East County ASA Executive Board Meeting
3November, 2014
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by President Edgar Moscoso
Members present:
Edgar Moscoso, President; Webmaster
Dennis Rivera, 2nd Vice President
Manny Sandoval, 3rd Vice President
Amanda Mulligan, Player Agent
JC Gonzalez, Field Director-Melody
Jessica Moscoso, Treasurer
Amanda Fleischer, Umpire in Chief
Keith Mulligan, 1st Vice President
Ray Leal, Field Director Supervisor
Heather Parent, Webmaster
Sandra Sepulveda, Concessions-Magnolia
Adrianna Rodriguez, Concessions-Melody
James Miller, Field Director-Magnolia
Kara Sandoval, Uniform and Awards Coordinator
Tina Fox, Head Scorekeeper
Members absent:
Jodi Culligan, Secretary
Adrian Contreras, Sergeant at Arms
Bunny Langteau, Fundraising Coordinator
Rick Ruffino, Clinics/Coaches Coordinator
Pamella Griffiths, Winterball Director
Motion from Edgar Moscoso to approve minutes from October 21, 2014 board meeting. Second by Keith Mulligan.
Resolved: Motion carried
Financials –REC season fundraiser carries over for the whole year. Currently Winterball is costing us 4k however it is estimated that it will be 5k come end of the Winterball season. Currently 13k available in the bank. Jessica changed Pest control fees to reduce costs and put in a call to Waste Management in attempts to suspend service during non-usage times. Outside leagues pay $195 (needs to dig further). Umpire fees not included in numbers previously looked into another umpire association but they couldn’t guarantee us on time. GM question about Corky not being listed in financial. Sandra said we need to use our fields more, losing money in the snack bar. Amanda M says Winterball is not a money making business. Jessica said snack bar bring in $700 but nets 1k when all fields are being used. Edgar says next year we will be more prepared and won’tguarantee as many home games to outside leagues. GM asked why utilities are so high. Tina mentions that Mag campus has had water break and leaks throughout the year and we need to look further into that. GM asked if next year’s fundraiser will not be as impactful. Amanda M commented that fundraising is not mandatory in winterball so we need to be sure to move forward with increase during REC season. Edgar says we are increasing fees to provide a better experience and we are currently competitive with other leagues. GM concerned about jump from $120 to $150 and what happens when people can’t afford. Jessica stated parents are paying the increased fees without complaints. But we will be finding ways for them to decrease their fees and offering multiple discounts.
OLD Business
TOC Board Shifts – waiting for scores, only missing two games. Some games moved to Saturday due to time change * massive teams. Discussion about turmoil over fields. Schedule coming out tonight to Board. Everyone needs to comment and send response ASAP.
Committees –
- By Laws Committee
- Keith – 1st VP – Chair
- Manny – 3rd VP
- Amanda M – Player Agent
- Jessica – Treasure
- Adrian – Sergeant at Arms
- Edgar – President (extra member)
- Rules/Protest Committee “Competition”
- Adrian – Sergeant at Arms – Chair
- Jodi – Secretary
- Amanda F – Umpire in Chief
- Dennis – 2nd VP
- Amanda M – Player Agent
- Edgar – President (extra member)
- Finance/Projects Committee - More info to come
Get everyone together & work to bring information to the Dec board meeting. GM can also submit ideas. By law meeting in Dec and then voted on in Jan. All by laws have to be voted on. One vote per family.
Events – Amanda M lots of fun at the Hauntfest, handed out 100 flyers. Next year possibly get a booth. Sandra suggested being in the Mother Goose parade. Car Show – something different 4-5 families interested. Owner of La Mesa roundtable reach out to us to offer his venue. No registrations but we talked to a lot of people. Applebee’s – 50 tickets sold was our guarantee but we only sold 38. Lost $20 on this event. Old girls who haven’t played in a long time showed up and we gained 3 new players. Edgar stated in the future we need to make it bigger by having targeted dates & times. Jessica says we are doing more community events, Menchies, etc.
El Cajon REC – Ray won sportsman of the year award. Traveling trophy in the snack bar, Becky nominated by another league and he trophy is in the snack bar too. Nice getting to meet community members, city council, etc. Helps to bring more recognition to the league.
New Business
Sponsorships - $250 from the rec council to ECASA. Going to purchase scratch cards to help those in need. Work on the part of the girl but they can earn up to $100 if they fill out the entire card. This will allow us to help more people & eliminate a “who you know” type situation. JC asked how do we determine who qualifies? Sandra says if they want a sponsorship they email the league and then we vote. Edgar says the cards will allow us to help a lot of people without having to dig into people’s finances. Contact Jessica if interested. Edgar will have update on the money after next rec council meeting (3rd Thursday of the month). Scratch cards are buy 10 get 1 free.
Skills Clinic – Dec. Rick & Adrian will facilitate along with Helix High school girl. Doing it for a school project. (12th or 13th) more details to come.
Miscellaneous – League being sued by a lady injured last November. She is also suing the school district. She slipped on the bleachers. Suing for 1 million for suffering and 15k for bills. Edgar got served today at his house. GM stated to contact the insurance company. Amanda M suggested updating the Winterball rules to state cannot sue in them for the future.
- GM asks if Firecrackers will be using our fields. Sandra said no they had a friendly elsewhere but that she doesn’t think we should let them use because they are known for stealing girls. If we partner with them Jessica will send out rules and regulations and she can either decline or accept. Edgar says partnership would help league considering her knowledge of coaches and girls.
- Thanks to Adan for cleaning the fields, blowing leaves & continued support of the league. Adan states my team and I appreciate you. He also mentioned he is familiar with Firecrackers President and they come down and recruit people, play Daddy ball. Takes fields from other leagues and have been sneaky in previous situations. Jessica stated we still want to support Adan even if we have a travel ball league in our back yard. We are a REC team and not as competitive. Superior players may need to move on to advance their skills, get better coaches and to become more competitive.
- Dennis – another league brought to his attention girls not playing from original roster. What are the TOC rules pool players, but no specifications on where or how? Can make your team “whole”. Manny stated that Derrick was upset that 10u girls were playing in 16’s. And girls playing in 16 were playing at 9/11 & 1/3. Edgar states that he hopes the manager knows that the girl can handle it. Manny says it’s a safety issue unless the player is good then there is no safety issue. Edgar states rule is can’t be from the same division but can play up from a lower division.
- Jessica – Edgar please go back and explain why you did the committees the way you did. Edgar – add treasure because Jessica has been with the league for a long time. Brought in 3rd VP for a level head & make an odd amount of people. Jessica asked what the timeline is. Amanda M asks is Dec is the last time to submit. GM confirmed. Edgar added Player Agent & 2nd vp most unbiased people who will bring level head & fair for everyone to benefit for the league. Heather stated you did not add 2ndVP they are already in there.
- Sandra – Protected players. Can we make 8/10 different from 12/16? Committee will deal with this and work out what’s fair for the league.
- Kara – some people are on both committees? Edgar said he added them based on their day to day activities. GM stated we need to be careful about adding people, as it might upset others. Kara stated we are already over the % of married couples and now you have the Mulligans on both committees. Jessica stated we need to amend by laws to change the committee people. JC was nominated to by laws committee & removed player agent. GM stated you can only make changes due to conflict of interest. Amanda M stepped down from that committee. Amanda M motioned, Keith 2nd, zero opposed. New bylaws committee is as follows:
- By Laws Committee
- Keith – 1st VP – Chair
- Manny – 3rd VP
- JC – Melody Fields
- Jessica – Treasure
- Adrian – Sergeant at Arms
- Edgar – President (extra member)
- JC – Grill shift & Board shift do not always know what’s going on. We need more people. He had to step in between games to help out. Kara stated we need laminated sheets with all the things that need to be done so the workers can do their side work in between the rushes. Tina stated that the snack bar people should be checking the bathrooms for toilet paper because they are not doing it now.
- Amanda F – Are we still doing Mag Field day?
- Adjourned 9:01pm by Edgar.