Pupil Premium Grant Summary Report 2016 / 17

Centre: Interim

Number of pupils on role and PPG received
Total number of pupils on roll / 117
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 45
Total amount of PPG received for current pupils. / £935 per pupil (£450 for late starters), £500 year 7 catch up, £1200 for LAC pupils (£600 for late starters).
Total amount of PPG / £41,120
Record of PPG spending by item / project
Item / project / Total Cost / Objective / Outcome.
Lego therapy / £420 / To improve Positive communication skills. / 25% reduction in the negative incidents recorded.
Literacy Support / £7,420 / To improve reading and spelling age / Most centres demonstrate an improvement in reading and spelling ages.
Numeracy Support / £425 / To improve mathematical ability to ensure progress is better than Colleges expected levels. / 100% of pupils made the expected levels of progress.
1:1 mentoring / £1,975 / To improve behaviour and attainment scores in lessons. / Behaviour scores increased to an average of 3.1 and attainment increased to an average of 3.4.
Keep out! Crime reduction programme. / £650 / To reduce the number of incidents of criminality or anti-social behaviour. / There has been a reduction of incidents in 100% of the cohort. Long term data to raise further successes.
Breakaway Project / £600 / To demonstrate a reduction in the incidents of criminality and anti-social behaviour. / There has been a reduction of incidents in 100% of the cohort.
Specialist counselling / £600 / To improve attendance, behaviour and attainment scores. / Attendance increased from 68.1% to 78.6%. Attainment and behaviour scores increased by almost 30%.
Specialist cognitive assessments. / £300 / To identify and address any underlying needs. / 100% of pupil needs identified.
Path Hill Outdoors / £2500 / To improve attendance and engagement to lessons. / No significant improvement.
Home Tuition / £756 / To improve achievement in Maths and English / Qualifications gained: Entry 3 in Maths and English
Act2improve personal development programme / £5,940 / To deliver personal development programmes to targeted individuals, to support them in making correct choices and further support academic progress / Increased attendance and engagement.
Improved resilience.
Increased use of the Family Support Worker / £1,200 / Targeting hard to reach families, particularly those from BAME backgrounds, to increase attendance, punctuality and family involvement. / Very positive. Able to target some very challenging families and engage the young people in school.
Extended Vocational Offer / £4,800 / To increase engagement for learners and overall success rates by providing a bespoke vocational offer over and above the standard school offer. / Excellent provision and engagement in offer. Increased college placements for those involved.
Halo’s Farm Personal Development Courses / £3,000 / To increase the personal communication and development skills of individuals who find social engagement difficult, thus enabling them to work with others. / The learner who participated was able to re-engage into school for increasing periods of time.
Additional Work Placement and progression planning support (including jobs fairs) / £1,300 / To target harder to reach YP to support their transition into EET. To provide further support for realistic choices about apprenticeships, college courses and employment. / Successful. The destination of students who are PP is greater than those without the additional support. (data?)
Additional transport costs for morning minibus and those not entitled to home school transport / £900 / To improve attendance and punctuality and reduce the number of students who are persistently late. / Attendance and punctuality improved. Access to examinations and personalised learning improved.
Exam support and additional preparation / £2,720 / To further support students through the mock exam and exam periods through lifts to exams, and bespoke exam preparation sessions / Good. The majority of students were able to show an increased capacity to cope with exam stress between the mock and actual exams.
Girls’ group / £500 / To provide a safe and relaxed space for girls to be able to discuss issues that concerned them, and to support conflict resolution, thus improving access to learning / Some success. Girls on the whole were able to access this, not all issues were resolved.
Wifi connected tablets for classroom activities / £500 / To increase access to the internet and promote independent learning. / Good. Students have set up their own learning schedule and supported this through their independent work.
Personal Development visits / £10 / To provide a range of activities that promote healthy lifestyles, personal interaction, celebrating success and teamwork / Good results. Through challenging activities the students worked much more co-operatively and were able to develop the problem solving skills.
PiXL celebrations / £150 / To celebrate the success of our hardest working students through a PiXL event in Central London / An excellent motivational activity for the student and his family
Offsite delivery / £400 / To ensure continuity of high quality education through 1:1 support provided in the community, when accessing school is not possible. / Limited success due to ongoing issues around attendance and demotivation.
Pastoral intervention and home visit / £150 / To target hard to reach students with additional support and home visits / Improved attendance and parental engagement in YP’s learning
After school programme by subject teachers / £2,520 / To enhance rates of progress for pupils failing to engage successfully with the mainstream curriculum offer
To provide additional academic support to learners
To improve grades in both Maths and English / Overall, those receiving PP made equivalent progress as those on non - pupil premium particularly in core subjects – English/maths
Addition support from the Moving on Coordinator. / £3,411.06 / To improve further education/job opportunities for learners / 79% of learners have taken up a college place
Educational trips / £420 / To enhance the personal development of pupils
To raise self esteem
To improve grades in GCSE subjects / Learners made progress in their academic studies
Raised self esteem
Resources/revision guides for Maths / £280 / To provide additional academic support in core subjects
To use resources to support learning in Maths (Higher paper) / Learners on higher tier made more than expected progress in both Maths and English
Attendance Plan –mentoring support / £1,740 / To improve attendance and reduce the number of pupils who are persistently late
To use mentors to support learners improving their attendance / Some learners improved their attendance which impacted on academic progress and achievement
Additional 1:1 support from Adviza / £4,200 / To provide support from the College for targeted pupil ensuring increase motivation to learn with improved outcomes / Improved outcomes which has impacted on learners
moving on to college/apprenticeship
Communicate Programme / £1,125 / To improve literacy across all subject areas / Improved outcomes in GCSE subjects particularly in English
Performance of pupils eligible for FSM or LAC for at least 6 months
% of pupils receiving PPG who achieved greater level of progress than those not eligible / 57.7%
% of pupils receiving PPG who achieved their target / 48.9%
Total PPG received / £41,120
Total PPG expenditure / £52,952
PPG remaining. / £-11,832