In-house Bikeability delivery surgery notes
12 May 2015
- Cost effective
- Integration with wider programme
- Local knowledge
- Certainty about training figures
- Control and manageability – esp. speed of decision-making
- Relationships with schools – trust
- Quality and consistency
- Bespoke solutions possible
- Long-term strategies easier
- No procurement process needed
Challenges and solutions
- Team retention can be a problem. We like to keep our talent and build around it. Proposed solutions:
- Best pay and working conditions possible
- Regular engagement (eg regular team meeting, email updates)
- Giving extra responsibility to experienced members
- Offer CPD where possible
- How do we employ NSIs: F/T, contract and contractors/freelance.This really is a question of choosing the best solution from the possible one for your LA. Be aware that giving CPD training to some of your team and not others (ie non-mandatory training), can have tax consequences for team and management if you employ freelance NSIs.
- Can have a shortage (or a a surplus) of instructors, especially at peak and troughs times of the year. Proposed solutions:
- Smooth the peaks by working with schools to book throughout the year
- If the scheme manager is an NSI, they can pitch in in peaks
- Get instructors to do bike checks ahead of time for future courses in troughs - Balancing deliver and strategy makes for a bigger workload. This goes with the territory!
Proposed solution:
- Get a strategy or delivery-minded colleague from another team to meet with you on a regular basis as a sounding board.
- There are various web and IT solution. Use the best you can afford. - Managing costs:
- Train NSIs or pay to get them trained (some will work for nothing, eg PCSOs, Heads of PE)
- Run four-day courses rather than five
- Use pool bikes to get better attendance (and lower cost per place)
- Consider charging schools for low attendance
- Share delivery of some courses with other authorities
- Approach public health for funding, eg for exercise on referral - Need to create an income.
Proposed solutions:
- Hire services of team out, eg for Dr Bikes, led rides and workplace maintenance classes. - How do we achieve an uplift in adult training numbers (perhaps a wider than in-house delivery issue).
Proposed solutions:
- Offer workplace training
- Run adult group sessions for beginners/L1
- Run adult groups for specific target audiences: women/ethnic groups/over 55s
- Offer family training sessions, getting parents to train alongside their children