age 2 through 3rd grade that contain a special bulletin and other items, are available in the Narthex; please return them to the rack.
COFFEE TIME – Please join us for coffee fellowship before and after the Worship Service. *We need people willing to set-up and serve during coffee time. Please consider helping! The sign-up sheet is on the table in the Family Life Center. Our supply of baked goods and snacks is very low. Would you consider donating an item or two? Place your donation in the kitchen!
OUR HOMEBOUND MEMBERS: Betty Schreuder, Jake Weyenberg, Irene Noteboom, Dot DeWolff, Joyce Doorlag, Marilyn Huyser, Irene Nieboer, Annetta Stuut and Bret Frame.
OUR SERVICEMEN: Lori Reit’s son, Kevin, Burt & Cheryl Ten Brink’s son, Carl and grandson, Benjamin.
There is a Prayer List in the Narthex for you to indicate any prayer requests.
Dear Trinity Family,
Thank you so much for the gracious, grace-filled and generous gift. I’m so thankful for God leading me here to enter into your story and to be a part of the amazing things that God is doing in your midst right now. I believe in you! May you be blessed,