Good job completing second Nephi! (It's the second longest book!) Continue on with your reading in Jacob while you work on this task. Nephi taught his people (and us) many things. Complete the puzzle below to figure out what one of his important teachings was.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1)Jacob tells us to cheer up our hearts because we are free, we may ______the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life. Use 5th letter. (2 Ne 10:23)

2)How many witnesses would testify of the Book of Mormon? Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 27:12)

3)Why does Nephi work so hard to write the scriptures? (To ______his children to believe in Christ.) Use 5th letter. (2 Ne 25:23)

4)The Lord does not work in ______. Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 26:23)

5)Ancient city where Jews were taken captive. It represents the wicked of the world which in the last days will be destroyed. Use 4th letter. (2 Ne 25:15 also 2 Ne 23:19)

6)The Lord shall set up an ______to which the faithful will gather. Use 3rd letter. (2 Ne 21:12)

7)Who is the Book of Mormon really about? Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 25:26)

8)Lehi exhorts his sons to put on the armor of ______. Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 1:23)

9)Nephi said his soul delights in the words of what prophet? Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 25:5)

10)Lehi said they had obtained a land of ______. Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 1:5)

11)Isaiah warns that in the last days there would be those that would call evil good and good evil and put darkness for ______and ______for darkness. Use 5th letter. (2 Ne 15:20)

12)The house of Israel that Christ was born into and that crucified him and was thus punished and scattered. Use 2nd letter. (2 Ne 13:1 and 2 Ne 13:8)

13)In the last days, the proud will ______the poor. Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 28:13)

14)Who first partook of the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden? Use 1st letter. (2 Ne 2:18)

15)The message of the Book of Mormon was meant for you because you are a remnant of the House of ______. Use 2nd letter. (2 Ne 28:2)

In order to apply this principle in your life, complete the task below. It is written in invisible ink. To reveal your task, cover with another piece of paper and iron with a hot iron (make sure you tell your parent and have him or her help if necessary). After the week is over, discuss what you did with a parent and have him or her sign below. Then bring this back to primary to receive your first gems.

Parent Signature:______