Kennedy High School Biology Syllabus

Class: Biology


Term: two


Teacher: Mr. Weinberger

Location: Room C312 Phone: 952-681-5164 email:
Office Hours: Tuesday 7:00-7:45pm Wednesday 2:20-3:00pm Friday 7:00-7:45am

Course Description

In this course, students will be introduced to biology and the science of life. Students should be prepared for an interactive class that will include hands-on activities and group discussions. Students are expected to come to class with a willingness to learn. Regular attendance in class is vital and mandatory to ensure a quality educational experience.

** Attendance and effort will lead to success is this class! **

Topics / Essential Outcomes – by completing this course,
students will:
Unit 4 – Photosynthesis & Respiration
Chapter 8: Photosynthesis
Chapter 9: Respiration / ·  Explain how autotrophs & heterotrophs get and use NRG
Unit 5 – Cell Reproduction
Chapter 10: Cell Growth & Reproduction
10.2 Mitosis
11.4 Meiosis
10.3 Stem Cells & Cancer / ·  Describe, compare & contrast Mitosis & Meiosis.
·  Understand the results of both controlled and uncontrolled cell growth & reproduction.
Unit 6 – DNA
Chapter 11: Patterns of Inheritance
Chapter 12: The structure & function of DNA
Chapter 13: Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis / ·  Understand and explain how genetic information is passed from one generation to another.
·  Explain the structure and function of DNA.
·  Summarize the process where DNA is copied (replication) and how proteins are made from DNA (transcription and translation).


20% Homework There will be about 15 assignments: 1pt for being done and 0 pts if not done. We will correct and

fix any mistakes as homework is practice. Statistics show that a very high percent of students who do not do their homework preform poorly on tests.

70% Unit Tests

10% Final Exam

A = 100 – 94% / B+ = 89 – 87% / C+ = 79 – 77% / D+ = 69 – 67%
A- = 93 – 90% / B = 86 – 83%
B- = 82 - 80% / C = 76 – 73%
C- = 72 – 70% / D = 66 – 63%
D- = 62 - 60%

59% and below does not meet minimum requirements.

Opportunities for extra help: Students are welcome to come in before or after school for extra help. They may also request to come in for academic seminar on Thursdays. If students just need extra time, but not necessarily help, they can request lunch lab to do work or make up test.