Congratulations for finishing 4th Nephi and Mormon! Continue on with your reading in Ether while you work on this task. Fourth Nephi and Mormon relate the sad account of the fall of the Nephite nation as they turn their back on the Lord and reject the light they had received. Mormon preaches in vain to the Nephites but holds on to a fervent hope that we of the latter-days will give heed to his words. His sacrifices to bring this record to us were great. Complete the puzzle below to figure out what characteristic of Mormon we need to follow.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1) Following Christ's visit, the righteous Nephites had “all things common among them” which means they were living the law of ______. Use 5th letter. (4 Nephi 1:3 footnote a)
2) There was no ______in the land because the people's hearts were filled with love. Use 3rd letter. (4 Nephi 1:15)
3) The righteous Nephites and Lamanites who were converted following Christ's visit became a fair and ______people. Use 1st letter. (4 Nephi 1:10)
4) After Christ's visit, the Nephites form a ______of ______that all people, Nephite and Lamanite, join. Use3rd letter of 1st word. (4 Nephi 1:1-2)
5) The golden age of the Nephites following Christ's visit ended because they began to be lifted up in ______. Use 2nd letter. (4 Nephi 1:24)
6) As the Nephites became wicked, they tried to kill the three Nephites that Christ had granted should remain on the earth until His return. They unsuccessfully threw them into prison, furnaces of fire and dens of wild ______. Use 2nd letter. (4 Nephi 1:30-33)
7) When Mormon was only ______years old, Ammaron told him where the records of the Nephites were hidden and commanded him to return for them when he was grown. Use 1st letter. (Mormon 1:2-4)
8) Mormon refrains from explaining the details of the Nephites' war losses because he didn't want us to feel too much ______over their wickedness. Use 2nd letter. (Mormon 5:9)
9) Mormon's son Moroni finishes his record for him. Moroni desires to make ______known unto those who will believe in the Book of Mormon. Use 1st letter of 2nd word. (Mormon 8:12)
10) Although he was only fifteen, Mormon was made ______of the army of the Nephites. Use 1st letter. (Mormon 2:2)
11) The Lord promised the Nephites that if they would repent they would be ______. Use 5th letter. (Mormon 3:2)
12) Mormon explains that Nephites once had Christ for their ______but no more, due to their wickedness. Use 3rd letter. (Mormon 5:17)
13) Mormon's heart is broken as he laments the loss of his people, calling them, “O ye ______.” Use 2nd letter of 2nd word. (Mormon 6:16-17)
14) In the last days, the Book of Mormon shall shine forth out of ______. Use 1st letter. (Mormon 8:16)
In order to apply this principle in your life, complete the task below. It is written in invisible ink. To reveal your task, cover with another piece of paper and iron with a hot iron (make sure you tell your parent and have him or her help if necessary). After the week is over, discuss what you did with a parent and have him or her sign below. Then bring this back to primary to receive your gem.
Parent Signature:______