Responsible to Head of School

Main purpose of the position

·  Carry out the duties of this post in line with the remit outlined in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document.

·  To assist the Head of School in the organisation, leadership and development of the EYFS.

·  Carry out teaching duties as required.

Duties and responsibilities

Shaping the future

·  Support the Head of School and Governing Body in establishing a vision for the future of the EYFS.

·  Play a leading role in ensuring that the quality of teaching and provision in the EYFS is good or better.

·  Contribute to the school’s self-evaluation process as directed by the Head of School.

·  Lead whole school policy change in EYFS by modelling and supporting colleagues with direct proven impact.

Leading Teaching and Learning

·  Be an excellent role model, exemplifying a high standard of EYFS provision, and promoting high expectations for all members of the EYFS community, with proven impact on pupil progress.

·  Work with the Head of School to raise standards in EYFS.

·  Lead on development of action plans for EYFS.

·  Lead development of EYFS and transition to Year 1 with proven impact on improving outcomes.

·  Lead development of an additional subject area across the school with proven impact.

·  Assist the Head of School in leading the school through strategic planning and the formulation of policy for EYFS.

·  With the Head of School, be responsible for implementing robust systems for monitoring and evaluating outcomes in EYFS.

Developing self and working with others

·  Ensure the health, safety and welfare of children and staff in EYFS.

·  Work closely with the Head of School to ensure an appropriate programme of professional development for all EYFS staff, to ensure improved outcomes.

·  Be instrumental in developing the skills and knowledge of the EYFS team, by recognising strengths and development areas and taking a lead on training and staff development.

Leading and managing

·  Lead with the Head of School to ensure that the school meets its statutory requirements for EYFS.

Securing accountability

·  Through lesson observations and use of EYFS data, hold EYFS team to account for the quality of provision in EYFS.

·  Analyse data to understand strengths and weaknesses of EYFS, including planning actions.

·  Take a leading role in Pupil Progress Meetings and be prepared to challenge underperformance.

·  Carry out any other reasonable tasks as deemed appropriate by the Head of School.

Signed ……………………………………………………… Early Years Foundation Stage Leader

Name ……………………………………………………….

Date ……………………….

Signed ………………………………………………………Head of School

Date ………………………


PERSON SPECIFICATION - Band 3 Expert Teacher (UPS1-3)

Essential / Desirable
Qualifications / ·  Degree and Qualified Teacher Status / ·  Specialism in EYFS or have taught in Early Years for over 3 years
·  Evidence of continuous professional development and commitment to further development
Experience / ·  Successful teaching experience in the EYFS in a primary school
·  Successful leadership of an area of the curriculum
·  Experience of managing the performance of others / ·  Experience of working with a wide range of children’s workforce professionals
·  Experience of other Key Stages
·  Experience of modelling good practice in teaching for other teachers
·  Experience of using Self-Evaluations to develop plans for improvement
Professional Knowledge and Understanding / ·  Knowledge of Development Matters
·  Knowledge and understanding of assessment for learning
·  Knowledge and understanding of how young children learn best, including through play
·  An understanding of the role of parents/carers in improving attainment and experience of working directly with parents/carers
·  A thorough knowledge and understanding of inclusion issues eg SEN, EAL, G & T etc
·  A thorough knowledge and understanding of effective monitoring, evaluation and assessment / ·  Knowledge and understanding of Nursery education
·  Knowledge of the National Curriculum
·  Knowledge of KS1 and KS2
Skills and Abilities
Skills and Abilities cont. / ·  Ability to interpret and analyse attainment data to identify learning needs and set targets
·  Ability to recognise high quality EYFS practice and to model this for others
·  Ability to keep pupils safe, including child protection and forming and maintaining appropriate relationships
·  Ability to create and maintain a safe, happy, stimulating and well-organised classroom and phase
·  Ability to undertake high quality observations of young children’s learning and development
·  Ability to plan and deliver lessons to meet the needs of all learners across all areas of their development
·  Ability to maintain high standards of behaviour and excellent discipline using positive strategies
·  Ability to lead other adults as well as work collaboratively as part of a team
·  Ability to train, support and challenge others when necessary
·  Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
·  Ability to think creatively and imaginatively to anticipate and solve problems and identify opportunities
·  Ability to inspire the confidence of others
·  Ability to develop and maintain good relationships with staff, parents, pupils, governors and the community. / ·  Good ICT skills

Academy Pay Scales

Pay Bands / Career Stage Expectations

Band 1 Beginning Teacher

Point 1 £21,804

Point 2 £23,528

Band 2 Developing Teacher

Point 3 £25,420

Point 4 £27,376

Point 5 £29,533

Point 6 £31,868

Band 3 Expert Teacher (UPS)

Point 7 £34,523

Point 8 £35,802

Point 9 £37,124


Pay Bands / Career Stage Expectations
Relevant Standards / Band 1
Beginning Teacher / Band 2
Developing Teacher / Band 3
Expert Teacher
1.1 Set high expectations which inspire motivate & challenge pupils / Much teaching good or better; some requires improvement / All teaching good or better / All teaching good; some outstanding / All teaching good; many aspects outstanding
1.2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils / Most pupils achieve in line with school expectations / Almost all pupils achieve in line with school expectations / Most pupils achieve in line with school expectations; some exceed them / Significant numbers of pupils exceed school expectations
1.3 Demonstrate good subject & curriculum knowledge / Has a secure knowledge of curriculum content – some advice on specific aspects / Has a secure knowledge of curriculum content / Has secure knowledge of curriculum content – able to give advice / Has an extensive knowledge of curriculum – able to give advice to colleagues within & outside own school
1.4 Plan & teach well-structured lessons / Generally lessons are engaging – some advice required / Lessons are engaging & promote love of learning / Lessons are engaging – able to contribute to development of colleagues / Lessons are engaging – able to contribute to development of colleagues within & outside own school
1.5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths & needs of all pupils / Generally planning is well structured – some advice required on different approaches / Planning shows lessons are well structured / Planning shows all lessons are well structured; able to give advice to colleagues / Planning shows all lessons are well structured; able to give advice to colleagues within & outside own school
1.6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment / Knows & understands assessment process – some advice required on target setting / Knows & understands how to assess / Know & understand how to assess subject; able to give advice to colleagues and contribute to school developments / Know & understand how to assess subject; able to give advice to colleagues and contribute to school developments within & outside own school
1.7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment / High expectations for behaviour – some advice required on behaviour strategies / Has high expectations for behaviour. Has clear boundaries in class & around school / Has high expectations for behaviour; recognises when advice should be sought, is able to give advice to colleagues and contribute to school developments / Has high expectations for behaviour; recognises when advice should be sought, is able to act upon advice given, able to give advice to colleagues and contribute to school developments within & outside own school
1.8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities / Positive working relationship with pupils, colleagues etc.
Able with support to identify key professional development needs / Positive relationships are focussed on improving provision. Takes a proactive role in accessing support / Professional relationships lead to excellent classroom provision. Fully competent practitioner able to keep up-to-date with changes and adapt practices accordingly / Professional relationships lead to excellent classroom provision focusing on challenging & supporting pupils to achieve their best. Contribute to the professional development of colleagues through coaching & mentoring. Play a proactive role in leading professional development