On motion of M., seconded by M., the following resolution was offered:


A resolution authorizing payment of an invoice to Sophia Rosado, P.O. Box 641887, Kenner, Louisiana 70064 for acting as a curator in accordance with La. R.S. 33:4762 (B) to represent the absentee property owners of 513 Jung Boulevard, Marrero, Louisiana 70072, Lot 12Z, Ames Farm Homestead Subdivision, Mack Stokes, Jr., Shelia Sanders, Susan Childs, Anothony Stokes, Rene Stokes, Cedric Stokes, Kenyatta Allen and Mack Stokes, IV, in the Jefferson Parish Council Condemnation hearing which was scheduled for November 2, 2016 at 10 a.m. in the Eastbank Council Chambers, Joseph S. Yenni Building, 1221 Elmwood Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Jefferson, Louisiana, 70123. (Council District 5)

WHEREAS, Pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statute 33:4761 “the governing authority of any parish or municipality may condemn and cause to be demolished or removed any building or structure within the parish or municipality when it is in a dilapidated and dangerous condition which endangers the public welfare.”; and

WHEREAS, In situations where the owner is absent from the state or unrepresented therein “the notice shall be served [ . . . ] upon an attorney at law appointed by the parish president, police jury, mayor, or chief executive to represent the absentee.” La. R.S. 33:4762 (B); and

WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of September, Parish President Michael S. Yenni, through his appointed designee, appointed Sophia Rosado, P.O. Box 641887, Kenner, Louisiana 70064 to act as curator to represent the absentee property owners of 513 Jung Boulevard, Marrero, Louisiana 70072, Lot 12Z, Ames Farm Homestead Subdivision, Mack Stokes, Jr., Shelia Sanders, Susan Childs, Anothony Stokes, Rene Stokes, Cedric Stokes, Kenyatta Allen and Mack Stokes, IV, in the Jefferson Parish Council Condemnation hearing which was scheduled for November 2, 2016 at 10 a.m. in the Eastbank Council Chambers, Joseph S. Yenni Building, 1221 Elmwood Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Jefferson, Louisiana, 70123; and

WHEREAS, the attorney appointed to represent the absentee shall be paid a reasonable fee to be taxed as cost in accordance with La. R.S. 33:4767 and in the amount of $1, 254.57 as is reflected by the attached invoice.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Jefferson Parish Council of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said Parish:

SECTION 1: That approval is hereby given to pay an invoice to Sophia Rosado, P.O. Box 641887, Kenner, Louisiana 70064 for acting as a curator in accordance with La. R.S. 33:4762 (B) to represent the absentee property owners of 513 Jung Boulevard, Marrero, Louisiana 70072, Lot 12Z, Ames Farm Homestead Subdivision, Mack Stokes, Jr., Shelia Sanders, Susan Childs, Anothony Stokes, Rene Stokes, Cedric Stokes, Kenyatta Allen and Mack Stokes, IV,.

SECTION 2: That the fee shall be in accordance with the Louisiana Attorney General’s fee schedule, not to exceed $500.00, and shall be substantiated by an itemized invoice detailing the fees and expenses as is reflected by the attached invoice which reflects the curator fee as $500.00 and the remaining amount due is for expenses.

SECTION 3: That the fee is to be charged to account no. 10010-0110-021-7331 and is to be in the amount of $1,254.57.

SECTION 4: That the fee is to be taxed as a cost in accordance with La. R.S. 33:4767 and shall be returned to the account number referenced in Section 3 once recouped.

SECTION 5: That the Chairman of the Council, or in his absence, the Vice-Chairman is hereby authorized to execute any documents required to give effect to this resolution.

The resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:


The resolution was declared to be adopted this the 22nd day of March, 2017.