Title: Management Review
Document Control Stamp
- Objectives:
- To establish the routine of periodic management review of The ARABI ENERTECH KSC quality system.
- To assure that The ARABI ENERTECH KSC quality system itself is subject to the same drive for continuous improvement that is being applied to The ARABI ENERTECH KSC products and services.
- Resources: All statistics will be collected at the time of the meeting as helping tool to take decisions
- Scope of Application
- This document is intended to impart a continuous improvement approach upon The ARABI ENERTECH KSC quality system. Documentation and implementation will be monitored via internal audits.
- This process is identified as a one of the management commitment processes that its inputs are the statistics and results of system implementation, its outputs are decisions and estimates that helps to improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
- Normative References-Definitions:
- Quality Steering Committee: Is a committee responsible for monitoring the overall performance of the quality management system and maintaining it. This committee is chaired by the Chairman with the membership of the following:
- Executive General Manager
- General Manager-Finance and Admin.
- Senior Manager-Commercial Dept.
- Senior Manager- Construction and Maintenance Dept.
- Senior Manager-Workshop and Vehicles Dept.
- Senior Manager-Engineering
- Manager HR &Admin. Div.
- Manager Finance Div.
- Responsibilities
- Company Steering Committee members.
- Management Representative.
- Chairman.
- Process
- Schedules and Attendance
- The minimum frequency of management review meetings by the Company Quality Steering Committee will be every six months.
- The Chairman chairs the meeting.
- At least 75% of the Company Quality Steering Committee must be in attendance.
6.2.Review Inputs
6.2.1.At each meeting the following issues will be reviewed to determine trends. System Audit results Performance Complaints Products Reports Preventive and Corrective Action Status from previous meetings Improvements recommendations training needs policy and quality objectives.
6.2.2.The Management Representative is the one who has the authority to call for that meeting.
6.2.3.Each member in the steering committee prepares a summary (report) about the main issues he is responsible for, to be discussed during the meeting.
6.2.4.It is the mission of the management representative to receive all the statistics and data analysis results, and to prepare a report of the results achieved, to act as part of the inputs for the management review meeting.
6.2.5.Quality Objectives will be planned through the management review meeting, where old objectives will be assessed, checked if achieved or not, the new objectives will be defined, and the resources to achieve such objectives will be planned.
6.3.Review Outputs
6.3.1.The outputs and decisions of the meeting will be mainly based on the concepts of the effectiveness of the quality system, improvement of products due to customer requirements, and resource needs.
6.3.2.The Management Representative is responsible for preparing meeting and agenda, and co-ordinate with each member in the committee to prepare their presentations.
6.3.3.The results from the above review of data are analyzed and a Continual Improvement Request (qf-ci-01-01) will be taken –if needed-for the actions assigned. The status of actions from the previous meeting is reviewed to assure improvements are resulting.
6.3.4.Minutes of each meeting and allocated actions are to be documented and maintained by the Management Representative using Management Review Meeting (qf-mr-01-1).
6.3.5.All the statistics at the previous stages will be discussed at the meeting, trends checked and decisions will be taken by the top management to deal with these trends
- Related Documents
- Quality Manual
- ARABI ENERTECH KSC Quality Procedures
- Records
The following documents are defined as quality records for the purpose of section 4-2-4 BS EN ISO 9001: 2000
8.1.Management Review Meeting (qf-mr-01-01)
Document No.: QP-mr-01 / Revision 1 / Date: 16/8/03 / Issue 1 / Date: 16/8/03 / Page: 1of 4