Minutes of the Governing Body meeting held on Wednesday 14th December 2016
At The City Academy, Hackney
Governors Present / Ms Catherine / McGuinness / Sponsor Governor (CoLC) – ChairMr Nigel / Challis / Sponsor Governor (CoLC)
Ms Dawn / Elliott / Sponsor Governor (KPMG)
Mr Mark / Malcolm / Acting Principal
Ms Rita / Krishna / Co-opted Governor
Ms Sheila / Scales / Co-opted Governor
Dr Stephen / Webster / Parent Governor
Ms Amanda / Brown / Sponsor Governor (KPMG)
Mr Tamas / Kiss / Staff Governor
Ms Anuja / Dhir / Sponsor Governor (CoLC)
Mr Joshua / White / Sponsor Governor (KPMG)
In Attendance / Mr Olu / Alalade / Vice Principal (Resources)
Mr Prince / Gennuh / Acting Vice Principal (Achievement)
Mr Preet / Singh / Acting Vice Principal (Teaching and Engagement)
Ms Holly / Arles / Vice Principal
Clerk / Mr Oskar Schortz Hackney Learning Trust
Abbreviations / TCAH (The City Academy, Hackney); CoLC (City of London Corporation); KPMG
SIP (School Improvement Partner)
Catherine McGuinness in the Chair
Meeting opened at 6pm
Part 1: Non-Confidential – Main Business
1. Recruitment of Principal
See confidential minutes
2. Governing Body Organisation
2.1 Apologies and Consent for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Anne Fairweather, Anntoinette Bramble and Anant Suchak.
2.2 Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda
It was noted that Sheila Scales, Rita Krishna and Mark Malcolm were members of the Interim Governing Body of the City of London Academy Shoreditch Park.
2.3 Effectiveness review/Skills audit
Dawn Elliott asked governors to complete the questionnaires and noted that the results of the skills audit and effectiveness review would be collated and disseminated to governors.
2.4 Review membership of the governing body
It was noted that Dawn Larter-Evans had stood down due to unexpected responsibilities in her new role.
The Chair noted that Katie Dowbiggen had taken a two-year sabbatical from the governing body, which had been agreed by governors at commencement. This would finish at the end of the current academic year. Governors reconfirmed their approval for her return.
The governors were reminded by the Chair that she was only serving as Chair for a year and would be standing down as both Chair and a governor at the end of the academic year.
Governors reviewed the Governor Membership list with associated roles and responsibilities.
Governors agreed the following changes to Link Governor roles:
· Joshua White to be Business/ICT, Library, and Career link governor.
· Anne Fairweather to be History/Geography/Humanities Link governor.
· Sophie Conway to be Art and Engagement link governor.
· Rita Krishna to be RE/Sociology and Safeguarding Link governor.
· Dawn Elliott to be PSCHE link governor.
· Sheila Scales to be SEN link governor.
ACTION: Clerk to update Link Governor roles.
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting and Action Taken (if any)
3.1 To Agree the Minutes of the last Meeting held on 13th July 2016
The minutes of the last meeting held on the 13th July 2016 were approved as an accurate record of the meeting subject to the following amendments:
· Joshua White and Dawn Larter-Evans joined the Governing Body as KPMG sponsor governors.
· Joshua White joined the Curriculum Committee.
3.2 Matters arising from the Minutes of the last meeting not included on the agenda
None were raised.
3.3 Urgent Action Taken Since the Last Meeting (Chair to Report)
See confidential minutes.
4. Report of the Acting Principal
The Acting Principal presented governors with the School Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) which was circulated in advance of the meeting.
· He noted that presentation to governors at the meeting marked stage 9 of a 12 stage process. Governors had participated in the evaluation at stage 5 during Governors’ Analysis day.
· He advised governors that the current data is based on the end of October, and that the data would become more accurate over the course of the year.
Mr Malcolm updated governors with information for the current academic year’s budget.
· KPMG have provided assistance to ensure effective budget monitoring and oversight.
· The School is choosing not to replace all the staff that are due to leave after the 2016 Autumn term.
· The School plans to undertake the Zero-based budgeting method for the following year budget.
Governors discussed the renewal of Investors in People status.
ACTION: School to have a review of whether staff are in favour of renewing Investors in People status.
Mr Malcom informed governors that lesson observations show more good and outstanding teaching in lessons. Support is in place for those teachers who are not performing well.
Q: A governor asked about teachers who teach outside their subject area.
A: Departments plan lessons and these are stored on the system. Cover teachers can draw on these lesson plans. Every teacher can effectively teach two subjects as they are trained to teach PSCHE).
Mr Malcolm reported on recent outcomes from the student council relating to student reflection time at the end of lessons, formalising queries on detentions and student participation on effort grades.
ACTION: Student Council to present at next FGB meeting.
5. School Performance Data update
The Acting Principal included an update on school performance data in his report.
6. Reports of Committees and Link Governors
6.1 Curriculum Committee Update
Curriculum Committee minutes were circulated to governors in advance of the meeting. No comments were raised.
6.2 Resources Committee Update
Resources Committee minutes were circulated to governors in advance of the meeting. No comments were raised.
6.3 Audit Committee Update
No comments were raised for this agenda item.
6.4 Strategy and Policy Committee Update
No comments were raised for this item.
6.5 Responsible Officer Update
No comments were raised for this item.
6.6 Link Governor Reports
No Comments were raised for this item.
7. Finance/School Budget Update
Governors reviewed the Draft Annual Report and Financial statements and Post Audit management report for the year ending 31 August 2016.
See confidential minutes.
The Chair signed the Letter of audit representations at the end of the meeting.
AGREED: Governors agreed the Annual Report and Financial statements as an accurate record.
8. Relationship with City of London Academies Trust/Shoreditch Park
See confidential minutes
9. Letter from Lord Nash to Academy Chairs
Governors noted the recent letter on financial probity from Lord Nash to academies.
11. Policies and Procedures
No comments were made on the updated policies.
ACTION: All governors to read Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance.
12. Governor Training
Governors discussed training for new governors and the importance of inductions.
13. Future Agenda Items
No future agenda items were raised.
14. Dates of future Governing Board meetings.
It was noted that the school would circulate future meeting dates.
15. Urgent Business
The School presented governors with four risk assessments for school trips.
AGREED: Governors agreed the risk assessments as appropriate.
The Governors thanked Holly Arles for her hard work and commitment to the School and wished her success in her future role.
Meeting closed at 8.41pm
(Signed)…………………………………………….(Chair of Governors)……………………………………(Date)
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