August 2012
4405 Brewbaker Drive
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
Main Office / ………. / (334) 284-7100Guidance Fax / ………. / (334) 284-7262
FAX / ………. / (334) 284-7110
MPS Board of Education / ………. / (334) 223-6700
MPS Transportation / ………. / (334) 284-2085
Creating a community committed to discovery, innovation, collaboration, and excellence.
Administration, Faculty, & Staff Members / ...... / 5
Acknowledgement of Receipt Form / ...... / 22
Academics / ...... / 7
Athletics / Sports / ...... / 11
Attendance - Absences / Check-outs /Make-Up Work / Tardies / ...... / 13
Bell Schedule / ...... / 6
Communications - E-Mails / Parent Conferences / Questions / ...... / 11
Criteria for Remaining in Magnet Program / ...... / 10
Emergency / Health & Safety / ...... / 20
General Classroom Rules / ...... / 19
Guidance Program / ...... / 12
Inspection of School Property / ...... / 14
Library / Media Center / ...... / 12
Mission / Vision Statements / ...... / 4
Montgomery Public Schools Calendar / Testing / Assessment Schedule / ...... / 8-9
Parent/Teacher / Student Association (PTSA) / ...... / 21
Principal’s Message / ...... / 3
Progress Reports / Report Cards / ...... / 9
Special Education / 20
Standardized Testing / Assessment Schedule / ...... / 9
Student Arrival and Departure / Bell Schedule / ...... / 6
Student Dress Code / ...... / 15-18
Student Parking / ------ / 13
Student Technology Information (Home Portal) / ...... / 9
Telephone / Fax / 1
Transportation / Buses / Student Parking / ...... / 12-13
Possession of Cell Phones/Telecommunication Devices / ...... / 15
August 8, 2012
Dear Student:
Best wishes for a fantastic year at Brewbaker Technology Magnet High School in 2012-13. We are proud to have you as a student. Upper classmen have much to be proud of in looking back to 2011 - 2012. We welcome the new students and freshmen to “Brew Tech” as we move toward a great school year.
It is important that you see high school not just as the day to day business of school, but as preparation for life after high school. Use each day to build academic fitness, physical fitness, and social fitness for a full life. Get involved with as many positive experiences as time permits. Set specific goals and focus your efforts to reach them.
You will find that goal setting and hard work pay off. The pathway to success is through rigor.
The high school staff has invested much time and effort to produce this handbook as a current reference to the many school district and school procedures, guidelines, rules and services that apply to the high school. Be sure that you read it thoroughly, share it with your parents, and file it in a location where it will be available for easy reference when a question arises. You may also want to visit our web site at for further school district information.
We look forward to being with you this year. Let us know any ideas or thoughts you have in making “Brew Tech” a place where we can embrace “Brew Tech Pride” as we grow in wisdom and stature and favor with others.
Most sincerely,
Mrs. April Wise Lee
The school principal or the assistant has, at any time, the authority to change, modify, or amend any rule or procedure contained in this handbook when it is in the best interest of the student and or faculty, or in accomplishing the mission of Brewbaker Technology Magnet High School (Brew Tech).
The mission of the Montgomery County Public School District is to ensure all schools will be safe and caring communities where teachers teach and all students learn at higher levels.
Vision Statement: One focus: preparing students for life.
The mission of Brew Tech is to create a learning community committed to discovery, innovation, collaboration, and excellence.
Beliefs of Brew tech:
· All students can learn and must be encouraged and challenged to reach their full potential.
· Education is a continuing and life-long experience.
· Students must be self-directed learners.
· Programs should enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to be productive members of society.
· Career guidance is essential for all students.
· Building character is an integral part of the education process.
· Education is a partnership among students, teachers, parents, and the community.
April Lee / PrincipalEnnis McCorvey / Assistant Principal
Tina White / Guidance Counselor
Nuncy Rembert, ,III / Guidance Counselor
Jana Lankford / Guidance Assistant
Carol Walters * / Media Specialist
Jane Jones / Media Aide
Adrianne Fowler / Bookkeeper
Shaundia Surles / Secretary
Casandra Reese / Nurse
Mary Kiser / Lunchroom Manager
David Hartman - Building Sciences Lori Kerr - Spanish
Steve Ballard - Engineering Randy Mularz - Drivers Education
Michael Baugh/Janice Jackson - E-Commerce Chauncey Shines - Physical Education
Vera Unzhakova – Architecture/Mechanical Design Tara Jarrett - Visual Arts
Walt Thomas* – Advertising Design Sara Campbell – Spanish
John Cannady - Information Technology Brittany Harris - Health
Diane Young (R.N.)/Nickie Duncan - Medical
Roberta Ludwigsen - Aerospace
Jasmine Donaldson Steve Diermayer
Lauren Whitaker Kathyrn Haney
Kyla Ward Rhonda Jones*
Kim Horn* Lance Owens
Shannon Luster
Kristy Hatch (Athletic Director) John Sinclair
Scott Lawrence* Kelly Elliot*
Christie Rich Marsha Baugh
Scott Greene Kacey Vardaman
Aviance Dixon Sonya Keeton
Patricia McWhorter
Nicole Dallaway Charlie Mae Hudson
Derrick Evans
Kim Washington
· - Denotes Department Chair
Upon arrival to school, students are expected to remain on campus until the end of the school day unless authorized by a school administrator to leave early. Students arriving to school prior to 8:00 A.M. should report to the courtyard area. In cases of inclement weather, students are to report to the lunchroom or their homerooms.
In the interest of safety, we ask that students be picked up from school by 3:50 P.M. Failure to comply with school procedure could result in administrators contacting the Montgomery Police Department.
Breakfast will be available from 7:45 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. – Breakfast should be consumed in the cafeteria.
BreakfastFaculty - $1.75;Adult Visitor- $2.50; Student - $1.00
Lunch Faculty -$2.75;Adult Visitor- $3.75; Student - $2.00
First Bell: 8:15 a.m. Warning Bell: 8:25a.m. Tardy Bell: 8:30a.m.
Monday Seven – Period DayHomeroom / 8:30a.m. / - / 8:40a.m. / 10 minutes
1st Period / 8:40a.m. / - / 9:30a.m. / 50 minutes
2nd Period / 9:34a.m. / - / 10:24a.m. / 50 minutes
3rd Period / 10:28a.m. / - / 11:18a.m. / 50 minutes
4th Period / 11:22a.m. / - / 12:12a.m. / 50 minutes
5thPeriod (Lunch) / 12:16p.m. / - / 1:42p.m. / 86 minutes
6th Period / 1:46p.m. / - / 2:36p.m. / 50 minutes
7th Period / 2:40p.m. / - / 3:30p.m. / 50 minutes
Lunch Schedule
*Wave A: / 12:16p.m. / - / 12:46p.m. / 30 minutes / * See Below
Wave B: / 12:39p.m. / - / 1:04p.m. / 25 minutes
Wave C: / 12:57p.m. / - / 1:22p.m. / 25 minutes
Wave D: / 1:15p.m. / - / 1:40p.m. / 25 minutes
Block Bell Schedule
Tuesday & Thursday / Wednesday & Friday
Homeroom / 8:30a.m. / - / 8:40a.m. / 10 minutes / Homeroom
1st Period / 8:43a.m. / - / 10:26a.m. / 103 minutes / 2nd Period
3rd Period / 10:30a.m. / - / 12:13a.m. / 103 minutes / 4th Period
5th Period (Lunch) / 12:16p.m. / - / 1:42p.m. / 86 minutes / 5th Period & Lunch
7th Period / 1:46p.m. / - / 3:30p.m. / 104 minutes / 6th Period
* Wave A – Students are to report to 5th period BEFORE going to lunch in order for attendance to be taken.
It is our desire that all Brew Tech students maintain required standards to remain in the magnet program, and we will do our best to keep you abreast of your academic standing. We will print the current GPA on report cards when possible, and we encourage parents to use iNow Home Portal to access the student’s grades. If you have any questions or concerns about grades, please call or e-mail school personnel.
Advance Placement (AP)
Students who enroll in AP classes at Brew Tech must take the AP exam for each class they are enrolled. The cost of the exam is approximately $80.00 per test, and the students must incur the cost.
Brew Tech offers eight academies, which include the following: Building Sciences, E-Commerce, Engineering, Architecture, Graphic Design, Information Technology, Aerospace Engineering and Medical. Students will request their desired academy during the 2nd semester of their 9th-grade year. Students may not be placed in their first choice but every effort will be made to do so. Once students are placed in an academy, no changes will be made.
Core Subjects
A wide range of core subjects, which develop essential knowledge and skills, is available to all students. These include honors courses, pre-AP courses, and advance placement (AP) courses. Students may receive college credit for passing AP classes and national exams. AP classes are available in all four-core subject areas to include: English / language arts, mathematics, sciences, and social studies.
Students may choose from several elective courses. Electives are chosen as they relate to our academies.
Math Requirement: Each student each year is required to take a grade appropriate math class to remain at Brew Tech. National studies show that students who don’t take a math class their senior year in high school will likely struggle their first year of college.
At Brew Tech, we expect all students to meet the academic requirements based on their own individual merit. Students suspected of cheating in any form will be dealt with accordingly. Consequences for cheating may include some or all of the following: zero on assignment, suspension from school, and ineligible to return to Brew Tech Magnet High School.
2012-2013 MPS School Calendar
Event / DateFirst Day for Students / Monday, August 20, 2012
Grading Period Ending Dates / October 19, 2012
December 21, 2012
March 8, 2013
Last Day for Students / Thursday, May 23, 2013
Staff Development - (Students Will Not Attend These Dates)
DateMonday, August 13, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Thursday,August 16, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Friday,November 9, 2012 students dismiss 2 hours earlyforProfessional Development for teachers
Friday, February 15, 2013 studentsdismiss 2 hours earlyforProfessional Development for teachers
Friday, May 24, 2013
School Holidays
Event / DateLabor Day / Monday, September 3, 2012
Veterans / Monday, November 12,2012
Thanksgiving / Wednesday, November 21, 2012 - Friday, November 23, 2012
Winter Holidays / Monday, December 24, 2012 - Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Students will return to school on Thursday, January3, 2013
Birthdays of King/Lee / Monday, January 21, 2013
Spring Holidays / Monday, March 25, 2013 - Friday, March 29, 2013
Memorial Day / Monday, May 27, 2013
Last Day for Students / Thursday, May 23, 2013
All students will receive a detailed progress report before each report card goes out.
The Progress Report Schedule may be changed as necessary, but the tentative schedule is as follows:Progress Reports go home / Grading Period Ends / Report Cards
Monday, September 24 / October 19 / October 25
Monday, November 26 / December 21 / January 10
Monday, March 4 / March 8 / March 14
Monday, April 22 / May 23 / May 23
September 17-21, 2012 …………... Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE)
December 3-7, 2012 ……………AHSGE
March 18-22, 2013………………… AHSGE
March 25-May 3, 2013…………… ACCESS
End of Course Tests……………… TBA (English 9 - English -10 -Algebra I - Geometry - Biology)
Home Portal for iNow is a program that allows parents to access a student’s school records via the Internet using the home computer. Parents may view grades, attendance, discipline records, and other important information for the current school year. Parents must physically come to the school to obtain a password in order to use this service and must present a photo ID when you sign up. Please always keep your original log in and password. If your log in and password has to be reset, it will always be reset to the original log in.
NOTE: Parents, we will make every effort to keep you informed of your child’s academic performance, but sometimes our best efforts fail. PLEASE DON’T ASSUME that your child is performing satisfactorily if you don’t hear from the school. Take the time to visit, phone, or e-mail the school to ensure your child is meeting the required academic standards to remain at Brew Tech.
To remain eligible for Brew Tech Magnet High School, students must meet the following criteria by the end of each school year:
I. Achieve a minimum 2.5 grade point average (GPA) in core classes. Failure in a core class will result in removal from Brew Tech.
II. Achieve an overall “B” average in their Academy class.
III. Class C offenses will result in removal from Brew Tech. 3-5 Class B offenses will result in removal from Brew Tech.
IV. Good attendance record. More than FIVE unexcused absences in a semester, excessive tardies and/or checkouts will result in removal from Brew Tech.
Grade point averages (GPA) are computed at the end of the school year, and students are NOT removed from the magnet program during the school year if their GPA drops below the 2.5.
The classes used to compute the GPA are: Math, Science, Social Studies, and English.
The GPAs are computed by assigning each letter grade received a numerical value (A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, and F-0), summing them and dividing by the total number of core classes. Advance Placement (AP) classes are weighted and will receive an additional point value. Pre – AP classes are weighted and will receive an additional .5 point value. Here are two examples: