Shaping Characters
Online Toolkit submission form – please send to Page 3 of 3
Name of best practice, activity, project, initiative, resource etc - text: / Self-assessmentsWho is this resource for (please check all that apply) / · Young People
· Schools and Careers Guidance organisations
· Youth Workers
· Employers / ☒
Brief description
(one sentence) - text: / The students fill in a self-assessment based on the knowledge requirements in each subject to visualize their knowledge development.
Images – (link to images – unlimited number or image files – maximum 8 sent separately):
Which image (filename or link) is the primary one:
Links to video, if available –
Detailed description (include aims at outset, when it took place and who participated) - text:
The student fills in a self-assessment in each subject to visualize knowledge development. The purpose is for the student to reflect over which abilities are the student’s strong ones, and which abilities that the student could develop in each subject. The teacher then fills in how the student’s strong sides are perceived, while at the same time lifting development areas which the student should work with. The self-assessments should be used continuously and be a part of the evaluation after a completed work area. They then form the basis for the student-led development talks (which also can be found here as a tool).
This can be used by the older students. We use it in grade 7-9, with students aged 13-16.
How this resource relates to Shaping Characters objectives (please check all that apply): / · An innovative approach to character building and employability education. (Innovative approach)
· Partnership working between educators, youth workers and/or businesses (Partnership working)
· Increase students’ motivation and character resilience (Motivation and resilience)
· Develop attitudes and attributes that will facilitate young people’s transition to the world of work
(Attitudes and attributes)
· Improve educators’ understanding of techniques they can use to build character resilience (Education techniques) / ☒
Actual outcomes - text: / The students become more aware of their knowledge development as well as of their strengths and development areas.
Resources required (money, people, equipment, venues etc) – text: / The self-assessments forms can be either digital or printed.
How it was funded - text:
Time needed (to prepare, deliver and complete) – text: / The students need time to fill in the self-assessments during a lesson. They might need the teacher’s help to understand when they have worked with the different abilities. About 20 minutes for each subject.
The teachers need time to fill in the teacher’s part of the self-assessments. About 10 minutes for each self-assessment form.
What could have been done differently/is planned for future repeats - text: / The self-assessment forms are continuously evaluated and re-worked to be a developing tool for students and teachers both.
How was/could the project be sustained - text: / The self-assessments have been a working method at the school for about 3 years.
Quote/s from participants - text: / “The self-assessments help me in my work trying to concrete the knowledge objectives for the students. It is also a good tool that supports me in my work visualizing the students’ strong sides, but also sides which they need to develop.”
Quote source - text: / Quote from a teacher
Links to other online related resources/audio/video –unlimited number: /
Names of files attached to be added as resources - text:
Contact information - email address/web address:
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