Salary Bands for Professors

Effective 1 August 2017

Band 1 / Band 2 / Band 3
S/P / £ P/A / S/P / £ P/A / S/P / £ P/A
60 / 65,229 / 64 / 75,638 / 70 / 91,258 & above
61 / 67,835 / 65 / 78,243
62 / 70,435 / 66 / 80,847
63 / 73,037 / 67 / 83,450
68 / 86,051
69 / 88,653


S/P = Spinal Point

£ P/A = £ Per Annum


Increments on the salary bands are not automatic - they are discretionary; based on performance review.

Human Resources HRG031 Issue 6

October 2015

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Professorial Salary Bands - Information

BAND / 1 / 2 / 3
Examples including but not limited to the following:
·  New Chair appointees.
·  Leadership, innovation and outstanding performance within or across faculties.
·  Discipline recognition as specialist in niche/ sub area.
·  Academic leadership (e.g. management of major strategic project)
·  Leadership and management of major interdisciplinary project at OU.
·  Significant contribution to large/major peer-reviewed, externally-funded projects contributing to learning and teaching, curriculum, research or third mission within faculty or across faculty
·  Major contribution to curriculum innovation, innovation in learning and teaching
·  Conceptualisation and planning of use of innovative technology.
·  Outstanding performance in exceptional management duties
·  National discipline recognition as individual contributing outside of chosen niche/ sub area.
·  External recognition for curriculum innovation.
·  External recognition for pedagogic innovation.
·  National discipline recognition as specialist.
·  Leadership role in cross faculty teaching enhancement.
·  Leadership, innovation and outstanding performance at institutional level / ·  Leader ship, innovation and outstanding performance at institutional level which provides major support to institutional and/or faculty strategic objectives
·  National/international discipline recognition as specialist in chosen niche/ sub area.
·  PI on large, major peer-reviewed, externally-funded projects
·  Exemplary academic leadership in challenging circumstances (e.g. Head of Unit, Institute, national discipline representation).
·  Management of major inter-institutional research project.
·  Leadership in conceptualisation and introduction of a new curriculum area.
·  Leadership in conceptualisation of major cross- boundary curriculum initiative.
·  Academic leadership of a major innovative learning and teaching initiative
·  Invited representation of OU at international/national conferences, seminars, etc.
·  PI on large, major peer-reviewed, externally-funded projects.
·  Leadership of major pan- University working group to enhance learning, teaching or curriculum.
·  Leadership and management of strategic reconfiguration and restructuring activities.
·  High level contribution to quality assurance framework in the sector.
·  International recognition as individual contributing to discipline outside of chosen niche/ sub area.
·  International discipline recognition as specialist in chosen niche/ sub area and for academic leadership. / ·  Professional international recognition outside of immediate confines of discipline through elected representation on major public body.
·  Member of RCUK Council or its equivalent.
·  Exemplary leadership - senior adviser, Chair of major international committee, government panel, advisory body, etc.
·  Appointed Director of major inter-institutional project.
·  Award of substantive major national/international prize/medal/award through competitive, peer review process
·  Entrepreneurial initiatives which generate significant revenue (strategic priority 8), or equivalent institutional benefit, e.g. spin off company, successful major third stream activity.
·  Externally acknowledged leadership which redefines knowledge boundaries in development of teaching of subject.
·  Externally acknowledged leadership in creating new discipline.

Human Resources HRG031 Issue 6

October 2015

Page 6 of 6

Senior Staff Salaries Review 2010

Additional advisory guidance notes for professorial banding

Transition from Band 1 to Band 2

1 Where a case is being developed and submitted for re-banding between levels 1 and 2, the key evidence must show measurable academic excellence and a clear professional and intellectual trajectory building across a range of approved academic activities. There must be substantive independent evidence that an individual is acknowledged as a leader and authority within the framework of their declared primary academic community and any relevant linked communities.

2 There is the requirement to evidence that the individual is recognised and independently acknowledged as an expert within their chosen field (niche/specialism), and is building a strong profile beyond the boundaries of their immediate field of expertise. Specifically, the Remuneration Committee will take note of evidence that an individual seeking re-banding is operating with appropriate (internal and external) benchmarked authority across a number of frontiers relevant to the strategic objectives of the University.

3 In all cases due recognition will be given to the nature of an individual’s substantive role at the University. Each case is reviewed against the criteria and guidelines with due weighting afforded in the assessment of evidence to any particular bias in a personal portfolio that may arise because of the specific framing of an individuals substantive role. The review process allows for the broad and flexible interpretation and assessment of evidence. The process also seeks to ensure that the many ways in which the University values excellence through innovation, creativity and leadership across the full measure of a 21st century academic profile is fully recognised in this process.

Band 3 professorial recognition

4 For Band 3 level recognition, The Open University would expect to see evidence of the sustained and measurable amplification of the academic excellence displayed across the full measure of the professorial profile through similar modes of innovation and leadership to those used to build profiles at level 1 and level 2 of the approved professorial banding process.

5 There is a therefore a requirement for evidence that the individual is recognised and independently acknowledged as an expert within their chosen field (niche/specialism), but is also acknowledged as an intellectual leader both across, and for, their primary academic and/or professional community.

6 There must also be substantive independent evidence that an individual is recognised as an ‘authority’ and ‘leader’ well beyond the framework of their declared primary academic community and associated linked communities (e.g. other HEIs, international discipline body, professional group, sector representation).

7 At Band 3, there must be clear, unambiguous independent evidence of the candidate’s academic pedigree and stature being acknowledged by a wider professional community at national and international level, e.g. through their formal appointment as a representative and/or an advocate (e.g. RAE/REF subject panel chair; chair of independent review panel for government/NGO etc., chair of international working/reference group). The emphasis here is again on evidence of a high level of engagement with the strategic commissioning, design, analysis, interpretation and implementation of such activities as opposed to a contribution to one or more elements which would be associated with level 2 banding.

8 Finally, a professor will be serving as a senior appointed representative for a discipline and/or professional community (e.g. learned society president, chair of national/international independent commission/review, national policy working group, etc) and playing a significant leadership role in the context of, for example, national consultation exercises and related comparable exercises where both discipline and tertiary level education issues are under review, and/or is a senior appointed contributor and/or co-coordinator of national/international strategy and policy debates. In this capacity it must be clear that both the individual and the institution have benefited from the contributions to such activities.

Human Resources HRG031 Issue 6

October 2015

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