July 12, 2011 / 7:30 AMWNYHCA
President: Jennifer Dunn / xPres-Elect: Kristen Chapman / x
Secretary: Jeffrey Jacobs / x
Treasurer: Rachel Davis / x
Class of 2013: / Class of 2012:Deborah Cudzilo / E. Paul Hettich / x
Christopher Eckert / Bruce Liebel / x
Peggy McDonough / Mary Mahaney / x
Robin Walters / Suzanne Roccisano / x
Membership: / Mary Mahaney / xChristopher Eckert
Patient Financial Svcs: / Katherine Tomasulo / x
John Galley
Reimbursement: / Paul Sweet / x
Russell Previte
Patient Access: / Peggy McDonough
Danette Szafranski
Davis Chapter Mgt.: / Kristin Anderson / x
Social Events: / Bruce Liebel
Mary Ann Miccichi / x
Founders: / Susan Dybas
Sponsorship: / Larry Nowak
Deborah Cudzilo
Educational / Kristen Chapman / x
Jill Schaefer
Chargemaster: / Robin Walters
Kelva Senuta
Newsletter: / Suzanne Roccisano
Loralee Voelker
Certification: / Robert Levesque / x
Jeffrey Jacobs / x
Past Presidents / Bruce Liebel / x
Christine Blidy, Past President was also in attendance.
X Indicates Present
February 2011 minutes were approved by the board.
June 2011 minutes were approved by the board.
President’s Report:
Several members from the Western New York Chapter were able to attend this year’s ANI in Orlando, FL.
Christine Blidy spoke about the awards the Chapter received at ANI.
A Gold award for membership was presented to Mary Mahaney and Kristen Chapman
A Gold award for education went to Jill Schaefer
A Yearger award recognizing Bruce Liebel’s collaborative work with other Chapters for the Region II Institute.
A Yearger award for the collaboration of several Region II chapters for the development of Webinars was earned by Jennifer Dunn
Jill Schaefer and John Galley received their Silver awards
Chapter Balanced Scorecard (CBSC)
The 2011 and 2012 goals and weights are attached as a PDF document.
The Chapter Presidents voted to increase the threshold for education to 14.2 hours per member or .5% growth.
President Elect Report
Kristen Chapman reported that the 2012 Fall President’s meeting will be in Savannah, GA in August 2012.
Treasurer Report:
Review and Approval of June Financial Statements
- Rachel Davis presented the June Financial statements. She stated June is incomplete at this time because not all of the receipts have been turned in for the Mini LTC.
- There is no income yet for the year.
- There was an issue in 2011 with a $1,000 sponsorship from 1stNiagara that was mean for Region II and not the WNY Chapter. The money was returned.
- The 2011 financial statements have to be reviewed by August 1, 2011. Jill Schaefer was slated to do the review, but Daria Shanchuk may do the review in her absence.
- Conflict of Interest statements are still outstanding for:
- Suzanne Roccisano
- Deborah Cudzilo
- Christopher Eckert
Committee reports:
Education Report
Kristen Chapman stated there are some upcoming education opportunities that will be going out soon.
Also, if anyone has a topic of interest, please send it in.
Kristen also suggested using to send surveys to membership for their feedback on educational offerings.
Paul Sweet mentioned that an education session on Value Based Purchasing is in the works.
Kristen spoke about the need for an ethics course, which would meet the CPE requirements for CPAs. A webinar is a possible format. Jennifer Dunn suggested partnering with another entity like Lumsden and McCormick or the Rochester Chapter.
Robert Levesque reported that a survey was sent out to the eight members who have licenses for the exam prep. Four have been returned to date.
Justin Reid passed the exam in April. Christine Blidy suggested inviting him to an upcoming coaching session.
The surveys for the coaching sessions indicate a preference for mornings either weekly or biweekly starting in August or September.
Once the details have been finalized, other members will be invited to the sessions.
Christine Blidy stated that Ed Schmidt from the Metro Chapter had also passed the certification exam, and she will reach out to him to see if he will be willing to do a phone conference at a session.
Mary Mahaney said an email blast will be going out to remind members to renew their membership.
Also, there will be an article in the newsletter encouraging members to invest in themselves if their company does not pay for their membership. The article will enumerate the many benefits of membership.
There is a one hour webinar for chapter leaders titled “Lost & Found” pertaining to member retention.
Chapter Membership stats for June were not available, however, at the end of May the count is 189. Two net additional members will be needed to make the membership goal for the CBSC.
There were 15 non-renewals on the last report. After the next list, Mary will go over the list and contact those members.
Newsletter Update
Loralee Voelker through Jennifer Dunn asked that all articles be sent to her private email address, .
The deadline for articles is July 28th.
PFS Update
Katherine Tomasulo reported that at the last meeting there was discussion regarding merging the PFS, Chargemaster, and Patient Access groups, but the idea was nixed. All three groups will meet on the same day – the second Friday of each month, going from 8am to 11am. Also, the groups are taking a summer break for July and August and will resume meeting in September.
Included in the PFS Update.
Patient Access
Included in the PFS Update.
Paul Sweet reported that ICRs have been filed for Western New York providers.
Next will be a wage index survey. The wage index is used in many reimbursement schemes so it is important that all Part A and Part B dollars and hours be properly recorded.
Social Committee
Bruce Liebel stated the current field for the annual golf tournament is 40 and 60 are needed, which should not be a problem.
There are plans for a Miss Buffalo cruise on Friday, August 19thfrom 6 to 7:30. Tamara Dickey from First Source will be sponsoring a goody bag for attending members.
Plans for the 50th Anniversary are proceeding. A list of Past Presidents and former members was distributed. It is estimated that around 250 invitations will be sent in August. The site has capacity for 165 people.
The Board approved the fee structure for the 50th event: $25 for members and $40 for everyone else. Bruce volunteered to put the rates in an article for the newsletter.
Mary Ann Miccichi will get rates for nearby hotels.
Not present.
Jennifer Dunn reported for Susan Dybas that Susan is working on the list.
Davis Chapter Mgt
Kristin Anderson stated that everything in is updated and reminded everyone that any educational workshop counts towards the Chapter’s education hours as long as there is a sign in sheet and an agenda.
Past Presidents Club
Bruce Liebel reported that he is contacting Past Presidents to join the committee. It is envisioned that the committee will act in an advisory capacity. The first meeting will be held in September at Bruce’s residence. Jennifer Dunn also suggested having an early morning breakfast meeting.
Additional Business:
None brought forward.
Next scheduled board meeting is scheduled for August 9th at 7:30 am at WNYHCA.
Meeting Adjourned
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeffrey Jacobs,