Forest Street School

School Management Team Agenda/Minutes


Present: Ms. Cooke, Dr. Young, Mr. Canares, Mr. Nelken, Ms. Stokes, Ms. Hunter, Ms. Worth, Ms. Pioppi, Ms. Peters, Ms. Rivera

Not Present: Ms. Walker, Ms. Mesidor

1. Acceptance of last month’s minutes.

(Monitoring the election process, roles and responsibilities, setting of meeting dates, minutes distribution)

2. School Improvement Plan/Title I Plan Activity Progress: Person/People Reporting______

(Facilitation of the School Improvement Plan/monitoring, assessing, and amending the plan)

Goal # / Activity Description / Person/People Responsible / Status (Not yet begun, In progress, Completed) / Evidence/Data of Status
(What and where housed) / Justification for revisions, if any
1: Parental Involvement / Issue: Lack of parental involvement.
Restructure of parent-teacher conferences
Raffling as an incentive
Dress down days to raise money. / Ms. Cooke, Teachers / In progress / Attendance, Parent sign in sheets / Parents are not showing up to conferences.

3. Committee Reports: Person/People Reporting:______

(Data Collection/minutes from committees)

Committee / Date of last mtng. / Achievement Data / Demographic Data / Program Data / Perception Data
Data Team (assessment, attendance, student conduct) / 3/5/2014 / Benchmarks & checkpoints, report cards / Attendance by gender / Benchmarks, checkpoints, report cards, SRI reports, SMI
ScIP (mentoring, professional development) / 3/5/2014 / Professional development of new teachers / N/A / General Ed population, Special Ed population, ELL population / 20 week state document
I&RS (trends, interventions) / 3/5/2014 / Teacher feedback, action plan, report cards, follow up / General education / Benchmarks, all classroom assessments
CPT (student achievement data, best practices) / Weekly / Benchmarks, checkpoints, instructional strategies / All students / Read180, Math180, Rosetta Stone
School Safety Team (positive school climate, HIB reports) / Mandated drills, GCN Training / All staff and students / surveys

4. Parent Involvement: Person/People Reporting: ______

(Meets the needs of students and families/facilitates the development of, monitors and assesses procedures, programs, and goals that enhance achievement/builds capacity for parents and students’ concerns)

Committee / Date of last mtng. / Attendance Data / Program Data / Perception Data / Planned Activities
School climate / 2/12/2014 / Sign-in sheet / Family counseling curriculum / Personal interviews, survey / Strengthening Family, Career Day, Movie night, Walk to school program, Green Eggs Breakfast

5. Community Involvement: Person/People Reporting: ______

(Develops and monitors procedures for the facilitation of communication throughout the professional community)

Committee / Date of last mtng. / Attendance Data / Program Data / Perception Data / Planned Activities
School Climate / 2/12/2014 / Sign-in sheet, purchasing of tickets / Family counseling curriculum / Individual interview / ESPYs, Strengthening Family, Career Day, Movie Night, Walk to school program

6. New Concerns not addressed above

(Effective teaching practices, adequate resources, partnerships)

Description of the Problem / Activity(ies) to address the problem / Person/People Responsible / Timeline / Evidence/Data of Status
(What and where housed)
PARCC / Availability of Technology / Budgeted for Chromebooks / Ms. Cooke, Mr. Veloz / 2014-2015 / Budget, Purchase order
Not meeting special education mandates due to limited personnel issues / Requested in budget / Ms. Cooke / 2014-2015 / Budget
Transforming technology lab to 2nd grade classroom / Allocated money to open class / Ms. Cooke / 2014-2015 / Budget

Additional Items: (to be discussed only after the above agenda items have been completed)

 Reggie Miller has agreed to be a guest speaker. Kassan Messiah said he will create a thank you video. His mother will accept the award.
 All scripts are written.

 Flyers will be going out today. Tickets are ready to be printed and distributed.

 Centerpieces will be pictures of different types of sports.
 There will be a Ms. Espy to present the awards (Diana Mendoza and Abygail Mettellus)

It will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2014.

New Project Achieve:
For next year, structure will still be the same for project achieve; however, it will be held from Monday - Thursday.
 Mr. Canares will run a Forest Street periodical every Marking Period. Four components: School, Community, District, World. Bruntz will be working with robotics and engineering.
 Other teachers will be working with their own kids. Fridays will have specials (Drama, Media, Art, etc).
 Resource and ESL will take place four days. Staff will split the days.
 We were able to save more money due to this change in schedule.